“Shit, God, bless me and get me out of here alive.”

On the cruise ship, the panic in Janma Simmons’ eyes flashed away, followed by two tiger-eyed hydra soldiers, Simmons, who was restricted from moving freely, could only pray that God would bless him to survive.

“Miss Simmons, keep going.”

A Hydra soldier’s gaze became dangerous, and the muzzle was intentionally or unintentionally aimed at Simmons, and as long as Simmons made a slight change, he would shoot directly.

“I know, I hope that Donny Gill guy can still know me.”

Being pointed at the gun, Simmons’ face stiffened even more, but the situation forced Simmons to continue to move in the direction of the cabin.

At this time, Allens also walked into the cabin of the cruise ship, and just entered the cabin, he was greeted by two teams of Hydra soldiers.

“Sir, Donnie Gill is here.”

A Hydra soldier pressed his right hand to his ear and reported it with a built-in headset, and at the same time these Hydra soldiers aimed their muzzles at Allens, and couldn’t help but pull the trigger directly.

“Bang, bang, bang.”

One bullet after another quickly struck towards Alens, Alens’ gaze was cold, his right hand pressed on a metal hatch, absorbing people’s super powers to activate, and the entire body turned into metal of the same material.

“Ding, ding, ding.”

One bullet hit Allens’ body, only to sound a crisp clang, and after these warheads hit Allens’ metal body, they instantly turned into an iron ingot, falling directly to the ground.


Allens’ metal right hand was raised, and a terrifying cold current instantly swept through the cabin corridor, whether it was metal or the hydra soldiers, all of them were frozen by Alens’ superpowers.


Behind Alens, a group of Hydra soldiers had surrounded the place, and one of the soldiers directly carried the bazooka and fired an RPG towards Alens.

“Mind control objects.”

Alens’ entire body returned to its original state, his left hand was raised, and the terrifying mental power erupted like a tide, and the RPG dragging the tail flame paused instantly, and then the direction changed 180 degrees, rushing into the group of hydra soldiers at a faster speed.


More than a dozen soldiers were directly blown out by RPGs, and a cloud of fire appeared on the deck, and the entire deck was in chaos.

“Click, click.”

The fingers of Alens’ left hand hooked, and all the weapons on the Hydra warriors on the deck flew into the air, and the muzzles were turned and aimed at the Hydra soldiers.


The pupils of more than twenty Hydra soldiers contracted into pinholes, and a curse came out of their mouths, and then in the terrified eyes of these people, a weapon trigger was pulled in mid-air, and these people were beaten into a sieve.

“Mr. Whitehall, the two teams of soldiers we sent out are all dead.”

In the control room, Harrington’s face was terrified, reporting his own losses.

“This guy is definitely not Donnie Gill.”

Having long seen the battle happening at the scene through the monitoring equipment, Whitehall’s face was gloomy at this time, and his always calm gaze couldn’t help but show a trace of shock at this time.

“SIR, Simmons is already approaching Donnie Gill’s area.”

A Hydra scientist behind him controls the screen in front of him, which clearly shows the picture and location of Jinma Simmons.

“Harrington, distribute the splinter bomb to the Hydra warriors.”

Without saying a word, Whitehall glanced at his adjutant and ordered.

“SIR, IMHO, the splinter bomb is still experimental and does not …”

Before the scientist could finish speaking, he saw the muzzle of a black hole and the snake-like gaze of Whitehall.

“I said, equip my fighters with splitting bombs.”

Whitehall looked at the scientist in front of him coldly, and said word by word, his tone was completely cold.


The scientist was simply shaking like chaff, his face was covered with sweat, and he directly turned around and ordered the scientists around him to go to the laboratory to get the splitting bomb that was still in the research and development stage.

“Very well, let’s see if Miss Jinma can delay time for us.”

Whitehall turned to look at the picture, his eyes flashed with a complicated light, long after this Donnie Gill used other superpowers, Whitehall knew that he was definitely not facing the frozen man Jill.

“Whew, God forbid.”

Walking around the corner of the cabin, Simmons took a deep breath, prayed secretly, and then resolutely walked out of the corner.

“Hey, Jill, do you still know me? I’m Juma Simmons. ”

As soon as he walked out of the corner, Simmons saw Donny Gill standing in the cabin with an angry face, and around the cabin, there were frozen hydra warriors, which made Simmons’ eyes show a trace of fear.

“Zhenma, are you also sent by Hydra to capture me?”

After seeing Simmons, the anger on Donnie Gill’s face subsided and began to question Simmons.

“Very well, that’s it, Miss Simmons, do as I say.”

Seeing that Donnie Gill in the picture began to talk to Simmons, Whitehall showed an icy smile on his face and began to guide Simmons.

“Obedience will be rewarded.”

“If you resist, you will lose yourself.”

“Give up resistance, Hydra is your final destination.”

Whitehall taught Simmons word by word, but faintly, Whitehall felt that there was something wrong with Donnie Gill in the picture, but how exactly it was wrong, Whitehall could not know.

Behind Whitehall, agents Harrington had already left, and even took a few scientists with them, leaving only Whitehall and two scientists controlling the surveillance footage in the entire control room.


Behind Whitehall, a dull sound sounded, and the hatch made of special alloy instantly broke a large hole, and a figure walked out of the big hole.

“Shit, how did you get here.”

Whitehall looked at the person who suddenly broke into the control room, his eyes narrowed, and his face was shocked and a trace of fear.

“What the eye sees is not necessarily real.”

Allens strode into the control room, raised his hand slightly, and the two sitting scientists instantly turned into ice cubes.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Whitehall.”

The corners of Alens’ mouth showed an icy smile, as early as when he killed the Hydra soldier, Allens released illusion to deceive everyone, including the monitoring equipment, and his real body swaggered to the control room, it was like entering no man’s land.

PS: Ask for collections, ask for tips, ask for flowers, ask for comments, ask for all the support of the big guys. Allens is about to transform, scattering flowers. Alens: Hi, Hi Paw.

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