Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 295: Prelude to the Essence of Blackwater

  Chapter 295 Prelude to the Essence of Blackwater

"It's really interesting. It just so happens that I have initially completed the migration of humans on Earth, and now there are only a few rebels left on Earth. You can try this thing and see if it can rub against Tiberium ore. What kind of sparks will come out, or a new generation will be created!" Yuri said with great interest as he looked at the genetic stock solution that Josie had just traded and some related experimental data.

   After knowing the true meaning of the "Black Water" gene stock solution through Vickers, Josie will naturally not forget Yuri, an old friend.

   "But precautions must be taken, because this thing is just an imperfect copy after all, and it is easy to evolve into dangerous and uncontrollable extreme creatures like aliens!" Josie reminded.

  After translating and organizing all the spaceships left by the engineer and the materials left in the building, Josie now really understands what black water is.

  It is a reproduction of the blood of "Deacon".

  The deacon here does not refer to the alien deacon that appeared last in the movie.

  The real deacon is an awe-inspiring creature accidentally discovered by engineers in their long civilization.

  The appearance of this creature is basically the same as that of the deacon, but its actual size is as huge as a mountain.

   After observation and research by engineers, it was discovered that this magical creature has the ability to easily destroy the ecology of a planet and reshape the entire ecology.

  Its blood has the ability to decompose organisms and recombine them at the genetic level.

  So the engineers named this creature a deacon with religious overtones—the implication is that it can help the gods to transform the world.

  The engineer civilization at that time was also facing a dilemma.

   That is, although they have developed a very powerful civilization and have an extremely long lifespan—about 30,000 years.

  But for some reason, their ability to reproduce has problems.

   And in the deacon, they saw the hope of the continuation of their race.

  So they worshiped this creature as a belief—this is the origin of the murals in the engineer base.

  So those painted on the murals are actually not aliens, but the original deacon.

   It's just an obvious problem, that is, such a powerful creature is obviously very difficult to control, and this powerful creature has extremely high intelligence, so it doesn't want to become an experiment for engineers.

  So there was a fierce conflict between the two sides, and finally the engineers had no choice but to kill the deacon and collect its blood.

   Then use its blood, combine with its own genes, and start spreading genes all over the universe, trying to create life like itself.

   Human beings were born in this process.

  That is the scene at the beginning of the movie, the "victim" drank the deacon's blood and turned into a seed of life.

  In the deleted script of the movie, when the protagonist and his party found the dead body of the engineer, David translated the text on the gate, which was a motto.

   "Our Lord was born from the body of the Chosen One, and His holy blood is our salvation, and through our body will sow new life in other worlds"

   describes this process.

   But the deacon's blood is limited, so it is very precious.

  In the uncut film version, it doesn't start with just an engineer, but a whole sacrificial ritual.

  The dialogue between several engineers also showed the preciousness of the deacon's blood.

  Josie had seen the version in his previous life, and it had been cut down a lot, so he didn't know this at first.

  The blood of a real deacon is dark gold, not pure black like ordinary black water.

   Only the blood of the real deacon can achieve the ability to completely recombine genes, instead of alienating into aliens.

  Then what about the black water?

  The answer is the replica produced by genetic technology.

  And in the process of replicating, the engineers directly programmed their racial genes into it.

  In this way, when they create life in the future, they don't need to sacrifice their own people to integrate genes.

   It was also when engineers produced black water in large quantities that human beings were born.

   It's just obvious that although the genes are the same, humans are not the species that the engineers expected to be born.

  So regarding the disposal of humans, the engineers are also divided into two factions.

  One group believes that it should be preserved, while the other group believes that human beings should be destroyed.

  Reservationists have visited the earth several times in the past thousands of years, trying to teach humans.

  The various related relics discovered by the protagonist and his party are left by these reservationists.

   Even the Reservists took a baby boy off the face of the earth, educated him, and tried to make him guide the development of mankind.

   It’s just that this baby boy was crucified by other humans not long after he returned to the earth—no one needs to say this clearly.

   But apparently, the reservations ultimately failed.

  The will of the destruction faction has taken the lead. They are going to throw black water and completely wipe out human beings and the creatures on the earth in order to recreate new species that conform to their will.

   It's just that this plan has not had time to be implemented, and a leak occurred during the loading of black water.

  A large number of engineers were infected by the black water.

  And the black water they reproduced is not as stable as the blood of the deacon's original body.

So just like the infected in the movie, some directly mutated, some began to gradually decompose like the male protagonist, and some began to evolve into aliens—in the previous period of time, with the help of a large number of Josie dispatched Robot legion's deep exploration of the entire planet, Vickers found those aliens dormant deep underground.

  But they are just ordinary aliens, without deacons and queens.

  The entire planet is cool except for an engineer who escaped into the dormant compartment of the spacecraft in time.

  In addition, in the system data of the engineer civilization, although Vickers did not find the home planet of the engineer, he found another planet besides the earth where the engineer created life.

  This planet is named LV-426 in the number of the human world of Prometheus.

  And the humanoid species born on this planet are the species that are really seen by the engineer civilization.

  That's right, this planet is exactly the one destroyed by David in the movie sequel, Alien Contract.

It’s no wonder that when Josie was watching a movie in her previous life, she felt that in the movie when David arrived at the planet in a spaceship, although the life on that planet looked similar to an engineer, it seemed a bit too backward up.

  And when they saw the engineer spaceship descending, their behavior and expression did not look like welcoming their compatriots at all, but as if they were on a pilgrimage.

  If that is not the home planet of the engineer, but just like the earth, it is just a life created by the engineer based on his own blueprint, then everything makes sense.

   "Don't worry, I will be careful. If the earth is destroyed once, I won't let it be easily destroyed a second time!" Facing Josie's exhortation, Yuri nodded and said.

  After finishing the call with Yuri, Josie no longer provided black water to other trading partners.

Mainly in Josie's view, except for Yuri, a super scientific researcher, it is quite difficult for traders from other planes to control this thing. He gets along well with these traders now, but I don't want to lose staff because of this kind of thing.

   Of course, not all transaction partners have this ability.

  For example, Anakin in the Star Wars world and Starscream in the Transformers world still have room for manipulation.

  The former is technologically advanced enough, and it also has a force with great potential, the Force.

  The latter is a mechanical life form, which naturally has some advantages over organic life forms.

   But Anakin is still just a Jedi apprentice now, and many things are inconvenient to do.

As for Starscream... Although this guy has calmed down a lot after getting the leadership module, and is not as tyrannical as before, he is still a hegemonist after all. If the black water falls into his hands, God knows what kind of moths will come out of it .

  So it is enough for Vickers and Yuri to handle the matter of black water, and Josie just waits to share the results.

  After dealing with the matters related to the black water, Josie turned his attention back to his own world.

  After talking with Karl Renner last time, the old guy’s actions can be said to be swift. In less than half a month, he has already won the consent of the Czechoslovakian and Hungarian furry bear forces.

  As long as Austria can provide them with funds and supplies, and send troops to help resist the bear at a critical moment, then they will announce to join the United Kingdom as an autonomous region as soon as they get rid of the bear's control.

   After being confirmed, Josie and the Austrian side also began to discuss the selection of a nuclear explosion test site.

   Regarding this point, the high-level people in Austria are also worried.

No way, Austria is a continental country. Although there are many mountains, they are basically rich and good places. There are basically no deserts and Gobi. ah.

  Because of World War II, there are no overseas colonies, and overseas international relations are also very average, so we can’t follow the example of Britain and France and throw them overseas.

  So it is difficult to find a suitable place for the nuclear bomb test explosion, especially the Ivan Ivan, who has an extremely terrifying yield, so that Mao Xiong and the United States can feel the power of the nuclear bomb without causing real damage.

  Josie really wanted to throw it in Tokyo, but now, let alone Tokyo, there are US military garrisons everywhere from south to north.

   Wouldn’t throwing this away directly declare war with the United States?

  Then it might as well just throw New York.

   Originally, the moon is a good place.

   But in that case, it would be too far away from the earth to achieve the effect of deterrence.

   "Don't worry about it, let's throw the North Pole, airburst!" Finally, Josie stared at the globe for a long time before making a decision.

  The North Pole area is located on the Arctic Ocean. There is no land in this area, and it happens to be surrounded by the subordinate forces of the United States and Mao Xiong.

  The air explosion is carried out here, and the damage caused by the explosion and radiation can be minimized, but the shock wave and electromagnetic wave it produces can just be completely monitored by the United States and Mao Xiong.

   Moreover, it is far enough away from the Austrian mainland. The launch path is the border area between the east and west camps of Germany. The whole process can also be completely observed by the two camps, which can just show the range and accuracy of intercontinental missiles.

   Enough to cause enough deterrence to the whole world.

  Josie didn't believe that after seeing the range and accuracy of ICBMs and the power of Big Ivan, Mao Xiong dared to do it.

  Not to mention the United States, at most since then, it seems to be in harmony with Austria, and it is absolutely impossible to do it.

   Time passed quickly, and it was June in a blink of an eye.

  In the past six months, Mao Xiong has successfully escalated the internal conflicts of Mao Xiong because of Gugulusha's series of anti-bearded campaigns.

  Many franchise countries have begun to show a tendency to turn hairy bears.

  The Western camp headed by the United States seems to have also seen the opportunity from it and began to get involved.

  However, due to the strong military force of Mao Xiong, most of the movements were still buried underground until the first leader appeared.

  The leader is Poland.

  As a well-known European master of rejuvenation, Poland never disappoints.

  So the famous Poznan incident broke out.

   Poznan is an important industrial city in Poland.

  In June 1956, when the 25th Poznan International Fair was held, hundreds of thousands of people rushed to the streets, launched strikes and demonstrations, and triggered armed conflicts.

  Although it was quickly suppressed by the Warsaw authorities, it also aroused public criticism in the Western world.

Mao Xiong in this period obviously did not realize the power of public opinion in the Western camp and the influence of the Poznan incident. In the subsequent processing process, he actually chose to compromise with Poland and withdrew the troops stationed in Poland. Poland has successfully achieved shaved bears.

  However, during this process, one Western country adopted an evasive strategy.

   This country is none other than the United States.

   Now it’s all right. Seeing Mao Xiong’s successful compromise, many countries whose economies have been depressed because of Mao Xiong’s policies immediately began to follow suit and want to get rid of Mao Xiong.

  But at this time, Mao Xiong has realized that something is wrong, and immediately began to tighten his control over the franchise countries.

   But it was too late by this time.

   Soon similar trends broke out in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

  Faced with this situation, Mao Xiong immediately wanted to send troops to suppress it.

   Before the bear army entered the territory of the two countries, Hungary and Czechoslovakia, under the instructions of Josie and Karl Renner, carried out a show operation.

  That is to publicly ask Meiden to seek support from the United States!

  It is of course impossible for the United States in this period to support them.

  Although the pattern of confrontation between the east and west camps has been formed, the United States at this time really does not want to have a film with Mao Xiong, so it has adopted an evasive attitude towards this matter.

Not only did they not provide assistance to the two countries, but in order to express that they did not want to make things difficult for Mao Xiong, they also withdrew the troops originally stationed in the border area between the two countries, that is, the troops stationed in Austria, and issued an order to the Austrian side. the same instruction.

  So the Austrian army and the US army in Austria set off together.

  Just after the departure, the U.S. troops in Austria discovered that the Austrian troops that were originally on their flanks had moved into Czechoslovakia and Hungary.

   And in the rear area of ​​Austria, I don't know when a large number of troops appeared, and they faintly surrounded the U.S. troops who were mobilizing in Austria.

Because after World War II, the US military garrisons in Europe continued to be abolished, and now there are only a few hundred thousand people left, most of them are in Germany, and the garrison in Austria, where there are actually only three divisions left, and most of them are equipped with relatively light equipment Transformed quick reaction force.

   But now the Austrian legions appearing around them have at least two group armies, all of which are heavy legions.

  A lot of the equipment, these U.S. troops stationed in Austria for several years found that they had never seen it at all.

  At the same time, a new type of fighter jet that was completely different from the Phantom 3 that they had often seen in the sky began to roar.

  Austria’s operation made the United States ignorant, Mao Xiong ignorant, and the whole world ignorant.

  (end of this chapter)

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