Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 261: Let's go to the universe to play!

  Chapter 261 Let's go to the universe to play!

  Chicago, Kahn Estate.

  While the entire United States and most parts of Europe are vigorously carrying out unprecedented large-scale anti-crime operations, Josie is at home leisurely, accompanying his wife in fierce battles.

  Hmm...the battle here has no other meaning, but a real exchange of force.

  Margot blasted Josie with a force of thousands of kilograms with each punch, but Josie didn't fight back, but passively blocked and defended with both arms.

  Besides, there were three children of different ages applauding Margot, as if they hoped that their mother would beat up their father severely.

  Of course, this is not a real fight between the two because of a conflict, it is actually just an actual combat teaching between Josie and Margot.

  Early before getting married, with the changes that occurred after drinking the Fountain of Youth, Margot actually understood that she had begun to break away from the category of ordinary people.

At the same time, as the bedside person, Margot is not deaf or blind. Over the years, she has been familiar with the situation around Josie. Even if she doesn't participate, she knows that her husband already has the strength to surpass the world—after all, alone The moon city is already beyond the imagination of the world.

  Under this environment, it is naturally impossible for Margot not to be interested in the Transcendent Domain.

  Especially when she made a best friend like Peggy Carter and often listened to Carter tell her adventures, Margot looked forward to the Transcendent Domain even more.

   It's just that I had to take care of three children a few years ago, and my desire in this regard was not strong.

But in the past two years, the three children have gradually grown up—the eldest son Mike and daughter Carol are both eleven years old, and the youngest son Ben is now six years old. There is also a family headed by Francesca. With so many servants, Margot didn't need to spend too much thought at all.

  Under such circumstances, Margot also began her pursuit of extraordinary power.

   Of course, Josie is very happy to let his wife have more power.

  And as the person closest to him in this world, Josie's power to Margot must not be too bad.

   Genetic medicine and other things will definitely not be on the table.

   At this stage, the best source of power is naturally the same as Josie, the blessing from the super thigh Tiamat.

Moreover, Josie felt that trouble was troublesome once. Half a year ago, he took his wife and children directly to Fuerteventura Island, which has been listed as the "sacred place" of the Ouroboros organization, and met with him. Yamat.

   Facing Josie, the envoy he had chosen, Tiamat generously blessed Margot and the three children.

   After receiving the blessing, Margot, although there is still a huge gap in strength compared to Josie, who is hanging on the wall, but according to Asgard's standards, she can be called a god.

   At least it’s no worse than Sif and the like.

  Peggy Carter, who was once admired by Margot, was crushed even more—of course, under Josie's reminder, Margot naturally would not reveal this secret to her girlfriends.

  The only difference is that apart from having a whole body of strength, Margot, who has just been blessed, still doesn't know any fighting skills.

However, after half a year of Josie's personal teaching, apart from not having experienced actual combat, Margot is now a qualified fighter. her.

   And it cannot be said that he has never experienced actual combat at all.

  In order to exercise his wife's courage, Josie purposely built a Colosseum in Silvermoon City—the former Attilan.

Attilan is a name given by a different person. Josie doesn't like this name, because there are a few more high elves under his command, and the city is originally on the moon, so five years ago, Josie simply named Attilan Lan changed its name to Silvermoon City.

   Even for the further PUA of several high elves, it is quite in line with the artistic conception.

In the Colosseum of Silvermoon City, Margot completed her first kill and Hundred Dragon Slash—more than a hundred ferocious carnivorous dinosaurs died under her sword, so apart from never killing anyone, Margot Te also saw a lot of blood.

In contrast, the situation of the three children has not changed much, and this is what Josie specifically requested when he bestowed the blessing on Tiamat. After all, the children's minds are not yet fully mature, and they have mastered too strong Power can easily cause trouble.

  So the power of the three children will not be officially awakened until they are eighteen years old.

   "Phew, stop hitting, it's boring!" After another blow that failed, Margot stopped attacking and said a little discouraged.

   "How can you say it's boring? Your skills in all aspects are much better than before, and it's also very difficult for me to cope with it!" Josie smiled and comforted his wife in his arms.

   "Come on, I'm not a fool, you obviously didn't use much effort!" Margot rolled her eyes and said in a bad mood while feeling her husband's warm embrace.

  Although she possessed extraordinary power and met her expectations, Margot now began to face another problem.

   That is useless.

   There are many extraordinary people on Earth now, but 99% of them are under Josie's hands.

  You let these people compete with Margot, not to mention whether they can beat the fight, but no one dares to do anything to the wife of the big boss.

  The only Josie who dared to do anything, was fooled in various ways. After all, Josie's power level was much higher than Margot's. He loved his wife because he was afraid of hurting Margot.

  As for outsiders, such as Peggy Carter, it is also inconvenient to do it because of the need to keep it secret.

   It’s quite helpless.

   As for dinosaurs and beasts, Margot is also tired of killing them.

  My wife is unhappy, Josie must find a way to coax her.

   "How about Margot, let's go to the universe to play!" Josie looked at his wife's younger than before under the nourishment of divine power, and said after thinking.

  In the final analysis, everything that is useless is imaginary. In fact, some of the current life is a little bit boring.

  Because of mastering the technology of countless generations beyond the era, basically their family has played all over the earth.

   Even areas in the solar system such as Saturn's ring belt are not unheard of.

   It's just that Josie didn't want to go further because the child was still too young and because of safety issues.

   But's time.

   "To the universe?" Hearing Josie's words, Margo's heart was moved instantly.

   But Josie's next sentence made her a little confused.

   "Yes, go to the universe, and just the two of us!" Josie whispered into Margo's ear and said.

  At this time, the three children on the sidelines were still curious about what their parents were whispering, completely unaware of the fate of the three of them being "abandoned".

  (end of this chapter)

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