While the Avengers are taken to the secret base by Nick Fury, Alons leads Ultron and Scarlet Witch to Seoul, the country of Han.

There is a high-end laboratory in Seoul, where Dr. Helen Cho developed the regenerative cradle, at this time a scientist is busy in front of a machine, the regeneration cradle is shaped like a transparent nutrition capsule, it looks very simple, but the technology implanted inside is the world’s top.

“Dr. Helen, the cradle of regeneration is close to perfection, why rely on the Stark Group.”

An old man of white-bearded Asian descent looked at the young female scientist with a feverish face, although he marveled at the wisdom of this girl, but he was dissatisfied with the cooperation between Regenerative Technology and Stark Group.

“You don’t know, without Stark Group’s technical support, it will take us another ten years to perfect this technology.”

Helen Zhao obviously did not agree with the scientist’s words, and the fact is that without the technical support of Stark Group, the birth of regenerative cradle technology would be delayed by ten years.


Just when Helen Zhao was about to say something, a blue light curtain appeared in the laboratory, and in the light curtain, Alens, Ultron, and Scarlet Witch Wanda walked out.

“Who are you? How did it end up here? ”

The eyes of the scientist beside Helen Zhao flashed an angry look and shouted loudly.


Alens’ brows wrinkled slightly, the fingers of his right hand slid sideways, and the scientist’s head instantly detached from his neck, and the incisions were neat, which showed that Alens’ mental power became more terrifying.


A stream of blood gushed out from the headless corpse, but surprisingly, these blood stagnated in mid-air, and Helen Zhao had never seen such a scene at all, and was immediately frightened.

“What are you going to do?”

Dr. Helen Zhao stepped back with a frightened face, and at the same time asked in a startled voice.

“Dr. Helen Zhao, you are very talented, and the regenerative cradle technology you made is very useful to me.”

Walked to Helen Zhao’s side, the spiritual scepter in her right hand was directly pointed at Helen Zhao’s body, and the power of the Mind Gem was stimulated, and Helen Zhao’s eyes were suddenly covered with black, and her thoughts had been modified by Allens.

“Mr. Alens, it’s a pleasure to serve you, but if you’re just trying to build a body for the robots around you, you’re a little… Violent destruction. ”

Dr. Helen Zhao’s eyes darkened for a moment, and then became shining, Dr. Helen Zhao took the initiative to walk to Alens’ side, circled around Ultron twice, and said in a somewhat serious tone.

“Ultron’s body can evolve autonomously, and there is no need to create a separate body for it.”

Alens’ gaze was deep, Alons never thought of creating a human body for Ultron, after all, the mechanical body Ultron has the possibility of infinite evolution, Allens does not want to deprive this evolutionary characteristic, Alens’ real purpose in finding Helen Zhao is to use the regeneration cradle technology to fuse himself with the Mind Gem. 、

Yes, Allens intends to fuse the mind gemstone into the body like a vision, this idea is very crazy, but it is not without implementation, and relying on Helen Zhao’s regeneration cradle, nanoprinting technology.


Alens’ right hand hovered over the psychic scepter, and his mind burst out, directly stripping the psychic gem from the psychic scepter, while Alens’ right arm turned into vibranium and reached out to hold the psychic gem in mid-air.


As Allens held the Mind Gem in his hand, a wave of mind fluctuations instantly erupted, sweeping the entire Seoul, and everyone was as if petrified at this moment, stagnated, and returned to normal in the next second.

“It’s incredible, the power of this gemstone is simply terrifying.”

The mind fluctuations made the energy detector in the laboratory reach a peak, and Helen Zhao looked at the mind gem in Alens’ hand with a look of amazement and said in amazement.

“Can you use your regenerative cradle technique to transplant this Mind Gem into my body?”

Alens’ eyes shone like stars, looking down at the Mind Gem in his hand, and the expression on his face gradually changed from excitement to madness.

“No, it can’t be, how can a human body withstand the power of this gem.”

Helen Zhao didn’t need to think at all, she knew that the human body could not withstand the power of this gemstone at all.

“If vibranium is used to create an organ in my pineal gland to carry the power of the Mind Gem…”

Before Allens’ method was finished, Dr. Helen Zhao’s eyes became feverish.

“Mr. Alens, this method you said is very feasible, the tissue of the pineal gland has degraded, we can completely occupy the pineal gland, and then use vibranium particles combined with human cells to make a gemstone that can carry gemstones… The organ of the Mind Gem, and at the same time connected to Mr. Allens’ brain, can be perfectly integrated with the gemstone. ”

When it comes to her own professional knowledge, Helen Zhao began to talk, and quickly operated on the control panel in front of her.

“According to the data, our plan has a 70% chance of success, but it may take a little longer.”

Dr. Helen Zhao brought a control panel to Allens, and looking at the data on it, Allens finally laughed.

“Very well, Ultron, Scarlet Witch, everything goes according to plan while I fuse the Mind Gem, and I will send my doppelganger to assist you.”

An irrepressible smile on Alens’ face, this is a mind gem, as long as he can fuse successfully, he is the second vision, no, Allens will become more powerful than Vision.

Swish, swish, swish.

On Allens’ body, five doppelgangers broke away from the body and appeared in the laboratory, these five doppelgangers, No. 1 avatar absorbers, No. 2 avatars shock, No. 3 doppelganger mind, No. 4 avatar mechanic, No. 5 avatar shockwave messenger, each of these five doppelgangers has a superpower of Allens’ ontology, and shares it with Alens’ ontological consciousness.

“Mr. Allens, please lie in the cradle of regeneration.”

Helen Zhao said excitedly while operating the regeneration cradle, this is an unprecedented fusion, so Helen Zhao is not excited.

took off his clothes and lay shirtless in the regeneration cradle cabin, and the perfect body of the upper body made the two girls, Helen Zhao and Wanda, a burst of heat.

Laugh at.

The door of the regeneration cradle cabin closed, Allens closed his eyes, and one nano beam scanned Allens’ whole body, building a full-body data file for Allens, and at the same time, two centimeters above Alens’ head, the Mind Gem was quietly suspended.

PS: The fourth change, on the shelf, Robbie kneels for the first order, the big guys please subscribe more, the first day of the shelf guarantee 8 more oh. Ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, say important things three times. Thank you for the 1000-point tip of the big guy every day, the big guy gives strength, the big guy cow spleen, Robbie kneels to thank the big guy for the reward.

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