Peng, Peng, Peng.

Jotunheim, as the birthplace of the Frost Giant of the Nine Realms, although smaller than the Earth, is also a planet, and if it were not for Asgard’s Rainbow Bridge, the distance of the Nine Realms would be beyond people’s reach.

With the order of King Laufei, hundreds of frost giants went in the direction of the explosion, but although the frost giants were tall, their speed was not fast, so it was not until there was a dull sound again, and these frost giants finally came to the center of the explosion.

“Roar, Midgard’s man?”

A frost giant looked at Eurons condescendingly, his pale yellow gaze flashed with ice and disdain, as a group of frost giants who almost brought an ice age to Earth hundreds of years ago, of course they knew the humans of Midgard.

“Huh? Evil God Loki? ”

Another frost giant was the first to spot Loki, the unloveable evil god lying on the ground, and Loki looked miserable and restrained by a golden chain-like device.

“Boy, you really gave us a big gift, but you still can’t escape death and kill him.”

A frost giant that was significantly taller, at least four meters tall, laughed viciously and directly issued an order.

Peng, Peng, Peng.

With the order of this frost giant, hundreds of frost giants roared and rushed towards Alens, and a cold current swept towards Alens.

“Jarvis, switch mode, frost suit.”

Alens’ voice sounded, and the golden-red steel suit on his body instantly began to change, and one by one the nanostructures changed their forms madly, from top to bottom like flowing water, turning into a dark blue steel suit like ice.

At the same time, on the Allens face armor, the originally crimson eyes also turned into azure blue, which looked dazzling, the entire suit exuded an amazing cold current, and the ground under his feet began to freeze inch by inch, and in the blink of an eye, the dozen frost giants that originally rushed over were frozen into ice cubes.

That’s right, the frost giants that can endure the extreme cold are frozen by the instantaneous low temperature, just like these frost giants frozen ice behemoths.

Click, click.

The cold current released by the previous frost giant swept through, and the cold ice on the frozen frost giant was still broken inch by inch, and then turned into slag and scattered on the ground.

“Jarvis, record the data, this frost suit, I need to know where the limit is.”

Wearing a frosty steel suit, an ice spear gushed out from the palms of Alens’ hands, bending slightly, and Alans threw the ice spear in his hand.

Ho, ho, ho.

The cold air flow froze the air in Jotunheim into ice, like a blue laser, and one after another holes pierced the chests of more than a dozen frost warriors before piercing the ice wall behind the frost giant.

“Roar, damn Midgard.”

The four-meter-tall frost giant Taylor Clarence roared angrily, condensed an ice sword in his right hand, strode over his companions, and rushed towards Alens.

Click, click, click.

Allens looked at the frost giant Taylor who rushed over, the dark blue steel suit was quickly covered with layers of ice, Allens raised his right hand, and these ice instantly turned into ice thorns, overwhelming towards the rushing frost giant.

Ho, ho, ho.

Some frost giants raised their hands, and between their hands, one by one ice shields covered their bodies, but most of the ice giants did not react, and were overwhelmed by the overwhelming ice thorns, flew out upside down, and pierced into the cold ice ground behind them.

“F***K, why is this Midgard man even stronger than God.”

The frost giant Taylor raised his hands and formed a huge ice shield in front of him, at this time, the ice shield was covered with ice thorns, and because Taylor’s body was huge, on his shoulder, two ice thorns pierced, and streams of dark blue blood gushed out and dripped on the ground.

“SIR, the data has been recorded, whether to open the frozen field.”

Jarvis’s voice sounded inside the steel suit, apparently the previous two attacks, Jarvis had set up a database, and at this time Jarvis made his own suggestions.

“Open the frozen realm and lock it in this area.”

In front of Allens, data models appeared, and the deaths and injuries of the frost giants outside were all presented and then went to Alens’ eyes.

“The frozen field is opening, energy injection, blizzard subsidiary modules are increasing, temperature increase modules are starting…”

Jarvis’s opening sound sounded inside Alens’ steel suit, and at the same time Alens’ right hand was opened, and in his right hand, an extreme cold current similar to a snowstorm was brewing.


Allens pressed his right hand on the earth, and the entire earth began to freeze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the speed of this ice was extremely fast, and the frost giant Taylor, who was the first to bear the brunt, just raised his ice sword, and was frozen by ice.


From the sky, an invisible blizzard is forming, with Allens as the center, the ultimate ice spreads wildly, the first is the place where the frost giants gather, ice sculptures appear, the earth, rocks, ice walls, and even the air, are frozen in an instant.

If Jotunheim was still a cold and desolate world before, at this time, a kilometer radius of Alens, it completely turned into an ice age, a huge iceberg, ice sculptures of frost giants with a terrified look on their faces.

“Jarvis, name this name the Frozen Throne.”

Above the iceberg, Allens held the evil god Loki, who was shivering with cold, in his right hand, and his eyes were deep, and his eyes looked in the direction of King Laufei.

“The current King Laufei, whose strength is not even as good as my frost suit, originally wanted to kill you directly, but now it seems that there is no need.”

Allens glanced at the evil god Loki in his hand, the mask on his face opened, although the temperature here is very low, but Alens’ body still has a layer of constant temperature energy shield, and he is not afraid of the cold weather of Jotunheim.

“Evil God Loki, I heard that you can come back from the dead, and I look forward to your arrival.”

Alens’ right hand raised and directly grabbed the neck of the evil god Loki, the mental power module opened, and the sharp blade slowly cut the evil god Loki’s forehead.


Strangled by Alens’ right hand and unable to even scream, the evil god Loki felt the injury on his forehead, and he was simply terrified.

However, even though the evil god Loki’s face was distorted and his eyes were terrified, Alens’ left hand still smoothly cut the evil god Loki’s forehead, and the superpower mastered the operation law of everything turned on, and the wonderful ticking sound filled Alens’ mind again.

PS: In the new year, Robbie kneels and begs for subscription, the big guys please subscribe more, support Oh, Robbie thank you again. Ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, say important things three times.

Alens: I, Loki, the evil god, King of Asgard.

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