“Matrix World?!”

When Fang Yan heard the prompt tone of the system, he did not immediately remember what this technology was.

And just from the name, it is completely impossible to hear what type of technology this technology belongs to.

“Transmitting [Matrix World] technology for you!”

As the system’s prompt sounded, Fang Yan’s mind burst ~ into a huge stream of data information!

Through these data information, Fang Yan finally understood: the so-called matrix world is the parent program used to monitor all mankind in “The Matrix”!

It can build a perfect, all-true “real world” that makes you not detect the slightest falsehood… Whether it’s the senses, the environment, or everything else, it’s flawless!

In “The Matrix”, it is precisely because of this bold design that “The Matrix” has become a legendary movie of the year, attracting countless topics of discussion, and it is still talked about today!

Countless data about the technology of the matrix world poured into Fang Yan’s head, and this time the transmission was greater than the quantum space portal!

Don’t look at the matrix world is just a virtual program, but just because it can connect human consciousness and let people’s consciousness exist in it, it is enough to make this technology comparable to quantum space portals!

A moment later, after the transmission was completed, Fang Yan felt his head loosen, did not hurry to open his eyes, and quickly flipped through these information and data in his mind.

“So it is… As long as these procedures are combined, the transfer of human consciousness can be achieved…”

“The existence of human consciousness is so mysterious… With such a large amount of data, it is no wonder that human development in the brain has been extremely slow so far…”

“It is actually possible to immerse human consciousness to this point… The application it can bring is too wide…”

Fang Yan muttered to himself alone, slowly experiencing the shock brought to him by the Matrix World technology!

Soon, Fang Yan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes shining, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

“Young Master, what’s wrong with you?”

Fang Yitong looked at Fang Yan with a worried expression.

“Yi Tong, you know what? The technology I have comprehended this time is much more powerful than the quantum space portal! ”

Fang Yan couldn’t help but sigh.

After knowing the technology of the entire matrix world, this was Fang Yan’s most sincere first feeling!

If we talk about quantum space portals, the difficulty lies in breaking objects to the quantum level, transmitting objects to another place through space bridges, and then recombining… Then one of the principles of the matrix world is basically similar!

And this is just the most inconspicuous small technology in the matrix world technology!

You know, the matrix world is much more complex than the quantum space portal, and what is transmitted is not actual matter, but ethereal human consciousness!

Not only that, but it can also build a huge network that can connect all human beings and accommodate the consciousness of billions of trillions of living beings based on the virtual consciousness of the human body, and then build a real world exactly the same as reality in this huge network!

Imagine what changes the matrix world can bring about once applied?

It can be used to simulate everything that might happen in the real world, so that you can practice driving in “reality”, building ideal buildings, doing certain research… Everything that can be done in reality, can be done here!

If it is handed over to the army, the army can use it to build arbitrary training scenarios, allowing soldiers to conduct full virtual training, whether it is explosions, bullets, blood is so real, the effect must be rubbing up!

And for those who are not satisfied with reality, or do not get what they want in reality, they can construct one here… For example, women, such as becoming kings surrounded by thousands of people!

It can even become a “second possibility”.

Many people always have to make a choice when faced with something, and after making a choice, it is inevitable to look back and think if I chose another one, what would become of it now?

The Matrix World will tell you the answer!

Simulate any second possibility, assume that the things in your vision, whether it is Resident Evil, earthquakes and tsunamis, or the end of the world, there is nothing it can’t simulate!

It can be said that having a matrix world is equivalent to having a “real world” that can be manipulated at will, and in this world, you are the God who rules everything!

“But this privilege that only ‘administrators’ can exercise must be owned only by me!”

Fang Yan’s eyes flashed.

He will not be stupid to give the matrix world to everyone to experience at will, let alone easily tell the world such a thing as the matrix world!

Whether it’s a miniature robot, a big white, or Iron Man, a super soldier, or a quantum space portal… These things belong to the material level, belong to the scope of good control, and if anything goes wrong, Fang Yan can also make up for it in time with his own strong strength.

However, the matrix world involves the level of spiritual consciousness, and once something goes wrong, it is not easy to make up for it!

“More powerful than a quantum space portal? Young Master, you are coming up with new technology again! ”

As soon as Fang Yitong heard that Fang Yan was going to come up with new technology, stars suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Everything that was created from Fang Yan’s hands was something beyond cognition and shocking!

Any impossibility would become possible in Fang Yan’s hands!

Now Fang Yan’s image in Fang Yitong’s mind is an omnipotent god… So as soon as she heard that a new technology was about to be born, she suddenly ~ her face was full of curiosity.

“Yes, with this technology, we will no longer have to watch movies and read comics!”

Fang Yan rubbed Fang Yitong’s head and said with a smile, “And don’t you like watching Korean dramas the most?” After I create this thing, how about I let you experience a Korean drama firsthand? ”

With the omnipotent Matrix world, what movie comics do I need to read?

Directly in the matrix world, personally participate in the movie comics, become a member of it, enjoy the big ~ film from the most real and real angle, and feel the feeling of blood rushing!

Cultural blockade?

Now in front of Fang Yan, it seems to have become a sad joke!

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