The battle was a turbulent one, and the consequences were very serious.

Naturally, countries cannot use nuclear bombs, even if they may have secretly mastered weapons that are more powerful than nuclear bombs.

But as a super killer of human civilization on the surface, nuclear bombs must not be used easily. Before, when fighting with Phoenix, the Eastern Power used nuclear bombs to support Superman.

This incident has had an impact on the Eastern Power in diplomacy until now.

If it weren't for the use of nuclear bombs to support the battle between Superman and Phoenix, it is estimated that this impact would last longer.

But even if nuclear bombs cannot be used, countries have also shown their back-up.

The United States took the lead, and the three countries of Britain and France provided a lot of financial support to the National Strategic Defense and the Supply and Logistics Support Bureau.

Therefore, Nick Fury sent a large number of agents into the battlefield, especially Black Widow and Hawkeye, agents with extraordinary abilities, whose performance on the battlefield was amazing.

Even the Ten Rings, who had special equipment, were manipulated by these two guys.

The equipment and intelligence they brought back also gave the armies of the three countries a great advantage in the battle with the Ten Rings.

Russia was slightly weaker. It did not support the National Strategic and Supply and Logistics Bureau, but cultivated domestic spy organizations.

But in the final analysis, Russia is not the protagonist of this world. The spy organizations they cultivated with the power of one country are still much weaker than the National Strategic and Supply and Logistics Bureau, which gathers talents from all over the world. The role they play is very limited. Most of the intelligence was obtained by Natasha and others who took the initiative to show goodwill for the sake of being colleagues.

And the last country, the Eastern Power, presented a different style to the world.

Before the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency changed their long and ugly name, they used the power of one country to build their own super agent organization belonging to the Eastern Power.


And unlike Nick Fury, who was alienated from the US government, Zheng Xian, the director of the S.H.I.B., completely obeyed the orders of the government of the Eastern Power and was an organization that served the country completely.

They did not have the great desire to protect the world like Nick Fury, but only the purest patriotism. However, it was this patriotism that made the agents in the S.H.I.B. show the will and loyalty far beyond the agents under Nick Fury.

Once again, the world felt the weight brought by 5,000 years of culture.

If it was just like this, the senior officials of the US government would not be so surprised.

They have long known the strong sense of identity of the Eastern Power based on 5,000 years of culture, and have experienced it personally decades ago. The most important thing is that the participation of mutants in the war is what shocked all other countries.

Superman's act of helping mutants to establish a nation has led countries around the world to coexist peacefully with mutants, but trustworthiness takes time to prove.

Mutants who have suffered a lot of persecution have just stabilized their lives and do not have the courage to use their abilities to benefit the entire society.

Except for the Eastern Power.

In fact, at the beginning of the mutant problem, the Eastern Power was not much different from other countries in the world.

For mutants, a group with powerful power that can easily shake social stability, the Eastern Power initially adopted means of vigilance and surveillance.

There was also a wave of discrimination against mutants in the country.

But slowly, the uneasiness brought by the power of mutants was gradually suppressed by the cultural and national identity in the Eastern Power.

They were the first country to realize that mutants were their compatriots.

The attitude towards mutants has gradually eased. When a series of mutant incidents occurred, the mutant system in the Eastern Power had become a simple registration without any discrimination.

As Superman helped mutants to establish a country, the Eastern Power established the Spear Bureau, allowing the mutants who had already integrated with ordinary people in the country to spontaneously contribute their strength.

And this power was perfectly demonstrated in this battle.

At the battlefield of the Eastern Power.

The army soldiers of the Eastern Power charged towards the Ten Rings Gang base not far ahead. And beside them, tanks roared beside them, and planes monitored everything about the enemy in the sky.

But under the attack of the Ten Rings Gang, sacrifice is inevitable.

The sword energy can easily cut the tank armor

open, and the planes in the sky also have specific anti-aircraft guns to fight against.

Coupled with the continuous combat power of the Ten Commandments Gang, the battle situation has fallen into a stalemate, and people die in the battle every second.

The battle has been tense until now, and countries around the world have also figured out where the Ten Commandments Gang's troops come from. The answer is civilians from surrounding countries.

Since the battle fell into a stalemate, a group of Ten Commandments Gang soldiers with dull eyes but extremely clean and neat movements have continued to appear. They are civilians from surrounding third world countries, who are controlled by the Ten Commandments Gang in a special way and join the battlefield.

Faced with this battle where there is almost no victory, no soldier chooses to retreat, because they know that their comrades are coming soon.

As a transport plane flew over the sky, several black shadows jumped out of it and landed on the battlefield.

The next moment, lightning that penetrated the sky and the earth fell from the sky and fell hard on the Ten Commandments Gang's front line, smashing the Ten Commandments Gang's defense line.

The soldiers did not stop charging on the ground, but they all looked at the figures above the battlefield.

A woman wearing special composite armor, also a warrior of their SHIELD Bureau, the weather witch.

And with the appearance of the weather witch, other superhumans of SHIELD Bureau also appeared one after another.

Wearing special armor to enhance his senses, holding two energy beam blades, the SHIELD warrior fell into the enemy army. He shuttled among the enemy group with agility, and the two energy blades were constantly waving, taking the enemy's life.

But just relying on the two of them, they could not block everyone's attack. The opponent's sword energy was still constantly attacking the charging soldiers.

And at this moment, one, no! A group of superheroes appeared.

Wearing a tights with the flag pattern of the Eastern power, holding a special shield made of ultra-high tension steel, one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand warriors who looked exactly the same rushed out from the back, using their bodies and shields in their hands to block the attacking sword energy for the charging soldiers.

If the story of Captain America shows everyone the powerful power of individualistic heroes themselves.

Then his existence is undoubtedly to tell the world what the power of unity is.

"Comrade, you are not fighting alone!"

The heroes holding shields said the same words without any prior agreement, and they also have the same name.

Ten Thousand Heroes!

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