“This suit is very suitable for Elder Yan!”

No one noticed that King Lin Miaozhi of Shenglan and Prime Minister Delong were quietly watching this speech in the corner of the second floor of the conference hall.

“He’s dressed brightly, but I’m more concerned about what he’ll be talking about today, and hopefully it’s not so boring that I leave early.”

Lin Miaozhi said so, but she couldn’t help but look Fang Yan up and down more.

Today’s Fang Yan is different from the image she has seen before, the whole person has a lot of spirit, no matter from the size and body shape, it is more robust than before… Naturally, the spirit head is fuller, the eyes are more alert, and it looks more handsome.

At the same time, in another corner of the second floor, a gringo wearing a casual shirt, a U-shaped beard, deep sunken eye sockets, blue eyes, and a rather Westernized appearance, about thirty years old, was also looking at Fang Yan.

“Is this the guy who is hailed as the tech genius of today?”

“It seems that he is very confident!”

The gringos glanced at the audience, and did not see any security measures, or bodyguards or other traces, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but curve.

If there are people from the Shenglan Security Bureau here, they will definitely be able to recognize at a glance that this gringo is no one else, and it is the “scalpel” that ranks seventh in the world’s killer list today!

He was named a scalpel because the weapon he killed was a scalpel.

His killing style is to easily cut the throat of the target without feeling it!

Even the target himself can’t react in the first place!

But unlike ordinary killers, the killing style of the scalpel is more flamboyant… Other killers like to assassinate, assassinate, choose targets alone, or when there are fewer people around, but the scalpel likes the more people around, the better!

The screams and terrified expressions of the people around him will make him enjoy it and enjoy it immensely!

Especially after the killing, he blended into the crowd, disappeared, and calmly left, which added a bloody color to his whole person, and became the object of fear for countless rich and powerful!

“This $30 million bounty is really easy to earn!”

The scalpel put a piece of chewing gum in his mouth, chewed wantonly, and looked at Fang Yan’s gaze full of teasing.


“Nice to meet you guys!”

“I am also very grateful to Principal Feng for giving me such an opportunity to stand here and express my thoughts to everyone!”

Although it was the first speech, it had been held many times before, and Fang Yan, who was accustomed to strong winds and waves, did not have the slightest restraint and nervousness about this, greeted everyone with ease, and calmly said his opening remarks.

“As everyone knows, I have many titles now, a change-maker in the future era, a supernova in the world of science and technology, the next great man who will change the world… Wait, this kind of title bothers me a lot, because I have never felt that I am good at all except super good looks and intelligence! ”

As soon as Fang Yan’s shameless words came out, there was immediately a sound of laughter in the audience.

“In fact, before today, I have been wondering what to say, because whether it is a micro-robot, Dabai, or Iron Man, it is a particularly high-end and powerful technology! Behind every technology, there are a lot of stories, and if you want to tell it in just two hours, I won’t be happy to tell, and everyone will not be happy to listen to it! ”

“The only thing that doesn’t have many stories, but it is full of fun, should be Shenglan Tree, which has been active in the circle of friends recently!”

“So today I will tell you how I created the Saint Lan Tree!”

Hearing this, many people in the audience were immediately shocked.

The hottest at the moment is not Dabai, not Iron Man, but Sheng Lanshu!

An unimaginable building has become a hot topic of discussion among the whole people, especially the various versions of legends that have been inexplicably circulated in the follow-up, which has made many people full of curiosity about the Holy Lan Tree, even people who are usually not very interested in this kind of information have begun to pay attention.

Now hearing Fang Yan, the creator of the Holy Lan Tree, personally tell the origin of the Holy Lan Tree, everyone’s curiosity naturally began to hang all of a sudden!

In the next hour, Fang Yan told everyone interestingly about his process of creating the Saint Lan Tree.

In order to make the speech more interesting, attractive, and not boring, Fang Yan also added a lot of plots from online novels he had read in his previous life, making the whole speech process particularly exciting, and even Lin Miaozhi couldn’t help but listen to it!

“What an interesting story!”

“I really want to hear the end all the time… But alas, the interesting story is destined to end there! ”

The scalpel in the corner of the second floor stretched out and quietly left his seat.

When he reappeared, he had already come to the left side of the stage, still holding a large bouquet of flowers in his hand.

At this time, he is wearing a pair of round-framed glasses, the U-shaped beard on his face has been taken off, and the original hairstyle has completely changed, and he no longer looks like a foreign student in his twenties, intellectual!


This is the most basic skill of the killer.

In this way, he appeared on the stage in the unexpected eyes of countless people.

Although everyone’s interest in listening to the story was interrupted, they all showed a happy expression after seeing the flowers in the scalpel hand.

“Mr. Fang, your story is wonderful! I am a fan of yours and please accept my gift! ”

The scalpel looked nervous and excited, which perfectly interpreted the word acting!

After all, their killers are high-risk professions, and once their acting skills are recognized, they are not far from death!

“Thank you!”

Fang Yan naturally did not have too much doubt, and took this large bouquet of flowers with a smile.

However, just when this bouquet of flowers blocked between the two, the corners of the scalpel’s mouth grinned, his wrist shook, and a cold light swept towards Fang Yan’s neck at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye!

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