In Brooklyn, New York, a man wearing a white vest and brown shorts is walking aimlessly, this man is Bruce Banner, who does not even dare to be a taxi in order to escape the pursuit of the military.

The big green man in his body allows Bruce Banner to deal with General Ross’s endless pursuit, but the destructive power caused by Bruce Banner is something that Bruce Banner does not want to see, and Bruce Banner has recently noticed that the big green man in his body is becoming more and more difficult to control.

Although he has learned how to control his emotions, the effect is not very obvious, and Bruce Banner has felt that the big green man in his body is undergoing metamorphosis, which also makes him very unstable.

In order to completely get rid of the green big man in the body, Bruce Banner contacted Mr. Lan, although Banner is a genius scientist, but there is a specialization in the industry, Banner is unmatched in the study of gamma rays, but biological cells are not his strong point, so on the Internet, Banner found Mr. Lan, a biological cell scientist, to discuss his own physical problems together.

This time back to New York, in order to find Mr. Lan and solve his own problems together, Bruce Banner even did not hesitate to contact his former girlfriend, Betty Ross, the daughter of General Ross.

Moreover, Dr. Banner feels that his body is getting tougher, and he was able to use a needle to draw his blood donation before, but now Banner tries to destroy his body, but he is completely unsuccessful, it seems that the green big man in his body is stopping himself, and the terrifying self-healing ability makes Banner unable to be injured at all.

What frightened Dr. Banner even more was that he seemed to begin to sense that another consciousness had appeared in his body, and an ideology that had been extremely angry was awakening.

“Banner, Banner…. What are you thinking? ”

Betty Ross’s call sounded in Bruce Banner’s ears, making Dr. Banner instantly come to his senses, looking at his former girlfriend, Bruce Banner felt lonely again.

“Betty, maybe I shouldn’t have involved you.”

Dr. Banner carried a trace of guilt, his face was a little vicissitudes because of the long flight, and some round faces still had a trace of confusion.

“Banner, you know, I didn’t care.”

Betty Ross walked up to Dr. Banner, wrapped her arms around Dr. Banner’s face, and kissed him affectionately.


An angry roar appeared in Bruce Banner’s mind, and this roar made Banner wake up instantly.

Di Di Di.

The pulse display on Dr. Banner’s right hand began to beep, which made Banner push Betty away and begin to take a deep breath to steady his vigorous beating heart.

“Sorry, Betty, I’m in a very unstable situation right now, and if you get too close to me, I’ll hurt you.”

Dr. Banner’s expression was painful, and even some completely lost the spirit of being a genius physicist, and the large green body made Dr. Banner feel terrified.

Dr. Banner walking alone on the road, Betty Ross has a trace of sadness on her face, she knows Dr. Banner’s situation, but she is powerless, and even her father is still chasing Banner, which makes Betty more entangled.

Behind the two people, a quietly following, inside the armored car, a group of soldiers are according to the tracker signal displayed on the computer in the car, and the thermal imager on the side shows the thermal image of Dr. Bruce Banner and Betty.

“General Ross, the target is approaching Greyburn College. Request further instructions. ”

A soldier picked up the car communicator and quickly reported it, and on the other side of the communicator, General Ross’s brows furrowed, and his eyes were full of coldness.

“Keep watching, I’m going to find out what Bruce Banner’s purpose is?”

General Ross frowned, never understanding why Bruce Banner went to Greyburn College, knowing that Grayburn College did not have anyone Bruce Banner knew.


A soldier’s voice came from the communicator, and General Ross hung up the phone, and before he had time to think, a familiar face instantly appeared on the communication interface in front of him.

“Iron Man Tony Stark? Is there something going on? ”

General Ross’s face became serious, and the person in the picture was the superhero of the whole of New York and even the entire United States, Iron Man Tony Stark.

“General Ross, it’s been a long time.”

Using Jarvis, he directly invaded General Ross’s communications, and a smile appeared at the corner of Alens’ mouth, and Allens knew General Ross’s movements well.

Of course, Alons knew that General Ross was hunting Dr. Banner, and Alons knew that Dr. Banner was now undergoing a metamorphosis and that consciousness was being born in the Hulk inside him.

“The Stark Group recently eliminated several sonic tanks, is General Ross interested in buying them?”

Allens’ voice was flat, but the words he said made General Ross’s eyes show a hint of excitement, for the sonic tank developed by the Stark Group, General Ross has been peeping for a long time, and now the Stark Group has closed the weapons manufacturing department, originally General Ross thought that there was no chance, and he couldn’t imagine that Tony Stark would be in disguise.

“Mr. Tony Stark, I will send someone from the military to discuss cooperation with your Stark Group later.”

General Ross’s gaze is cold, although he peeps at the sonic tank, but for Tony Stark, General Ross has always looked badly.

“Well, I wish you a smooth trip, oh yes, I forgot to say, I have bought a private laboratory at Greyburn College, and if your next actions destroy my private property, you will be court-martialed.”

Alens’ voice was bohemian, but his words were full of warning, and it was clear that Allens did not want to spoil the next meeting between Mr. Blue and Mr. Green.

“Hmph, I know, I’ll restrain my soldiers.”

With a cold snort, General Ross hung up the phone with a gloomy look and turned to look at Bulangsky beside him.

“Did you hear that? Mr. Brounsky, I can grant you access to Greyburn College, but remember not to damage the only private laboratory at Greyburn College, because it was bought by Tony Big. ”

General Ross, with a serious gaze and a hint of resentment, warned Bronsky.


PS: The first change, on the shelf, Robbie kneels for the first order, the big guys please subscribe more, support Oh, Robbie thank you again. Ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, say important things three times.

Alens: Seryol Stern, the future boss, has 000 times more intelligence than ordinary people…. _

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