The future of 157 Krypton!


“You really are Carl. Al! ”

General Zod looked at Luo Ye with an affirmative expression, but there were still some doubts in his heart:

He remembered very well that Luo Ye’s cheap parents were both white-skinned, and both were within Krypton, which could be counted as handsome men and women.

How did the son born go so off track?

Is Earth’s radiation really so powerful?

This shouldn’t be!

How powerful the Earth’s sunlight radiation is, it is impossible to cause such great trauma and changes to the skin of Kryptonians,9 You must know that for Kryptonians, their skin is actually the strongest protective layer.

Ordinary attacks don’t say that they hurt them, even breaking through the protective layer is a luxury!

Those outerwear combat suits are not so much the combat uniforms of the Kryptonians, but in fact they are just a fig leaf.

Pressing this question to heart, General Zod stretched out his right hand and said affectionately:

“Karl. Al, my countrymen, join me! ”

Luo Ye smiled:

“I’m staying well on Earthlings, what are you doing with you?”

Zod’s face sank:

“You’re a Kryptonian! Your body has the blood of Krypton! Are you going to turn your back on your bloodline and join an indigenous planet? ”

Zod stretched out both hands, seemingly wanting to hug Luo Ye:

“Carl! Throw yourself into my arms, let’s work together to build a new Krypton, let’s put up the flag of Krypton again! ”

Zod said quite longingly.

The corners of Luo Ye’s mouth rose:

“And then?”

On the side, Fiora joined the persuasion camp:

“As a Kryptonian, you were born to be the master of this universe! Karl, as long as you leave this corner of the earth, you will usher in an unprecedented future at that time! ”

Luo Ye turned to look at Fiora.

He recognized the female adjutant.

The latter’s combat effectiveness is the same as her appearance, which is directly proportional!

“General Zod… If I want her… Do you agree? ”

Luo Ye stretched out his right hand and pointed at Fiora.

A look of anger appeared on Fiora’s face.

General Zod also frowned.

He and Fiora are not husband and wife, but a very serious relationship between superiors and subordinates.

But this did not affect General Zod’s importance of Fiora.

And now, this request of Luoye …

After a slight hesitation, General Zod decisively let go:

“As long as you agree to join my camp, I can agree to this request!”

Fiora’s face darkened, and her silver teeth clenched, but she did not open her mouth to object.

After Luo Ye got this answer, he did not show any joy.

His face became equally cold:

“Then, I’d better choose to refuse.”


Zod was furious:

“Karl… Are you kidding me? ”

Luo Ye shook his head repeatedly:

“Zod! I didn’t tease you, I just responded! ”

“After I choose to join you, you will imprison me and then use all means to seize the Code of Life!”

Luo Ye sneered:

“Zod! Do you think I would be so stupid to choose this path! ”

Luo Ye’s voice fell.

Inside the Krypton spacecraft, the atmosphere was suddenly cold to the extreme!

More than a dozen Kryptonian warriors jumped out and blocked all the surrounding paths.

Everyone looked at Luo Ye with a fierce eye.

It seems that it only takes an order from Zod, and they will make a splash!

The strength of these Kryptonian warriors is not comparable to Fiora, and even less comparable to Roye and Zod.

But they singled out and are also extremely powerful fighters!


Zod’s eyes were filled with anger:

“You already know everything?”

“Joe. Al told you everything through that Krypton escape ship? ”

Luo Ye looked as usual:

“Almost… Of course, I also don’t know many things, so I’m here today. ”

Luo Ye glanced at the Kryptonian warriors around him:

“If I remember correctly, you should all be imprisoned in the Phantom Zone by the Krypton Council!”

“How did you escape! How do you know about Earth? ”

“Who helped you behind your back?”

In response to Luo Ye’s questioning, General Zod shook his head noncommittally.

He moved his muscles and did not answer Luo Ye’s question:

“You don’t need to know these things, a prisoner doesn’t need to know much.”

“Carl, I want to thank you for your recklessness! Thank you for rushing over recklessly and ignorantly, so that I can catch you without much effort! ”

Clenched fists!

General Zod looked at Luo Ye with a sinister smile!

Luo Ye narrowed his eyes:

“You think… Will I be afraid of you? ”

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