"Nice to meet you. Thank you for your hospitality yesterday."

After greeting Nova Supreme, Wu Yuyu and the other three walked beside her and entered the reception room together.

Without much politeness, Wu Yuyu got straight to the point.

"Nova Supreme, you should be familiar with Ronan"


Nova Supreme's pupils shrank slightly.

Ronan, she was certainly not unfamiliar with him, or rather, every citizen of Xandar would be familiar with this name. She swept her eyes over the faces of the four people in front of her. Except for the person she was talking to, she could not see any expression on the faces of two of the other three.

But she did see a clue from the last one.

It seemed that the four of them did not know all the news about Ronan.

Turning her eyes back to Wu Yuyu, Nova Supreme pondered for a while and said,"Ronan the Accuser is bent on destroying the existence of Xandar."

As she spoke, she opened the virtual screen and called up Ronan's information.

After placing the information in front of Wu Yuyu and the other three, Nova Supreme spoke again

"So, guest, what do you want to say specifically?"

It's nothing more than Ronan wants to invade here, Nova Supreme silently added in his mind.

At the same time, he also drafted a response to Wu Yuyu.

【We on Xandar are not afraid of any invasion. This is the confidence brought by the Nova Corps! 】

But what Wu Yuyu said next was a little beyond her expectations.

After scanning the information in front of her, Wu Yuyu turned around and looked at the scenery outside.

"Perhaps you have guessed what I want to say. The defensive power of this planet is not afraid of anyone's invasion. You mean that, right?"

Turning back, without any surprise, he successfully found a flash of shock in the eyes of the Nova Supreme.

Wu Yuyu shrugged, but did not show any excitement of guessing the inner thoughts.

""Snap!" He stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the image of the cosmic spirit ball appeared in front of everyone.

"If Ronan obtains the Power Stone, do you think the Nova Corps alone can still protect this planet?"


The room suddenly fell into a dead silence under the impact of Wu Yuyu's words. If

Nova Supreme had only heard of the name of the Power Stone, then Tony and the other two beside Wu Yuyu had faced the Mind Stone of the same level, especially Barton.

‘The power gem? '

Nova Supreme looked into Wu Yuyu's eyes, as if to judge the truth of his words.

At the same time, she was also thinking about why Wu Yuyu told her such information.

Obviously, this planet had nothing to do with him.

"Don't think too much, I just don't want this planet to be destroyed. Of course, if you can pay for my expenses on this planet in the future, that would be even better."

Wu Yuyu finally pulled the map to the end, with a cunning smile on his face, and raised his eyebrows at Nova Supreme.

"If this news is verified, I guarantee with the reputation of the Nova Supreme that you will be our friend on Xandar forever, and all your daily expenses will be waived."

After hearing the last six words, the smile on Wu Yuyu's face became more sincere.

Who would want to spend money if they can get it for free?

‘Forgive me, Ronan, I don't want this either, but they gave too much. '

So, for his future meal ticket, Wu Yuyu waved to the Nova Supreme.

In this reception room, a conspiracy against Ronan was gradually perfected.……........

"Hey (hey)"

"What's the matter with your head? yeah"


On the planet Morag, a figure in a leather coat was dancing to the background music.

This person was Peter Quill, the Star Lord who punched out the Avengers 4.

Without his punch, would the Avengers 4 appear?

If Wu Yuyu didn't tell him in the future, Quill might never know that somewhere, countless people were arguing about this issue.

As for now, he certainly didn't know. He walked with the devil's pace and rubbed all the way to the outside of the room where the cosmic spirit ball was kept.

After opening the door, his eyes almost turned into money symbols. Looking at the last obstacle in front of him, he began to imagine the scene of selling the spirit ball and being chic everywhere.

Compared with him, Wu Yuyu and the other four had already lived the life he imagined.

After informing the Nova Supreme of Ronan's news, they wandered around Xandar every day.

As long as there is delicious food or beautiful scenery, there will be no lack of their figures.

This corrupt life continued for a while.

That day, Tony stopped Wu Yuyu who was about to jump into the water by the swimming pool and asked,"Are we really not going to do anything but just enjoy ourselves here every day?"

During this period of time, they ate, drank and had fun every day without spending a penny.

This made him, as a rich man, feel a little uncomfortable.

There was no pleasure of spending money at all.

Moreover, Ronan's invasion was delayed, which also caused him a little burden.

Seeing Tony's thoughts, Wu Yuyu shrugged.

Just one sentence made Tony suddenly realize.

"Isn't it good to be cool? The more cool we are, the more reassured they will be, right?"

After saying that, Wu Yuyu pulled Tony's arm away, jumped into the water, and swam towards Natasha and Barton.

"Why am I worrying so much?"

Tony shook his head helplessly. Seeing that his ignorance was exposed, he quickly realized that they should enjoy themselves now. Otherwise, Nova Supreme might think they were cheating. He turned and walked towards the recliner behind him.

With the help of sunglasses, his eyes kept wandering on the beauties passing by.

"Do you really believe what they say?"

In the Xandar command room, the scene of Wu Yuyu and others enjoying themselves was displayed in front of Nova Supreme.

Facing the questions of his subordinates, Nova Supreme's mouth corners slightly raised.

"Look at the behavior of our guests. They are telling me with their actions that what they say is true. Go and make preparations. This time, you must thoroughly resolve the potential crisis."


After the subordinates left, the upper right corner of the screen just happened to display [Specified Target Found].

Nova Supreme was too lazy to watch the scene that Wu Yuyu and the others were enjoying.

He reached out and tapped the screen a few times, switching the view to another picture.

The person on the screen was none other than Quill, who had obtained the Cosmic Spirit Orb and came to Xandar to find a buyer.

His appearance made Nova Supreme believe in the information given by Wu Yuyu even more. According to the plan agreed upon before, she did not arrest Quill immediately.

She turned off the screen casually.

She stood up and walked to the window, looking at the happy and happy people below.

"Ronan, don't try to destroy the peace of our Xandar planet."

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