Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 85 The Alien Escapes! Star-Lord’S Life Experience! Transform The Dark Star!

Ronan was dead, and the entire land of nothingness gradually became quiet.

(The accuser, I typed everything wrong before, sorry!)

Countless undead spacecraft returned to the Dark Star. The Dark Star is different from the traditional Kree Empire battleship. This is the strongest battleship on the undead planet that Ronan once conquered and became his trophy.

Even though the command of the entire fleet was deprived, Ronan still owned the battleship and the Necron spaceship in the battleship.

The pilots of these undead spaceships are all undead, but they are actually living beings.

Their master died, and Sauron became their new master!

Nebula is driving a Necron spaceship to escape here. She wants to tell her father Thanos about the Soul Gem in order to obtain his forgiveness.

Sauron entered the undead spacecraft, and everything here was dominated by dark tones. But this does not affect the fact that the Dark Star is a powerful space battleship!

Although it is not as huge as Thanos's car, Holy Place No. 2, it is quite good in size. If it is sent to the Nova Empire, and the Nova Empire can perform some technical upgrades and modifications on it, it can completely serve as its own car.

When the time comes, drive back to Blue Star and scare to death those who are hostile to you!

There are only a few days left before the carnival party of the gods held on the planet Ego.

It’s time to take Star-Lord there and let father and son recognize each other! Then kill the god-brained Ego.

Whether the core of the god is integrated or recycled depends on what gains can be gained by killing the god's brain, Yi Ge.

But Sauron still prefers to recycle! Eight million gold coins are enough to show that the legendary equivalent of the core knowledge of the gods is not the mythical equivalent. Now Sauron is more eager for the mythical equivalent! After recycling the core of the gods, he can collect a few million gold coins. , you can perform the Mythic Triple Draw!

Just thinking about it makes Sauron have a tendency to raise his head!

Sauron summoned Star-Lord, Rocket and others to enter the Dark Star.

In the land of nothingness, due to the firepower of the undead spacecraft, there are ruins and injured people everywhere, but Difan is not dead yet. With the protection of the Difan Group, the place will be restored soon.

In the Difan Museum, all the remaining display cabinets were destroyed due to the explosion, and only a few species survived.

Among them, there is a facehugger! The alien egg that gave birth to the facehugger withstood the damage of the explosion.

The Facehugger took advantage of the chaos and quietly left Di Fan's museum like a mouse.

It is in the land of nothingness, looking for a parasitic target.

An ordinary miner is 90% similar to humans, but has natural black lines on his skin. This is an ordinary alien race, working hard to mine here to feed their family on their own planet.

The Facehugger was hiding in the shadows, but the little movement it made attracted his attention.

"What is this?"

He got closer to observe, but the facehugger suddenly pounced on him! It hugged his face, and the tail of the facehugger was tightly wrapped around his neck.

The toxin released caused him to fall into a coma instantly, but an alien egg had already entered his body and began to absorb his genes and hatch.

Gradually, the facehugger loses its life and dies completely. When he woke up, he saw the facehugger on the ground, his face full of confusion.

I checked my body and found that there were no changes, so I hurried home.

When all this happened, Sauron had already left the void in the Dark Star.

Little did he know that the alien baby who had just joined the Marvel family was about to cause a disaster!

But even if Sauron knew it, he would never stop it! The alien can absorb the host's powerful genes to evolve into an alien warrior with its ability. In this universe, there are countless super-abilities! If an alien parasitizes the body of a god, and then hatches a god-like alien and becomes the alien queen! Then the aliens hatched from her eggs also have the gene ability of the god!

That is to constantly send high-quality leeks to Sauron!

On the Dark Star, Rocket, Groot, Drax, Star-Lord, and Gamora are all there.

Because of the appearance of Sauron, the plot changed. Star-Lord did not make sacrifices for Gamora, so Gamora did not fall in love with Star-Lord.

There is also an additional space dog. She is squatting next to Sauron at the moment, wagging her tail happily.

"The master praises me as a good dog! The master praises me as a good dog!"

Her space suit has a kind of black technology, and the space dog can use this device to speak through force.

Sauron sat on the ground and touched the space dog's head with one hand. This dog was very clean. He could use his Psychokinesis to clean dirt and bugs such as fleas on his body.

"Quil, do you want to see your father?"

Sauron asked directly.

"You know my father?"

Quill was instantly excited. He had never seen his father, but only heard from his mother, but his mother died of cancer when he was a child. And he was also kidnapped from the Blue Star by Yondu and brought into the vast universe.

"Your father is not human!"

As soon as Sauron opened his mouth, Quil was so angry that he dared not speak!

[Why are you scolding people all of a sudden?]

"He is the brain of a god, and has existed for millions of years! After a long evolution, he has possessed huge divine power, gathered the matter in the universe and wrapped himself tightly, and gradually he became a brain. Planet.”

"But he couldn't move, so he created an avatar and walked the universe in search of life!"

"After he came to Blue Star, he met your mother, and you were born."

"You have half of the god's genes in your body!"

After Sauron finished speaking, not only Star-Lord was stunned, but Rocket and Gamora were also stunned.

"How can this be?"

Star-Lord was immediately surprised. He had never thought that his father would be an alien or a brain that had existed for millions of years!

"Ego Star, you should have said that!"

In the eyes of many ordinary civilizations throughout the universe, Ego is a private planet with a beautiful environment.

Little did he know that the owner of Ego Star, Ego, was actually the original incarnation of Ego Star.

"I really want to hear Thanos say that Ego is a very special existence."

Gamora suddenly spoke, Star-Lord didn't believe Su Lun but he believed Gamora.

"In a few days, I will go to Ego Star to attend a rave party. Star Lord, do you want to meet your father?"

"A rave party? What is that?"

Drax said with confusion in his mind.

"Ego Planet never allows outsiders to enter, so how could it possibly hold a carnival party?"

Rocket didn't believe it very much.

"I'm Groot! (What is a rave? Can I attend?"

Sauron stood up and said to everyone:

"Forgot to introduce me, I am the sun god of Asgard, and I am a cosmic god like Igos.

"The carnival party on the planet Ego is a carnival of the gods, and Ego will also participate."

At this moment, Star-Lord and others knew Sauron's identity.

Star-Lord has followed Yondu for so long, so he naturally knows that God is real.

…Please give me flowers…

"You are actually a god! No wonder you are so powerful"!

Star-Lord quickly said respectfully, he completely believed Sauron's words.

"I am willing to follow you to Ego Star!"

Sauron patted Star-Lord on the shoulder and smiled: "Quil, I am also from Blue Star, relax!"

Star-Lord's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Sauron in disbelief.

He can accept that Sauron is the god of Asgard! He can even accept that Sauron is an extremely ancient existence.

But he never imagined that Sauron was actually a Blue Star person.

This is simply incredible!

"Are you also from Blue Star? But how is this possible?"

Sauron smiled and said: "I met another god on Blue Star in the Almighty City half a month ago, Jesus, the God of Carpenters. Unfortunately, he is not very good at fighting."

(Jesus was a carpenter, and the carpenter god in Thor 4 means Jesus. This is why when talking about other gods, they are all on camera, but the carpenter god is not afraid of opposition from believers)

Star-Lord was completely dumbfounded. Western families grew up in such an environment even if they did not believe in Jesus. When Star-Lord entered the universe, he thought it was just an ordinary religious legend.


"what are you guys saying?"

Rocket couldn't understand the conversation between the two.

Star-Lord shook his head vigorously and explained to everyone.

In Xandar, the capital of the Nova Empire, the orbital defense system was activated instantly!

The Dark Star jumped through space and appeared above the Xandar Star.

"Ronan the Accuser, are you going to declare war on our Nova Empire?"

Xinxing Supreme sent a video communication to the Dark Star, and asked sternly as soon as the connection was connected.

Star-Lord's face appeared in front of Nova Supreme.

"Dear Nova Supreme, Ronan the Accuser has been killed by the Sun Temple!"

"Now this giant ship is the trophy of His Highness Sauron, the Sun God."


On Xandar, everyone in the empire command center was stunned.

Xinxing Supreme's eyes widened even more.

"Are you talking about His Highness Sauron, the Sun God of Asgard?"

Nova Supreme asked with some uncertainty.


Quill moved the camera and Sauron appeared on the screen.

"His Majesty Xinxing, doesn't he recognize me?"

Sauron says hello.

"Under the Temple of the Sun, aren't you in our hotel?"

The security personnel in the hotel have confirmed more than a dozen times that Sauron has never left.

"Just a little duplication trick."

Sauron said calmly and took back the duplication.

Nova Supreme saw the sun god Sauron disappear instantly in the hotel, and they really believed it.

"Turn off the orbital defense system and allow the Dark Star to land"!

Xinxing Supreme led his ministers to the spaceship dock to greet him.

Sauron stepped off the Dark Star, faced the new star supreme, and said with a smile: "Your majesty, the new star supreme, can you do me a little favor?"

Ronan the Accuser, a troublesome figure for the entire Nova Empire, was eliminated by Sauron.

Nova Supreme said quickly: "You eliminated Ronan and solved the war crisis facing the Nova Empire. If you have any needs, our Nova Empire will meet them!"

"Then please help me carry out a comprehensive upgrade and transformation of this Dark Star! My dignified Sun God, driving a Dark Star is a bit inconsistent with my identity. For specific transformation requirements, Rocket will Tell you billions."

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