
This is the office headquarters of the American military, and along with S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Tricurved Wing building, it is one of the safest local facilities in the world.

Five steps and one post, strict security, there is no hiding at all.

Just such a security facility built by Tony’s father Howard has been used to this day.

And under the Pentagon.

There is also a fortified dungeon buried.

The whole body is made of superplastic fiber, without a trace of metal, in order to imprison the famous Magneto.

In such a cage, even if Magneto once again controls the magnetic force, it will not help.

And now it is such a heavily guarded cage, and it may also be the last stop in Eric’s life.

“All aspects of the media are being prepared outside, and the relevant recording equipment has been turned on.” The guards gave a prepared look, and outside the cage were all the dignitaries in neat military uniforms.

Some of them are military generals, staff officers, and there are White House emissaries, and they came to witness the scene in front of them.

“It’s also a scene in history…”

The vicious Magneto was thus bound to a stool, his hands were firmly tied to the armrest, and injections were inserted into his arms, and behind him was an instrument for dispensing potions.

When the call is given, the poison inside the instrument is injected into Magneto’s body through the catheter.

After all, the death penalty method of shooting has long been abolished, and most of the death sentences now rely on poison to death, of course, in order to punish the evil and eliminate evil, but also take into account the other party’s crimes, and apply for an extremely cruel way, making Magneto more and more painful in the fatal process.

At the moment of death, Eric’s face was very flat, and he seemed to face all this indifferently.

“Hmph! Pretend to be calm. A military official scoffed disdainfully, and he looked at his watch, there was still about a minute before the execution time.


But at this moment, there was a violent roar outside.

It was movement from above the dungeon.

“Damn, it’s the Pentagon…” At the sound of the invading siren, the military dignitaries present all stood up.

“Someone hacked into the Pentagon …”

The impatient Magneto in the cage showed a smug smile at this time, and looked at the figure outside the cage so calmly.

That contemptuous attitude, as if everyone present was trapped prisoners, for a while, those present felt a sense of horror climb into their minds.


A violent explosion was already ringing outside the door.

With the gate rudely opened, a group of brotherhood members rushed in, directly storming the Pentagon.

It’s the day.

The masses did not wait for news of Magneto’s execution.

But another, more terrifying news came out, representing that the Pentagon of the military headquarters was almost half destroyed, and Eric was successfully taken away by the brotherhood.

The world became a sensation for a while.

The White House was furious and stepped up its punishment of mutants.

Even public opinion was completely tilted for a while, and all criticized the mutants who acted boldly and evilly.

“It’s terrifying, this is the first time the Pentagon has been attacked, and this is also an unprecedented terrorist attack.” Civil rights shouted.

In one poll, disgust for mutants slipped to a low point.

People are increasingly afraid of mutants.

This undoubtedly added a fire to the mutant registration bill, as Underwood said, it was the Brotherhood members who handed him a sharp knife!

The knife slashed at the mutant even more brazenly, and a large number of actions that were originally on the dark side were even fearlessly operated.

Mutants, in an instant, became rats that everyone shouted at.



On Earth, a campaign of mutants is in full swing, which seems to reflect that the relationship between humans and mutants has ushered in a freezing point.

In the universe, a war that can be called the opposition between good and evil has already quietly begun.

In these hundreds of years, in the vast and endless deep space, the threatening forces from the Apokolips Star have further increased, like newborn stars, exuding surging vitality.

Its demon-like legion brings panic and death to every planet that is watched.

The planet crumbled, collapsed, and was inexorably engulfed.

The balance between life and death is broken.

The guardians of the universe who aim to defend peace within the universe pay attention to this, and the ecology of the universe is broken by this dark force from the Epikolips.

As guardians of the universe, they will never allow such a bad development to continue.

So, the dark lord Darkseid also heard about the Green Lantern Army that maintained order in the universe not long ago. Door-to-door news.

And this event also corresponds to the time when Thanos invaded the earth.

Now, the curtain has come to an end.

“No one knows exactly what happened to the Apokolips Star, only that night, blood was sprinkled all over the sky, and under the night was a wailing roar… The 3,600 members of the Green Lantern Corps could no longer see a few successful escapes. ”

“Ah! That’s the whole thing… 3,600 Green Lanterns! ”

Many of the good deeds of the universe were shocked, and everyone knew that the universe was divided into 3,600 sectors by the ancient guardians, and each sector would select at least one creature with the strongest will as the guardian.

“Overcoming fear and fearlessness is the standard for green light ring owners… But they…”

“Almost dead…..”

Everyone present is not to say that they are facing an entire Green Lantern Corps, even if they are facing a Green Lantern, it is enough to choke.

But this Apokolips Star is so terrifying that it actually ate the entire Green Lantern Corps in one bite.

“Since then, the Guardian of the Universe of Oua Star has never mentioned this matter again, and seems to have acquiesced to the existence of the Dark Lord…”

“Are you just ignoring what Darkseid did?” An intergalactic cowboy scolded indignantly.

“This is also a matter of no way, who said that even the Green Lantern Corps is completely deflated?”

“Then we can only hope that Shandar Star will not be remembered by the Demon Legion.”

The intergalactic cowboys from Shandar ended their words here.

And even less known.

At this juncture, on the 2814 sector of the universe, including the earth, the completely lost green light ring found its new owner on the earth.

After Apokolips calmed the Green Lantern Legion for a while, the dark monarch Darkseid once again set his sights on the mother box.

He couldn’t accept the loss of his uncle Steppenwolf or even another cosmic weapon, Doom.

So, a crisis is brewing on the earth again.

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