Since personally experiencing Lin Yongguo’s usurpation of power, Fang Yan’s originally bad impression of Country R directly turned into disgust!

Especially after he checked some news about country R on the Internet, he was even more disgusted to the extreme!

In this parallel world, there have also been two world wars.

However, country D is no longer the mastermind, country R is!

Although the two world wars R country ended in defeat, but did not let R country stop, it is still doing trouble, for decades, indirectly or directly participated in the war between many countries, not to mention the war wealth, but also secretly controlled the power of many small countries or foreign war-torn areas armed organizations!

This is one of the reasons why country R has been able to develop rapidly.

As Country R succeeds more and more, so does its ambition, and this time Sheng Lan’s usurpation and treason are the best example!

Once Sheng Lan is controlled by Country R, it is very likely that in the near future, Country R will use the hand of Saint Lan to provoke the third world war again!

Seeing this, Fang Yan felt extremely disgusted at the same time, and also found his small battle target this time!

He definitely can’t deal with country R.

R country is not to say that it is now one of the world’s powers, with strong military strength, and it is simply unrealistic for these iron men like Fang Yan to want to fight against a country!

But the armed forces in those war-torn areas that Country R has always mastered are different!

Although those armed forces are awesome, Fang Yan’s Iron Man Legion is even more awesome than them!

Moreover, country R supports these armed forces, they dare not put on the table, even if Fang Yan destroys them, country R can only dry stare!

Therefore, Fang Yan already had this plan in his heart.

What he is eyeing is the power grabbing force of a Middle Eastern country that has been rumored in recent years and supported by R country – Kuta al-Qaeda!

Kuta Al-Qaida was originally a small armed force of a small country in the Middle East “Baslon”, and has always only engaged in some small activities, but since it received strong support from country R, it began to try to confront the Basilon national government, wanting to subvert the entire regime and take the country for itself!

But how could Basloan’s army easily yield?

Conflicts between the two forces continue to break out, wars continue, and after three whole years of fighting, they still can’t see the difference!

However, this information was obtained by him from the Internet, and it was half true and false, so he wanted to understand some of the situation in more detail and truth through Lin Miaozhi!

“There is more than one power grab in country R that controls the Middle East, which one are you talking about?”

Lin Miaozhi glanced at Fang Yan.

“Al-Qaida Kuta!”

Fang Yan said.

“Al-Qaida Kuta?”

Lin Miaozhi’s tone increased by one point.


Fang Yan noticed Lin Miaozhi’s abnormality.

“Elder Yan, do you remember the explosion at Basloan Capital Airport the year before last?”

Prime Minister Delong said, “That’s what Al-Qaida Kuta did, and 5 Shenglan people were killed in the incident!” ”

“Al-Qaida Kuta is the most troublesome enemy of the Baslon country, and after receiving the full support of the R country three years ago, it has grown day by day, with tens of thousands of armed troops, and has captured many areas of the Basloane country… In order to make Basilone even more chaotic, they have created many suicide bombings and massacres, which are quite famous in the Middle East! ”

“And their ammunition and weapons storage is very sufficient, I am afraid that it will not be long before they launch a full-scale war and attack the presidential palace in the capital of Baslon!”

“This force organization is very cruel!”

Fang Yan raised his eyebrows.

“What do you ask these for?”

Lin Miaozhi had already recovered from the nausea of flying at this time.

“Know more about country R, so that you can attack them in your speech!”

Fang Yan said casually.

“It’s useless, this matter has already been criticized by many countries, asking country R to stop participating in the struggle of armed forces in the Middle East, but country R promised on the surface, and it is still doing it behind the scenes.”

“And not only R countries, M countries, F countries, D countries, Y countries, etc., almost all developed countries basically participate, play games in them, and seize resources!”

“So there is no point in attacking with this kind of topic! You better think of something useful. ”

Lin Miaozhi said lightly.

“Since you want to speak, of course, you have to know a little about everything!”

“Lord Delong, you should have material about al-Qaida in Kuta over there, right? Can you send me a copy? ”

Fang Yan asked.

“You are an elder, of course no problem!”

Prime Minister DeLong smiled and nodded.

Subsequently, there was news from the palace, Lin Miaozhi and Prime Minister Delong took their leave.

Song Miaomiao experienced the feeling of being an iron man, had a lot of fun, and finally left with reluctance.

“Fang Yan, can I still visit you in the future?”

Song Miaomiao asked nervously.

“Of course no problem, welcome at any time!”

Fang Yan said generously.


With Fang Yan’s permission, Song Miaomiao was so excited that she never closed her mouth with a smile along the way.

“Sir, I have received the transmission documents about al-Qaida in Kuta.”

“Lord Delong’s efficiency is quite high! Open them all, I’ll take a good look. ”

Fang Yan carefully scanned all the documents about al-Qaida in Kuta.

A moment later, Fang Yan made a decision.

“Jarvis, let all the steel suitors who are on a mission outside come back!”

Fang Yan’s eyes flashed, “We’re going to engage in a wave of big things next!” ”


On the third day after the king’s visit, Sheng Lan’s net fishing vessel was boiling without warning!

The reason is that morning, Kawamura Yasumine, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, came forward to respond to the incident of “Long live His Majesty the Emperor” shouted by Lin Yongguo, the prince of the Shenglan royal family, before he died.

“I deeply sympathize with Mr. Lin’s experience, but believing that His Majesty the Emperor is his personal act of will and has nothing to do with my country!”

“Country R pursues peace, believes in peace, is a peacemaker, and does not accept any slander of personal actions!”

Speaking of this, Kawamura Taifeng showed the corners of his mouth and revealed a mocking smile, “There is no need to explain anything to ordinary countries!” ”

As soon as these words came out, the entire Shenglan fishing boat completely exploded!

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