Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 355: wake up satyr

  Chapter 355 Awakening Sartre

"It's just a small matter. The brainwashing of those night elves has been completed. With their help, I believe it will be easy to find those hidden satyrs. In addition, Taronicus has also gone to Suramar... When the time comes, hehe ~" Under Lady Shadow's red robe, came a hoarse female voice.

  And what she said was exactly the planned second step strategy.

   Launch the satyrs imprisoned by the druids and the night elves of Suramar to attack the night elves.

  Sartre is an elf who was corrupted by demons during the War of the Ancients.

   And Xavius, the elf whose status was second only to Azshara, was the first satyr, and also the **** of all satyrs in later generations!

  Although at the end of the War of the Ancients, Xavius ​​was turned into a tree by the bow and arrow shot by Malfurion with Shandris Feathermoon, suppressing Xavius ​​and falling into the bottom of the sea.

   But the satyr king did not die.

Instead, after being trapped for thousands of years, with the help of N'Zoth, the deepest hidden ancient god, he became the king of nightmares, and successfully invaded the Emerald Dream, creating the Emerald Nightmare, which continued to erode the Emerald Dream .

  However, it is not easy to contact this Nightmare King, since the Burning Legion did not carry out a second invasion and the Satyrs were hiding.

  Even if Josie knew of Sartre's existence, it would be difficult to give Abides too much news.

  But in Valshara, there are indeed a group of satyrs.

   These satyrs were the captives of the druids under the confidants of Xavius ​​in the battle of the ancients.

   According to normal circumstances, no matter how these guys are executed, it is not an exaggeration.

   Malfurion and some druids also think so.

But this proposal was opposed by many druids in the Cenarion Council at that time—because these depraved satyrs were relatives and friends of these night elves, although they hated these guys, they couldn't bear to execute them .

   As a result, these satyrs were placed to sleep under the roots of the first world tree in Valshara, Sharadassil...

   I have to say that in the eyes of Josie and Abides, these druids' operations are quite fascinating...

  But for Abidis now, it is a good thing.

   As long as these satyrs are released and then contacted with the Nightmare Lord, all the night elves in Valsala will be in bad luck.

   As for whether Abidis will be backlashed by the Nightmare King, there is no need to worry at all.

  Gu Yilian has already won C'Thun, so are you afraid that it's just Xavius ​​who is N'Zoth's thug?

  Never mind that N'Zoth is the last ancient **** to appear in Azeroth, he is actually the weakest of all the ancient gods in Azeroth...

  So when Xavius ​​pushed the night elves into a desperate situation, it was basically the time when Gu attacked the Nightmare King and N'Zoth behind him.

   In comparison, Suramar is actually the toughest bone to crack!

   "In that case, please Your Excellency!" Abedis nodded to Mrs. Shadow.

  Madam Shadow bowed slightly in return, and set off with the brainwashed night elves who landed together.

  However, among the night elves who set off, Maiev was nowhere to be seen. The reason was simple. Not long after she was caught, she was traded to Josie by Abides.

   And they set off together, and there was also a mission composed of humans under Abides, and the four divine warriors Bresta were also mixed in.

   In addition to this, there is a tauren mission led by Bain Bloodhoof.

  Although Abidis has his own little Jiujiu.

   But helping the tauren to find their relatives and attracting the tauren from the Gaoling tribe is not a fake.

  After marching for half a day, this mixed force soon reached the range of the Moon God Temple.

  The brainwashed night elves in the team sent out a signal according to their own memory.

   Soon, night elf scouts appeared in the nearby jungle.

   "Who are you?" The captain of the night elf scouts looked at the motley team vigilantly and asked.

"I'm Nasha. We are sent by His Royal Highness Tyrande and Commander Maiev to help these tauren go to Highmountain. I think the high priest in the temple should have received the summons!" one of Lady Shadow's team said. A female night elf stepped forward and showed the token and said.

  Nasa is Maiev's adjutant (the huntress in the Warcraft 3 campaign) and her most trusted subordinate.

   It can be said that among the night elves following the Abydis fleet, besides Maiev, he has the highest status.

"I know about you, but as far as I know, your landing site should be in the northern border area, not the south, and your leader should be Lord Shadowsong!" The night elf scout captain was very excited when he heard Nasha's words. Unexpected, but soon questioned.

"We were attacked by the Naga clan during the voyage. This human fleet was severely damaged, so we had to change our course and land on the southern Misty Island Reef. Maiev also went to Watch Island to dispatch reinforcements, so the token Leave it to me, and I will lead this group of humans and tauren to Highmountain. Of course, to be on the safe side, His Excellency Maiev has ordered that you must send a scout to "escort" them!" Nasha approached the night elf captain and whispered explained.

  Although the current capital of the night elves is Mount Hyjal.

  But in fact, the three major factions of the night elves, the Sentinels (Sisterhood of Elune), the Druids, and the Watchers, are not actually based in Kalimdor, but in the Broken Isles.

   They are the Primordial Moon God Temple where they are now, the World Tree Sharadassil, and the watchmen in the southern part of Azsuna.

   After all, before the continent of Azeroth was broken, the Broken Isles were the center of the elves.

  So Nasha's reason can be said to be very reasonable.

   And this is one of the reasons why Maiev would put down some of the work in hand and follow Abides' fleet to the Broken Isles—this was their base camp.

   And Nasha is not at all worried that her lies will be exposed.

  Because compared to the other two forces, the Overwatch troops are inherently more independent. Apart from Maiev, the supreme leader of the Overwatch, she is the one who has the most contact with the other two forces.

  That's why the main priests of the Moon God Temple in Valshara all know her, and in the absence of Maiev, they basically don't doubt her.

   "I understand, but I have to report the situation to the priest first!" Facing Nasha's explanation, the scout captain replied after a little hesitation.

   "Of course!" Nasha nodded.

   Immediately, the scout captain asked his subordinates to watch Mrs. Shadow and her party, and went back to report the situation here.

  But she went and came back quickly.

He came back after only about half an hour, and brought the order from the priest of the Valshara Moon Temple to let Lady Shadow and her party go, allowing them to pass through the Moon Temple and the night elf town under the supervision of the night elf scouts. Dutara, go to Highmountain.

Under the supervision of the night elf scouts, Lady Shadow and her party seemed to pass through the night elves "safe and sound", except for sighing at the world tree Sharadassil when they passed Andutara. territory.

  However, the night elves headed by Nasha did not follow to Highmountain. Instead, they sent Lady Shadow's team to the border of Valsharah, and then returned to Andutara with the night elves here.

  According to what Nasha told the night elves here, their mission is to send these humans and tauren to the range of Highmountain, and after they return, **** them back the same way.

  The night elf guards here don't have the slightest doubt about Nasha's fellow clansmen.

  At this time, the night elves may seem to be very vigilant and repulsive towards foreigners, but they are extremely wary of their own people.

  Especially Nasha is Maiev's trusted adjutant, and many high-ranking night elves who have been stationed in Val'shara all the year round are very familiar with her.

So under the leadership of Nasha, these night elves who have actually been brainwashed by Madam Shadow can easily move freely in Valsharah, and enter the town under the Sharadassil tree without any effort. you.

"This is Sharadassil. Those satyrs are buried in the Sharanier cave behind the town. It is easy for us to go to the outside of the cave, but we cannot enter the cave without the order of the archdruid. !” Under the tree, Nasha pretended to be praying to Sharadassil, but she was actually talking to her own shadow—to be exact, the Lady Shadow hidden in her shadow.

"It's all trivial, you just need to bring me nearby and explain the druid guards there! As long as there is a shadow to guard against, there is nothing I can't get in!" Nasha's shadow quickly passed Came the hoarse voice of Lady Shadow.

  The reason why Mrs. Shadow took the name of Shadow is to a large extent because she is extremely good at manipulating shadows.

  Although her strength is not as good as that of Ancient One, she is not necessarily as strong as Malfurion.

   "I understand!" Nasha replied softly.

  So he got up and walked towards the Shalanier cave.

"This is a forbidden area, my sister. If there is no order from the archdruid, please go back!" Sure enough, just as Nasha approached the cave, a giant bear stepped out of the jungle, very politely. Reminded Nasha.

   "Sorry, I just want to wander around and have a good look at the great mother tree, but I seem to be a little lost, can you take me back to the town, Druid?" Nasha replied pretending to be panicked.

   "Oh, of course, little girl, come with me!" Hearing what Nasha said, the druid also nodded.

He didn't know Nasha, and because of the eternal life of the night elves, it was difficult to judge their ages, so this druid was just a little girl from the local area, not familiar with this place—in the past years, this place The famous druid has encountered many situations similar to Nasha, so he didn't care about it, but was very enthusiastic to lead Nasha - although he is the guard of the Salaniel Cave, he belongs to the periphery, leaving a Will or will not affect the overall situation.

   It can be said that the peace of Sharadassil for nearly ten thousand years has made the vigilance of the guards here reach a very low level.

  But soon, the druid returned from the same path, and there seemed to be nothing unusual on the surface.

  But in fact, Mrs. Shadow had already hidden in his shadow without him noticing.

  In this way, using the same method, Mrs. Shadow can easily pass through the shadows of these druids and continue to go deep into the cave of Sharanir.

   But when she came to the depths of the cave, Mrs. Shadow found that she was still thinking a bit more simply.

  Because the place where those satyrs are held here is protected by an extremely powerful natural barrier.

  Even with her strength, it is impossible to break through this barrier without any movement.

  But since we have already arrived here, we must not return without success.

  So she sneaked into the shadow of a patrolling druid again.

  The moment she disappeared into the opponent's shadow, a trace of panic appeared on the druid's face.

Because he suddenly found that his body was out of control—Mrs. Shadow's manipulation of shadows is not just about hiding, she can also manipulate the opponent's body through shadows, but in this way, as long as someone is a little more careful, they will find the person being manipulated by her The abnormal place, so she didn't use it before.

  But now that the last moment has come, she naturally can't take care of it. Even if it fails, the worst thing is to run away.

  So she manipulated the druid very bluntly, directly burning his original life, and launched an attack on the enchantment.

   The enchantment was suddenly attacked, which immediately attracted the druid guards in the cave.

   But I have to say that the druids here have indeed lost their vigilance.

When the innermost barrier was attacked, they did not immediately wake up the sleeping arch druids in the cave, but instead sent more than a dozen ordinary druids to screen all directions of the barrier .

   And when they found the druid who was attacking the barrier, the barrier had suddenly been opened.

  The druids tried to stop this companion, but Fang Fang seemed to lose his mind, and launched a desperate charge against the druids who came to support.

The druids who came to support basically knew this companion. Facing their former companion, they couldn't bear to kill him for a while, but tried to subdue him, so that they were suppressed by him in a short time, wasting a lot of time.

   While taking advantage of these druids wasting their chances, Mrs. Shadow has quietly passed through the broken barrier and came to the sleeping place of those satyrs.

  Looking at the cave full of sleeping Sartres, Mrs. Shadow released the dark energy in her body with all her strength without any reason.

   Under the stimulation of these dark energies, these satyrs soon began to wake up.

   "Go, release your anger that has been imprisoned for thousands of years!" With Lady Shadow shouting, a large number of satyrs roared and rushed out of the barrier, and began to massacre the druid guards in the cave.

  (end of this chapter)

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