
“It’s Fang Yan! It’s Elder Yan!!!!!! ”

“The savior of Shenglan is here!! He really came!!! ”

“Long live Fang Yan! Severely sanction this damn bastard! Chop him up and feed him to the dog!!! ”

“The savior is coming… He finally came!!!! ”


Countless people were so excited at this time that their blood veins almost exploded, blood rushed straight to the top of their heads, and a huge sense of joy erupted from their chests!

Some people saw Fang Yan’s sudden appearance, and for some reason, Douda’s tears directly gushed out from their eye sockets, and they couldn’t stop it!

Those family members and relatives of the young girl who had been squatting at the gate of the court for an unknown amount of time and were almost in despair, all began to cry after seeing Fang Yan’s sudden figure, and the depression and pain in their hearts for many days were released at this moment!

“I know!”

Lin Miaozhi, who was quickly rushing to the court, saw this scene through the live TV news broadcast in the car, and immediately covered his forehead with a helpless expression, “It’s obviously a very simple thing, but it was so complicated by him!” This guy is so unsettling! ”

In Lin Miaozhi’s opinion, with Fang Yan’s current status, power and strength, there are a hundred ways to solve this matter without such great effort!

As the second elder of Sheng Lan, the third in command after the king and the first elder, it is not a matter of hand to deal with the son of a financial minister?

However, among the hundred methods, Fang Yan chose the most clumsy and troublesome one!

“Fang Yan, he… That’s cool! ”

Sitting next to Lin Miaozhi, Elena, who also saw this scene, saw the Yan face above the picture, and the whole person seemed to be crazy, and her eyes suddenly fell in!

Fortunately, Elena can also be regarded as the daughter of the president of the Eagle Country, and immediately reacted, realizing her gaffe, and the delicate Western face could not help but blush.

But at this moment, she was even more determined to marry Fang Yan!

In her eyes, all the men in the world, even her father, at this moment, none of the light on Fang Yan’s body was more dazzling and touched her heart more!


“Yan… Elder Yan?! ”

“See Elder Yan!”

Fang Yan’s sudden appearance blindfolded the people of the court, as well as the surrounding reporters, and when they reacted, they immediately saluted Fang Yan as soon as possible!

“Elder Yan, you… You’re not legal…”

“I… I just got acquitted…”

The first time Meng Wuxiu saw Fang Yan, his arrogance was immediately like a useless cigarette butt, and he was trampled out on the spot, and he was directly instigated!

When he heard what Fang Yan said, his face became particularly ugly, and he swallowed and said.

Meng Wuxiu is a tiger, he is very arrogant, but he is not stupid!

Fang Yan is now not only the second elder, but also the great hero and savior of Shenglan, and he controls an Iron Man legion, a team of super soldiers, plus an unknown number of controllable nuclear fusion nuclear bombs in his hands… Such a powerful figure, even the heads of those world powers dare not provoke, he is a second generation of nobles, in Fang Yan’s eyes, is not an ant that can be crushed casually?

“How? Do you have an opinion on what I said? ”

Fang Yan glanced at Meng Wuxiu coldly.

That fierce and ruthless look made Meng Wuxiu chuckle in his heart, and the whole person seemed to be targeted by a beast, and his hair couldn’t help but stand up!

Don’t look at Fang Yan is a scientist on the surface, but he also has a lot of lives in his hands!

How can the momentum of a person who has killed an enemy on the battlefield be comparable to a scum like Meng Wuxiu who can only bully weak women?

“Elder Yan!”

At this time, Meng Zhiguo, the finance minister on the other side who was preparing to meet Meng Wuxiu behind the crowd, immediately looked flustered after seeing Fang Yan, and quickly got out of the car and walked over, respectfully saluting Fang Yan.

“Elder Yan, my son has just accepted the trial of the Supreme Court, and he has been acquitted in court, and his innocence has been recognized by the national law!”

“You are highly respected, and your every move in Shenglan has affected countless nationals, please be able to understand it!”

Meng Zhiguo said quickly.

When the surrounding reporters heard this, their eyes were about to roll to the sky.

Your son is innocent?

Are there any bad people in the world?!

If it weren’t for you, the father, who indulged and spoiled again and again, how could Meng Wuxiu do such a heartless thing?

“Meng Zhiguo, when I can still talk to you properly, you’d better stay three meters away from me and keep your mouth shut!”

“If I hear you excusing your son again, I will directly slaughter you!”

Fang Yansen’s cold gaze fell on Meng Zhiguo, “If you don’t believe it, you can try it!” ”

Meng Zhiguo and Fang Yan’s gazes were opposite, and there was a cold war immediately, and the whole person seemed to have fallen into an ice cave!

He knew that Fang Yan was really angry!

Meng Zhiguo had never seen Fang Yan with such murderous intent, and what stood in front of him seemed to be not a young man at all, but a killing god!

His heart sank to the bottom at once.

Just as Meng Zhiguo guessed, on the way to the court, Fang Yan collected a series of Meng Wuxi’s actions in the past through Jarvis… When he just finished reading the first case, anger was already surging in his eyes, and when he finished browsing all of Meng Wuxi’s “glorious history”, Fang Yan’s eyes became fierce, his killing intent was vigorous, and his face was so gloomy that he was about to drip ~ water – this was a manifestation of Fang Yan’s thunder anger!

“Yes… Be! ”

Meng Zhiguo retreated with an ugly face.

“Dad… Father! You save me! ”

Meng Wuxiu also realized at this time that things seemed to have become a little out of control, and shouted repeatedly.

Fang Yan suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Meng Wuxiu’s neck, and lifted him up!

“Song Miaomiao!”

Fang Yan looked at Song Miaomiao, who was still in a state of shock not far away, and drank in a deep voice.

“Fang Yan!”

Song Miaomiao only came to her senses at this time and quickly straightened up.

“Go and inform the judge, the jury, and all the people involved in the trial just now!”

“Now… Trial! ”

Saying that, Fang Yan carried Meng Wuxiu and walked towards the Supreme Court step by step!

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