Afghanistan’s unknown caves, at this time, are like being pulled into a different space, ordinary caves, turned into ruined New York City neighborhoods, a huge space battleship in the sky shades the sun, bringing the battlefield into a dim environment.

The ten clone warriors who broke through into the cave, all the members of Fury’s team only felt a flash in front of their eyes, the original narrow cave disappeared, replaced by the battlefield of New York City that had been destroyed, in front of these ten people, were ten alien monsters, covered with thick mucus, sharp teeth, indescribable hideous and terrifying.

“Team Fury, on alert.”

The Fury warrior led by his eyes was cold, his right hand clenched into a fist raised, and ten Fury warriors were scattered in a trapezoidal shape, and the muzzles were aimed at the alien monsters that suddenly appeared.


A hideous and terrifying alien monster led by it roared, its thick and huge limb muscles vibrate, and quickly rushed towards Team Fury.

“Fire。 (fire)”

These Fury warriors have no human emotions because they are clone defects, just like robots, the muzzle of the gun is aimed at the pounced alien monster and directly pulls the trigger.


Rows of bullets quickly hit the body of this monster, and the monster’s body was glowing with a little blood, and the huge body was forced back by the bullet storm.

“Roar, roar.”

The other two monsters roared and rushed towards the Fury team, the reaction nerves of the Fury team had long surpassed ordinary people, and the three Fury warriors turned around, the muzzle was aimed at the pounced monster, and the muzzle spewed flames.

“Huh, ho.”

However, what made the pupils of the three Fury warriors shrink was that the two monsters penetrated the bullet like phantoms, and swung their claws with their right hands towards the two Fury warriors.

“Is it a phantom?”

One of the Fury warriors turned the muzzle, pulled out the dagger on the tactical combat suit with his left hand, and quickly stabbed towards the monster, but it directly penetrated the monster’s body.

These clone soldiers have a very strong synergy, and after this Fury warrior tested the monster, another Fury warrior ignored the monster because of the experience of the previous fighter.


The thick and powerful right claw of the alien monster slammed down, and the Fury warrior seemed to be hit by a car, and his entire body flew out upside down in an instant, smashing into the dilapidated building on the street.

“Shit, these monsters are not phantoms.”

What happened to one person would give feedback to the other Fury warriors, and after one of his companions was shot out, the remaining nine fighters formed a tactical formation and pulled the trigger expressionlessly.

“Roar, roar, roar.”

In the rain of bullets, one after another alien monsters rushed up, almost blocking the sight of these Fury warriors, and the fierce aura made these clone warriors who had injected the weakened version of the super soldier serum have no time to care.


Under the illusion, the real situation can only be seen by Alens, only in the narrow corridor, nine Fury warriors shot wildly, and bullets hit the walls around the corridor, leaving bullet holes.

Allens glanced down at the only injured Fury warrior who fell to the ground, the expression on his face was excited and intoxicated, and a rampant smile gradually spread on Alens’ face.

“Da, da, da.”

Allens’ right hand was raised, his five fingers were slightly bent, and the Fury warrior who fell to the ground flew in front of Allens instantly under the action of mental power, and Allens directly pinched the Fury warrior’s neck.

“Tick, tick, tick.”

The beautiful music in Alens’ mind played again, but this time Alans did not care about the voice in his head, but strode forward and walked in the direction of Captain Rogers.

“Captain Rogers, we’re meeting again.”

Outside the cave, in front of Rogers, the burly Thanos Illusion, holding a judgment blade, looked at Rogers with his eyes and spoke.

“No matter how similar it is, it’s just an illusion.”

Rogers, who has fought all his life, can of course realize that the Thanos in front of him is just an illusion, but what shocks Rogers is that whether it is sight, hearing, or even feeling, the Thanos in front of him is very real, and has even begun to affect his sense of touch.

“I should have purified this universe, and if it weren’t for you damn Avengers, I would already be enjoying retirement in my own back garden.”

Thanos strode forward, his tone cold and full of endless anger, picked up his ruling blade in his right hand, spun it into a windmill in his hand, and then slashed at Rogers.


Rogers could even feel the air under the blade of judgment being split in two, the sharp air turbulence cut Rogers’ cheeks with pain, and the combat knife on his head inevitably reminded Rogers of the difficult battle with Thanos.

In the face of Thanos’ blow, Rogers closed his eyes, since it is an illusion, as long as he closes his eyes, the illusion will no longer exist.


Thanos’ ruling blade smashed on Rogers’ body, and a terrifying force burst out instantly, and Rogers flew out directly upside down.

“Ahem. How can it be? ”

Rogers’ internal organs were faintly displaced, his face showed a painful look, and he was caught off guard, even Rogers’ physical fitness far beyond ordinary people could not bear it, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

“Nian Li?”

Rogers did not believe that an illusion could hit him, and after eliminating the hallucination, only Alans’ mental power remained.

“It’s worthy of Captain Rogers, you saw through it so quickly, but… What is true and what is false in a world full of illusions? ”

Alens’ voice came from all directions again, and with Alens’ voice, behind Thanos, Obsidian Five would appear from a cloud of smoke, Obsidian Five’s ebony throat raised his finger, and in front of Rogers, the dirt on the ground turned into sharp earth thorns.

“Swish, swish, swish.”

Under the command of Ebony Throat, the earth spur instantly accelerated, like a rainstorm, towards Rogers.

Facing the large-scale attack in front of him, Captain Rogers had to raise his shield to defend even if he knew that the earthen spur in front of him was an illusion, after all, Captain Rogers had already suffered a loss from Allens.

One by one, the earth thorns hit the vibranium shield and disappeared like foam, and Alens, who was hidden under the illusion, had a sneer at the corner of his mouth.


Behind Rogers, the burly black dwarf, the giant axe in his hand flashed with cold light, straight down, and the real sound of breaking wind made Rogers unable to judge the real from the fake.

“You’re still old after all, Captain Rogers.”

Allens’ mental power exploded, and Rogers, who had just turned around, was immediately shot out, and the black dwarf attack in front was just an illusion, and the real attack was behind Rogers.


Rogers, who was shot down, only felt that the surrounding scene changed wildly, and he seemed to have fallen into one time dimension after another, as if he was on a speeding train, taking Rogers into the deep fantasy world.

“In terms of illusions, I am stronger than Mysterio.”

Allens had an icy smile on his face, superpower illusion was more realistic than the future Mysterio projection, and with Alens’ mental power, even Captain America could only be exhausted.

PS: Ask for collections, ask for tips, ask for flowers, ask for comments, ask for all the support of the big guys. Allens is about to cut his brain and transform, scattering flowers.

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