Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 80: Xinxing Supreme Gave The Cosmic Spirit Ball To Sauron!

At the moment, Rocket has just come together with Groot and became a bounty hunter partner.

"Groot, we are going to make a fortune! Someone actually offered a reward of 10 million to find something called the Cosmic Spirit Ball!"

Rocket jumped up excitedly, while Groot looked at Rocket curiously from outside.

"Groot! (Let's go find it!)"

Rocket shook his head and said:

"Then what the hell is the cosmic spirit ball? We don't know at all."

"The person who issued the reward is the broker, let's go to the Nova Empire! If someone finds it, he must take the thing to Xandar.

Groot nodded.

The two of them drove a small flight machine and started jumping towards the new star.

On Nova, one of the most luxurious hotels was chartered by the New Supreme to receive Sauron.

Even though it is a cosmic power with an extremely advanced civilization, it still adheres to ancient traditions in terms of reception.

Dozens of girls from different civilizations, let Sauron choose.

It's a pity that these people are only mortal bodies and cannot bear his divine body.

Standing on the balcony, feeling the rays of the three suns.

His divine body can withstand the increase of three Fixed Stars at the same time! This is simply his blessed place!

On the Blue Star, because of Sauron's departure, many people began to make moves.

The temptation of the blue giant weapon is like the temptation of food to a person who has been hungry all day.

Sauron's duplication is still the same as before. He has not changed because of Sauron's changes.

He even secretly pushed for many countries and forces to know about the Blue Star weapon.

Huge power is gathering in the dark.

For several days, Sauron was on Xandar, enjoying everything here.

The technological level surpasses Blue Star for several centuries, making entertainment projects extremely rich!

Thor and Loki also gradually became obsessed with this place.

Sauron waited for the plot to unfold. Although for him, getting the cosmic spirit ball is simply the simplest thing. But what's the point of that? Follow the plot, witness the story, and wait until the end to get the power gem in your hands.

After becoming a god, you no longer have to worry about strength and lifespan, and it's time to start enjoying everything thoroughly.

Star-Lord, who left Yondu, exchanged all the things he accumulated into credits, and then bought a map of some important buildings on Morag Planet from a personal Morag before it was abandoned.

The environment of Morag has become extremely harsh, and the erosion of the environment has been so severe that almost no trace of man-made buildings can be seen.

Without this map, even knowing that the Cosmic Spirit Ball is on Morag Planet is of little use.

The whole planet is so big, and how thick it is every day? Dreaming!

Gamora and Nebula also came to Ronan's battleship.

Ronan, who originally had dozens of warships, now only uses one.

The signing of the peace agreement by the Kree Empire represented the decline of the power of the expansionists at the top. The peace faction took over Ronan's fleet, and this ship is Ronan's flagship, so the vehicle is still under Ronan's control.

Launching an attack on the Nova Empire with only one battleship? Ronan is not that arrogant!

He contacted Thanos just to use his army to start an all-out war between the Kree Empire and the Nova Empire!

A general's power is always the greatest during war! Ronan wants to gain supreme power only by starting a huge war.

"Cosmic Spirit Ball? Is it true that as long as I find the Cosmic Spirit Ball, Thanos will fully support me?"

Ronan looked at the two adopted daughters of Thanos in front of him, but in his heart was a desire for advanced abilities.

General super abilities are not unusual for the Kree Empire! The Inhumans on Blue Star are the product of the Kree Empire's gene integrate experiment. However, the Kree Empire does not have a super-ability person as powerful as Captain Marvel.

Sometimes, a warrior with super strength can be a far more powerful external deterrent than a super fleet.

In Ronan's heart, Thanos was already strong enough! But he was so eager for the cosmic spirit ball, and he sensed an opportunity.

An opportunity to possess higher power yourself!

After getting Gamora's affirmative answer, Ronan became excited.

"I will definitely find the cosmic spirit ball!"

"Go, connect your consciousness to the supreme wisdom, and see if you can find any clues about the cosmic spirit ball.

Ronan began to give instructions.

The Supreme Intelligence is the supercomputer life created by the Kree Empire! It embodies the highest wisdom of the Kree people, including all military, technology, thought, philosophy, etc.! It rules the Kree Empire!

Every Cree is connected to the Supreme Intelligence Consciousness, which is very sacred and private to the Cree.

Even after the death of many Kree people, their consciousness will be uploaded to the Supreme Intelligence and eventually become a part of the Supreme Intelligence.

In the hearts of the Kree people, there is nothing that the supreme wisdom does not know!

Soon, his close subordinates completed the conscious connection with the supreme wisdom.

"Commander, the supreme wisdom told me everything about the cosmic spirit ball!"

But he glanced at Gamora and Nebula, and Ronan understood that there were some things they couldn't let them know.

"Gamora, Nebula, the supreme wisdom is very sacred and private in the hearts of our Kree people. Please go and rest first, and I will tell you the result.

Ronan is not the idiot in those TV dramas who lets his cronies tell top-secret things in public in order to show his trust.

Gamora and Nebula looked at each other and they could only leave.

Because even if they were forced to stay, it would be useless. If their subordinates didn't talk to them, there would be nothing they could do.

But as long as you can find the cosmic spirit ball, everything else is not important.

"Commander, the supreme wisdom tells me that the origin of the cosmic spirit ball is not important, but what is stored in it.

"That's a gem, the Power Gem! One of the most special and precious six Infinite Gems in the universe.

"Each gem has some kind of infinite power! Owning one is enough to kill gods!"

Ronan's eyes burst out with light! His heart was extremely excited. This was the strength he was looking for!

"Commander, the supreme wisdom says that as long as you find any Infinite Gems, you can become the supreme commander of the Kree Empire!"

"And the last news about the cosmic spirit ball is that it was personally enshrined by Mora as a sacred object"!

After his subordinate finished speaking, Ronan also strengthened his heart.

The cosmic spirit ball must be found! He will never give it to Thanos if he owns it! As long as he becomes the supreme commander of the Kree Empire, Thanos will die!

"Coras, you quietly take a group of people to Morag to search for it. This matter cannot be known to Thanos' people, do you understand?"

Ronan stared at the henchmen in front of him and said.


Colas saluted seriously.

Korath was once a member of the Kree Empire's Star Team and fought alongside Captain Marvel. Later, the Star Team was disbanded and he joined Ronan's fleet. (The black man who appeared when Star-Lord found the cosmic spirit ball)

...Please give me flowers...

Coras soon took a group of people and took a small spaceship from the Kree Empire to Morag.

On Ronan's battleship, Gamora looked at the departing small spaceship. Nebula said: "Ronan must have got the news about the cosmic spirit ball. He hid it from us."

Gamora didn't speak, but she already had the desire to escape in her heart.

She wants to get the cosmic spirit ball, and then sell it to Collector Di Fan, so that she can completely stay away from Thanos with a huge fortune.

"I'm going to talk to Ronan!"

Gamora turned around, and Nebula frowned and followed directly. She couldn't lose to her sister.

Ronan had already thought about it. He hid the part about Morag and told everything else.

Morag, on the abandoned planet.

When Star-Lord landed, he studied the map of Morag's important buildings and believed that only the past Morag holy place was the most likely place to store the cosmic spirit ball.

He landed on the planet Morag, and just like in the original work, he sang songs intoxicatedly and approached step by step the holy place where the cosmic spirit ball was stored.

Coras also arrived at Morag, but he didn't know where the cosmic spirit ball would be placed, but they discovered Star-Lord's spaceship. They followed Star-Lord.

Star-Lord successfully found the Holy Place and used the looters' things to open the door to the Holy Place that had been dusty for a long time.

There is still energy in the abandoned planet, holy place, protecting a metal sphere within the energy field.

Star-Lord was overjoyed. When he saw it was a ball, it must be the cosmic spirit ball.

Quickly use the magnetic field generator to suck the cosmic spirit ball out of the energy field.

But as soon as he got it, Colas blocked the door.

After a battle, Star-Lord finally left in the spaceship, and then jumped in space to Xandar, where the broker collected the bounty.

On Ronan's battleship, Gamora eavesdropped on the battleship's communications. From Coras's report, he knew that it was Star-Lord who had obtained the cosmic spirit ball.

She didn't know about Star-Lord, but she knew that Star-Lord would definitely return to Xandar if he got the cosmic spirit ball.

And now Ronan would never dare to go to Xandar Star.

Sauron's super hearing covers the entire Shanvor planet.

He was sitting on the balcony of the hotel room, but he could see everything happening in the square a hundred kilometers away.

Rocket and Treeman Groot have been guarding here for a long time. Just now, Gamora and Star-Lord also came to Xandar respectively.

Because Star-Lord told the broker Ronan's name, the broker was so frightened that he stopped taking the order and kicked Star-Lord out.

Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket, and Groot, the four of them hit everything!

Sauron watched with relish, and soon, they were captured by the Nova Corps.

They will be tried and then imprisoned in Klin Prison, located in the small planet zone.

Different from the original work, the cosmic spirit ball was sent to Sauron by Xinxing Supreme.

"Dear His Highness Sauron, the Sun God, we Supreme believe that only a powerful god like you can protect such an ancient divine relic!"

Xinxing Supreme did not know that the power gems were stored in the cosmic spirit ball. He just saw someone offering a bounty of tens of millions of credit points, so he borrowed flowers and offered them to Buddha to please Sauron.

Sauron also felt a little conflicted while playing with the cosmic spirit ball in his hand.

Should I open it and get the power gem inside? Or send it back to Star-Lord and continue the plot?

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