“Not only that, they can also learn all the fighting arts in the world in the shortest possible time, integrate all these fighting techniques, and become top martial arts fighters, with extremely strong melee combat ability!”

“So you can imagine what kind of terrifying power they will form when you have such a group of super soldiers who have reached the limits of human in terms of physique, agility, strength and intelligence?”

Fang Yan’s eyes flashed, “The role of one of them is enough to be worth a hundred people, and a group of people united can accomplish many incredible things!” ”

“In war, they are humanoid weapons that are more terrifying than any weapon!”

Fang Yan’s words seemed to be exaggerated, but in fact, they were not exaggerated at all!

Think about Marvel’s Captain America, how many problems can one person solve and how many people can be killed?

100 Captain America appear at the same time, how explosive the effect will be!

“It’s incredible…”

“Elder Yan, you are really a genius, no… A genius of geniuses, I have lived for so many years, you are the youngest and most incredible person I have ever met! This is truly remarkable! ”

“How about the army of 10,000 people, if they can really do what Elder Yan said in your mouth, then these soldiers will become the swords of my Holy Lan, enough to make any other country feel terrified!”

“God bless my Holy Lan!!”


The elders and ministers were excited!

No one knew better than them how great the effect these soldiers had brought to Saint Lan!

Not to mention that one by one can be so strong that the steel is intaglio with bare hands, the strong learning ability alone is equivalent to cultivating one after another all-round super talents in a short period of time!

These talents can serve as agents, as leaders of teams, as specialists in various fields … Once they are thrown into war, the impact is absolutely beyond imagination!

“Elder Yan, what if any of them betrays Saint Lan or gives birth to bad intentions?”

One of the ministers, who was relatively calm, asked.

“That’s why I want you to only look for soldiers with good moral character and good personality!”

Fang Yan said, “In addition to enhancing the abilities of the human body, super soldier serum can also enhance their minds! If their hearts are good, this goodness will be strengthened! If their hearts are evil, this evil will be amplified! ”

“But you can also rest assured that if there is any case, I also have the means to ‘recycle’ them!” No deviations are guaranteed! ”

After receiving Fang Yan’s exact reply, the elders and ministers all couldn’t help the joy in their hearts, and laughed loudly!

“Hahaha… Your Majesty, when this group of super soldiers is created, we will go to the border and also conduct a military exercise, and give the guys in Country R and Country D Yindu a good look at the strength of my Shenglan soldiers! ”

“That’s right! Our reliance this time, in addition to Elder Yan’s Iron Man Legion, there is another group of all-round talent super soldiers, we now have enough confidence, we must give them an unexpected counterattack, so that they no longer dare to despise my Shenglan so much! ”

“After holding it for so many days, I finally took a good breath of evil, happy! Oh yes! ”


Because he has been struggling to have no military force other than Iron Man, Sheng Lan has maintained a deaf attitude towards the military exercises of the three countries.

Therefore, some Shenglan citizens were particularly dissatisfied with the attitude of the country, and even organized street parades.

Ministers are also under a lot of pressure on this.

But now, as soon as the super soldiers come out, the United Iron Man Legion appears together, and they are fully qualified to compete with their three-nation military exercises!

All the problems are completely solved!

“No, no, dear elders and ministers, you may be happy too early!”

At this time, Fang Yan’s words caused the faces of all the elders and ministers to change slightly, and their hearts were abrupt.

“Elder Yan, is there anything else that has changed?”

An elder asked tentatively.

“I agree with your ideas, but just wanting to rely on this group of super soldiers to deter the other three countries is inevitably underestimating their abilities.”

Fang Yan said.

“It is indeed difficult to deter, but at least it can save my Shenglan’s face and let the citizens of Shenglan know that my Shenglan’s attitude is not blindly tolerant!”

A minister said seriously.

The other elders and ministers nodded one after another.

They are not very demanding.

As long as there is something that can be obtained, it is enough to resist the military exercises of the three countries, prove the attitude of the country, and make the people excited!

“Your requirements are low, but it doesn’t mean that my requirements are also low!”

As soon as Fang Yan’s words came out, all the ministers once again showed their doubts.

What kind of moth is this Fang Yan going to do?

A super soldier serum is exaggerated enough, amazing enough.

What else does he want to get?

“Elder Yan, I know that your requirements have always been very high, but don’t forget that among the countries we are facing this time, there are two true world powers, Country R and Country D!”

“Being able to counter their military deterrence is already very good! We don’t force more anymore! ”

An elder waved his hand.

“Now they are under artillery fire at the border, and the roar is so loud that the whole world hears it, and if the time drags on for a day, the people of Shenglan will lose a single point of trust in the country!”

“Let this turmoil end with a happy ending!”

A minister sighed.

“I also think it’s almost, with these super soldiers, I believe that the D Congress of Country R is a little more restrained.”

Lin Miaozhi also continued.

They all want to calm down.

I don’t want this farce against Shenglan to continue to develop.

However, Fang Yan was obviously completely different from their thoughts——

“Guys, if Shenglan wants to rise, is it useful to rely on compromise and confrontation alone?”

“Since you want to show the strength of Sheng Lan in front of the whole world, you have to make the whole world feel shocked, shocked, and afraid of Sheng Lan!”

Fang Yan’s eyes flashed.

“Only when they are so afraid that they dare not despise Sheng Lan and dare not have any thoughts about Sheng Lan can Sheng Lan be regarded as truly rising!”

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