The elders and ministers seemed to have anticipated this matter, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

Only Fang Yan, who had never asked about this kind of political affairs, showed surprise.

“Economic sanctions?”

Although Fang Yan is not very interested in national politics in normal times, he also knows what economic sanctions are all about.

Economic sanctions refer to the use of economically powerful countries as a means to combat and weaken the political, economic and military strength of other countries!

In general, common forms of economic sanctions include: imposing trade embargoes, interrupting economic cooperation, cutting off economic or technical assistance… and a series of other means, once these means are implemented, the economy of the sanctioned country will suffer a huge economic blow!

But it is not easy to impose economic sanctions.

If only one or two countries use economic sanctions, although they have an impact, they will not achieve much effect… In today’s technologically advanced world, any country’s trading partners are diversified, and it is not necessary to rely on one or two countries to survive.

Therefore, economic sanctions will only have an effect on the sanctioned country if the number of countries that exceed their tolerance participates!

Now Lin Miaozhi directly announced that Shenglan was subject to economic sanctions, obviously, Shenglan’s economy has been targeted by major countries, and has produced huge economic losses!

“Just after the Shenglan military exercise, the United States, the eagle country, the enamel country, Russia, Italy, R country, D country and other world powers began to actively dissuade capital from entering Shenglan!”

“At the same time, many foreign companies in Shenglan who are ready to invest or have already invested are also fleeing on an unprecedented scale!”

“Up to now, 169 large foreign-funded enterprises have interrupted their business in Shenglan and withdrawn from the Shenglan market for asset liquidation! The rate of closure of their factories is also increasing, affecting as many as 170,000 unemployed people! ”

“There is also a retreat of the technologies and products that these countries originally entered Shenglan, and the cooperation with Shenglan enterprises has been interrupted, and many major development projects have been greatly affected!”

“And the products exported by Shenglan enterprises to foreign countries have also been removed from various markets, or need to pay heavier taxes than before!”

“The biggest impact is Shenglan’s financial system!”

“Due to the gradual fermentation of the above series of phenomena, the entire market fell by more than 72% last week! For the first time ever, it lasted the shortest and had the biggest decline! ”

“Not only that, even many freight trade routes with other countries have been forced to detour or impassable due to the blocking of key sea areas, and the external transportation industry has suffered huge losses!”

“Even the oil transported to us by the Tonglda Empire this time had to choose a detour for this reason, which not only lengthened the arrival time, but also forced the transportation cost to multiply several times!”

“As for other industries, linkage has also been affected a lot!”

Lin Miaozhi’s words made everyone in the entire conference room look solemn.

The damage caused by economic sanctions to Shenglan is undoubtedly enormous.

This has just begun, and it has already caused such a big loss, and once this situation continues to continue, it can be predicted that sooner or later Sheng Lan will be unable to withstand it and collapse first!

Fang Yan also learned at this time that it turned out that in the days when he was making a lot of money, Sheng Lan had already lost so many people that they were about to jump off the building!

“The only good thing is that due to the success of military deterrence, the current sanctions of many world powers are only in the economic area, and do not involve military sanctions and political sanctions!”

“But the possibility of expanding the means of sanctions after that is not ruled out!”

Lin Miaozhi looked around at all the elders and ministers, “All of you here, I hope you can give some feasible suggestions to solve these problems that are facing or are about to come!” Shenglan needs your help! ”

Having said that, Shenglan’s crisis is already self-evident.

The faces of the elders and ministers also became more solemn than ever.

Economic sanctions are just the beginning, and there is no guarantee that those world powers will continue to impose military or political sanctions on Shenglan in the future… Once this is done, Saint Lan is likely to fall apart and be completely finished!

It can be said that Shenglan has now entered the countdown to slow death.

If you can’t solve these problems as soon as possible and let it run its own way, it will eventually corrode the entire Shenglan into a ruthless abyss and fall into an irreparable abyss!

“Your Majesty, what is the reason for their economic sanctions against Shenglan? It is impossible to deal with us like this for no reason, right? ”

A minister asked.

“I have communicated with the heads of the countries of Russia, the Iron Kingdom, the Eagle Country, and the United States, but they do not admit any economic hindrance to Shenglan!”

Lin Miaozhi shook his head.

The elders and ministers let out a low sigh.

That’s what they worry about the most.

Suddenly shot at you, but did not tell you the reason, so that you could not find the best solution, everything can only rely on reasoning and guessing ~ things!

“If Old Immortal is not mistaken, the reason why they will join forces to do this should be because of the Shenglan military exercise.”

The Great Elder spoke.

Fang Yan ranked seventh, as the seventh elder, and the first was the Great Elder, who had made great contributions to Saint Lan, and his ability was beyond doubt.

As soon as he said this, all eyes immediately fell on Fang Yan!

According to this speculation, it was obviously Fang Yan’s words during the military exercise before that caused the dissatisfaction and vigilance of those world powers, so they secretly united and imposed economic sanctions on Shenglan!


Fang Yan looked at the various gazes of the elders and ministers, and his face was speechless.

I never thought that occasionally coming to a decision-making meeting, I actually encountered such a big trouble, and it was good that death was related to myself!

If you know that you should fly a private jet directly, take Shang Yi Tong, go to San Miguel Bay in Spain, see your 14 islands, and enjoy the beauty and food of the sun!

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