After the last competition, Mordo and Casillas would find a reason to compete with each other.

Mordo dragged Casillas into the mirror space again, saying that Casillas had eaten two more buns than him for breakfast.

"Watch out!"

Casillas turned his head away and dodged Mordo's friendly punch.

Then he quickly stretched out his hand and pressed down, pressing down Mordo's crotch kick...

Wu Yuyu, who was pulled by them to be the referee, looked at the moves of these two people and his whole face wrinkled.

He regretted bringing them to watch the fun.

Who could have thought that watching the fun would make these two people like the crotch kick.

What's the use of learning this thing!

You can't go up and kick Dormammu in the future when you fight with him...

Let's not talk about whether Dormammu still has that thing now.

Even if he does, judging from his size, he is probably bigger than the two of them stacked together and multiplied by ten... If he really wants to go up and kick him...

Wu Yuyu couldn't help but think of the scene of Strange negotiating with Dormammu, except that Strange was replaced by Mordo.

Dormammu:"You are here to die!"

Mordo:"I'm here to negotiate!"

After a conversation, Mordo used a crotch kick on Dormammu.

When Dormammu was off guard, he kicked the river crab thing that was countless times larger than him.

Dormammu felt as if the river crab thing was bitten by a mosquito. He angrily spat out a mouthful of old sticky phlegm.

Mordo, dead!

Thinking of this, Wu Yuyu shuddered suddenly.

This picture is so beautiful...

He quickly shook his head and threw this picture away.

‘It's all Matt's fault, and that Erica. If they hadn't used this trick on Jin, Mordo and the others wouldn't be in this state. '

No, he had to think of a way.

These two people would have to fight him sooner or later, and he didn't want his second brother to be kicked for no reason during the fight.

He felt pain just thinking about that scene.

At this moment, a hand patted his shoulder.

"Hey, what are you thinking about? You are so absorbed in it.

Turning his head, he found that Mordo and Casillas had finished fighting at some point.

Now they were standing beside him, looking at him curiously.

"Oh no, nothing, nothing……"

He would never say what he just thought!

If the two of them knew about this, he would be laughed at for the rest of his life, especially Mordo!

Scratching his head, Mordo said in confusion:"I don't know what you are so excited about... Forget it, we have been watching for so long, do you want to compete with each other?"

Here he comes, he comes with a crotch-tickling kick!

Wu Yuyu looked at Mordo, and in his eyes at this moment, it seemed that a devil's tail appeared behind Mordo, shaking slowly.

As if to say, come on~

There are very wonderful crotch-tickling kicks waiting for you to taste~

Wu Yuyu shook his head violently, and said quickly:"Not today, I forgot to turn off the gas at home, I have to go back and check!"

After that, he left the mirror space without looking back. Leaving two confused people there.

Mordo scratched his head and asked Casillas with some confusion.

"what happened to him?"

"Who knows, maybe I forgot to take my medicine again today……"

It is said that Wu Yudama has a great influence.

Even Casillas learned a lot of new terms from him.

This spitting look, where can we see the shadow of the drama?……........

On the other side, Wu Yuyu just came out of the mirror space and turned around to meet Pietro and his sister who had just finished training.

Seeing Pietro running to him excitedly, and Wanda running a little slower than him to maintain her ladylike image.

"It's you guys, how are you doing? Can you adapt to the life and training here?"

He was quite concerned about the brother and sister who were brought to Kamar-Taj by him personally.

Hearing Wu Yuyu's question, Pietro nodded vigorously.

He loved the life here!

Not only did he not have to worry about encountering danger, but even his usual meals could be exchanged for work.

And all this was because Wu Yuyu in front of him brought them here...

Wu Yuyu nodded after getting Pietro's affirmative answer.

Of course he knew this, which could be seen from the fact that Pietro never tired of looking for Casillas to spar with him.

Every time he looked for him , he would go to the training ground to practice with him. , and got beaten every time.

He got beaten every time, and looked for her every time...

If he didn't like Wu Yuyu, he wouldn't have sent the letter! (Pay attention to the punctuation, if you have random thoughts, please go to face the wall.)

After confirming that Pietro was adapting to the training here, Wu Yuyu cast his eyes on Wanda beside him.

Why is this girl so silent?

Although she is not a lively person in the play, she has experienced all kinds of tragedies.

And now she is only sixteen or seventeen years old, she shouldn't be so silent, right?

Wu Yuyu scratched his head and asked puzzledly:"Why doesn't Wanda speak? Is there anything wrong?"

Hearing her name, Wanda shook her head quickly.

Like Pietro, she also liked living here very much.

But there was one difference between her and Pietro, that is, she had learned a certain amount of magic...

As the saying goes - with a sharp weapon, the desire to kill comes naturally.

She couldn't help wanting to seek revenge on Tony Stark.

But when she saw Wu Yuyu, she hesitated...

What if it would affect him?

Gritting her teeth, Wanda told Wu Yuyu all the grievances between her brother and sister and Tony, and at the same time, she also told him about her idea of taking action against Tony.

Good fellow...

Wu Yuyu looked at the harmless Wanda in front of her, and the corners of her mouth twitched fiercely.

So she didn't say anything just now because she was thinking about how to bury Tony in the ground, right?

If Matt could think like her at that time, the grass on the grave should have grown now...

Looking around, Wu Yuyu took the brother and sister to the room.

It's better not to talk about such things in public.

She picked up two bottles of Coke and handed them over. Looking at the brother and sister sitting on the chair with a well-behaved look on their faces, Wu Yuyu teased:"Why are you so quiet now? Didn't you just say you wanted to take revenge?"

Wanda raised her head with surprise.

"You don't mind me seeking revenge on him?"

"Why should I object to this?"

Wu Yuyu drank a sip of Coke and sat opposite the two of them with an indifferent look on his face.

He would not stop his own people from taking revenge on their enemies. If necessary, he could even help them!

His main focus was to protect his own people!

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