
Peter looked at Tony, who was smiling like a weird uncle.

Was he... sold?

For some reason, this thought suddenly occurred to him.

He turned around and cast a pitiful look at Wu Yuyu, who was like a human trafficker behind him.

"Now, if I have to be a test subject, can I not be sliced? I heard that being sliced hurts a lot."

Thinking of himself being sliced, Peter couldn't help but shudder and rubbed his arms violently.

"Or you can give me an anesthetic injection. I'm afraid of pain."


A cold wind blew through this uninhabited area.

"Eh! No way! It's over, Mr. Spider is not really going to be sliced!"

When Peter saw that the two men didn't respond to his words, his expression instantly became extremely exaggerated, as if he was really going to go to the experimental table.

The two weird uncles, Wu Yuyu and Tony, looked at each other, shrugged and turned around at the same time.

"Do you want to slice his body? Or extract his bone marrow?"

Tony's mouth twitched slightly when he heard Wu Yuyu's words.

His friend's performance was as stable as ever.

I really don't know how that 37-degree mouth could say such cold words.

""What are you talking about? How can you use such a cruel method on a child!"

Hearing this, Peter, who was following behind them, nodded in agreement.

Little did he know that Tony's next words were the truly cruel method.……


When Tony finished speaking his mind, Wu Yuyu quietly gave him a look that said"As expected of you". At the same time, the two of them focused their attention on the young man behind them.

It must be said.

Even though they had not communicated in advance, the two of them hit it off and had a tacit understanding when it came to playing pranks.

As for their results, it was not difficult to see from Peter's weird expression.

Their prank plan had already succeeded.

"Ha...ha...you don't want to dissect Mr. Spider, do you? Don't try to tease me. I'm very experienced in this area.……"

That being said, Peter's increasingly low voice and his stagnant steps had completely betrayed him.

The two weird uncles looked at each other, laughing at the same time, and walked towards Peter with their fists rubbed.

Wu Yuyu:"Relax... take a deep breath... it's normal to feel dizzy.……"

Tony:"Don't be afraid, it only takes a moment and it won't hurt.……"

Listening to the two's words, Peter felt that this world was too scary."Um, Aunt May called me home for dinner, I'm leaving now~ See you next time!" Peter raised his hand and a spider silk was cast. He was ready to perform a wave of instant disappearance.


Peter was stunned as he looked at his raised arm.

Although the spider silk had been shot out, his body did not react at all, whether he tried to pull himself away or jump up from the spot.

It was as if... another consciousness appeared in his body.

It was fighting with him for control.

Moreover, the other consciousness had already gained the upper hand.

At this moment,

Wu Yuyu and Tony, one on the left and one on the right, smiled and lifted Peter up.

"They say relax, don't worry, it won't hurt.~"


The boy's desperate wail echoed in this deserted area.........

""Oh, I told him I was joking, why didn't you believe me?"

Tony had a red slap mark on his face.

He kept explaining to Potts, who was protecting Peter behind him like an old hen protecting her chicks.

As for the slap mark on his face... he had to say he was lucky.

The two weird uncles were going to tie Peter to the lab table and pretend to scare him.

But unexpectedly

, before the scare plan started, Potts, who happened to walk into the lab, saw it.

The struggling teenager, the experimental equipment on the side.

Everything was just like the scene in the movie where an evil scientist was doing an experiment.

But Potts couldn't stand this, and he slapped Tony, who was on the wrong path, to wake him up.

He didn't give Tony any chance to react.

As for Wu Yuyu... as early as when he sensed Potts approaching, he had already escaped with the excuse of being in a hurry.

After all, he had played MOBA games that could"awaken the spirit of the weapon".

He was a professional in preventing ganks!

When he returned to the room, he was greeted by Tony's resentful eyes.

‘Did you already know this?’

‘How is this possible! Am I the kind of person who sells out my teammates!?’

‘I feel like you are’


"Stop, stop, stop."A slender hand appeared, blocking the sight of both of them.

Potts looked at this, then looked at that.

Using an encrypted call in front of her, right?

Turning his head, he gave Peter a comforting look.

It seemed to say

【Don't worry, I'm here to help you! 】

So... the people being interrogated became two brothers in distress, and there was no trace of the strange uncle's temperament at the beginning.

At this moment, the two seemed to have two identical characters engraved on their faces:

【Well behaved and clever. 】

After explaining everything that had happened before with a low head and a gentle look, the two of them successfully received Potts's continuous rolling eyes and Peter's snicker.

That's right.

Although he was frightened at first by the two weird uncles' threats, he quickly reacted.

The rest was just cooperation.

As for Potts's justice for him.

Although he didn't call them, he would of course choose to watch the fun when he saw the two weird uncles being humiliated.

‘This kid is laughing! He's learned bad things! '

Noticing the smile on Peter's face, Wu Yuyu took advantage of Potts's back and winked at Tony quickly.

‘Isn't it normal to learn bad things? Don't forget who has the most contact with him during this period.'

Tony rolled his eyes in disdain, replied perfunctorily, then quickly stood up and ran to find Potts to admit his mistake.

Wu Yuyu was left alone, falling into a deep silence. Who has the most contact with Peter during this period?

Apart from Ben and May, the rest should be him.

Excluding all impossibilities, what remains is the truth!

Tony, this guy, is secretly complaining about him again!

In just a moment.

Wu Yuyu's eyes were locked on Tony.

At the same time, his eyes kept flashing with a fierce light.’

‘My friend, you have narrowed your path!’........

After a while of chaos, the lab finally returned to peace.

Tony and Peter worked together, and with the encouragement of Wu Yuyu who was eating sunflower seeds nearby, they quickly studied Peter's condition.

A few minutes later……

"Hey, without my encouragement, you won’t succeed in your research!"

Well... a certain salted fish finally made the two researchers unbearable, and they joined forces to throw him out of the room.

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