Fang Yan came this time, firstly, to scare this R country D country and Yindu, so that they can see the powerful power of Shenglan.

The second is to test the results of his training in the past three days to see what kind of growth these super soldiers have achieved under their own training!

“Sheng Lan is going to have a military exercise!”

“Are you going to start?”

“Iron Man Legion and Red Soldiers, wow, this lineup is so much looking forward to it!”

“Let the Three Kingdoms take a good look at the power of our Saint Lan!”


As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the people who were watching immediately lit up and aroused their interest.

They have already seen the military exercises of the three countries, which are nothing more than some of the most conventional exercise procedures, such as anti-terrorism, search and rescue, landing and so on.

Now it’s Shenglan’s turn, countless people are curious, wanting to see what kind of military exercise projects Iron Man and these soldiers with infinite strength will carry out, and what kind of interesting pictures will be produced!

Among them, the most curious are those world powers that are paying attention to this military exercise… They wanted to confirm what Sheng Lan’s military strength had reached today!

Even the lens of the reporter of the Eagle Country quickly cut from the side of the rather dark-faced General Ruth to the high altitude, perfectly recording every picture!

“Jarvis, draw the circle of range!”

Fang Yan’s figure flew out in the low air, and when he came to the area about five hundred meters away, he stretched out his hand and pierced into the ground, drawing a circular boundary with a radius of about ten meters in this area!

“Draw a line? What do you mean? ”

“Is there still this project in the military exercise?”

“Fang Yan, what does he want to do?”


Everyone was confused, not knowing what Fang Yan wanted to do.

“All obey the order!”

Soon, Fang Yan returned to the same place, shouted, and immediately all the super soldiers raised their heads and chests, and stood in the most standard military posture!

“Start the first part of the weapons exercise!”

As soon as the words fell, all the red soldiers immediately moved!

One hundred and eight soldiers in red, looking like one hundred and eight fierce beasts, ran wildly on the ground, setting off a puff of smoke!

Soon, these red-clothed soldiers arrived at the place where Fang Yan drew the line five hundred meters away and entered the circle.

“Command, now with all weapons, aim at these one hundred and eight targets and prepare to attack!”

Fang Yan directly gave orders to the headquarters.

As soon as these words came out, the personnel of the command department froze.

Attacking one’s own people with weapons?

Make no mistake, right?

“Infantry Company, Artillery Company, Tan~Klien … As long as all the soldiers are ready, immediately adjust their bearings and prepare to attack those red targets! ”

“With all your weapons, don’t attack them mercilessly!”

Fang Yan continued to give orders.

After determining that Fang Yan really wanted to do this, the command personnel quickly passed it to the various troops.

All kinds of missile vehicles, tan~ke, and soldiers with guns poured out one after another, aiming all the muzzle positions at the red-clothed soldiers in the circle!

“First round of attack, prepare – fire!”

With Fang Yan’s order, countless shells and ammunition whistled towards those red-clothed soldiers five hundred meters away!


A violent roar sounded, black smoke and flames rose into the sky, and the smoke and dust instantly enveloped all these one hundred and eight people!

If you look at it from a high altitude, you can perfectly feel the powerful visual impact brought by the real fire coverage, which is more enjoyable than any special effects ~ film!

Through the occasional gap in the smoke and dust, it is obvious that there are soldiers in red moving quickly in it, dodging the covering attacks of those weapons’ firepower!

One hundred and eight people, in a circle with a range of only three hundred and fourteen square meters, did their best to avoid the fire… This kind of thing is simply incomprehensible in the eyes of ordinary people!

The circle of three hundred and fourteen square meters is too small for one hundred and eight people, and the firepower is so dense and exaggerated, no matter how much they hide from the terror, it will not help, right?

Finally, as the roar stopped, the smoke and dust gradually dispersed.

One hundred and eight soldiers were still standing in place, but at their feet and around them, there were potholes everywhere, and the earth was devastated!

“Soldiers, report your avoidance rate!”

Fang Yan said.

“No. 34, avoidance rate 79%!”

“No. 62, avoidance rate 91%!”

“No. 46, avoidance rate 78%!”

“No. 73, avoidance rate 84%!”


One after another roars came.

“Mr. Fang, what do these avoidance rates mean?”

The female reporter of the Eagle Country asked puzzled.

“The avoidance rate is how many fire attacks they have successfully dodged in a round of weapon attacks!”

Fang Yan explained.

“The higher the avoidance rate, does it mean that the more fire attacks are avoided?”

“That’s right!”

Fang Yan nodded, “These soldiers are all carefully cultivated by me, they have undergone extremely cruel devil training, and they can capture the direction of the shell landing and the trajectory of the bullet between rapid movements, so as to quickly dodge!” ”


The people who heard this were in an uproar!

In such a small range, so many people, but also to hide from shells, bullets ?!

Isn’t this telling a mythical story?!

“The avoidance rate of the first part of the weapon drill is 83%, which is barely qualified!”

“But it still hasn’t met my expectations, you still need to continue training and keep strengthening!”

Fang Yan said loudly with a microphone.

The avoidance rate is 83%, which means that 83% of the fierce fire just now was avoided by these soldiers!

If it is placed in war, the range is no longer limited, then there are still weapons that can hit these soldiers?!

People were amazed.

“Next part, pursuit drill!”


A helicopter gunship took off and flew sideways.

“Everyone ready!”

As soon as Fang Yan spoke, all the soldiers in red immediately quickly lined up into a long dragon.

When the gunship left a distance of more than a kilometer, Fang Yan ordered:

“Start the pursuit!”

All the soldiers in red began to accelerate towards where the gunship was!

Surprisingly, even at such a high speed, the distance between the red-clothed soldiers was not widened, and the formation was still intact!

Just as they were about to approach the gunship, the first red-clad soldier jumped up!

His own super jumping power, coupled with the bounce increase of the steel captain’s suit, and the transient acceleration jet device on his back, made his whole person jump up more than thirty meters and grab ~ the helicopter rack!

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