The first time, the last time.

"So... am I really the Clark Kent in the comics? I'm really a Kryptonian... I'm... not a human..."

Clark looked at his hands in confusion. Yes, his hands were exactly the same as those of humans, with similar forehead lines, questioning, and the ability to grasp. He always thought he was a human, at most... at most some talents were slightly more prominent.

Even at the moment when his eyes released the hot sight, he always thought he was just a special human.

Superman on the side had a strange look on his face. Anyone who knew that he was just a comic character in other people's world would feel a little uncomfortable.

Because this means that the pain and sadness in their world, and the joy when hope comes, are actually just entertainment for ordinary people's daily lives in other worlds.

But the same problem also arises. Clark can guarantee that the child in front of him is himself. He has checked it with x-ray vision. This child is himself, and he is a Kryptonian.

"No! I am human, I must be human!!"

At this time, Clark's heart was extremely excited. Everything he believed in collapsed, and his three views were destroyed. His eyes lit up red light uncontrollably. Superman's son Jonathan and Batman's son Damir Jianzhuang were nervous.

The strong are because they are Superman's sons, so they naturally know how terrible their thermal vision is.

As for the latter, Damian, the son of Batman, first thought that they were now in the Daily Planet. Once such a thermal vision erupted, the entire Daily Planet would collapse.

But someone was faster. Superman came to Clark first, and his broad palm blocked Clark's eyes steadily, allowing the thermal vision to continue to shine on his palm.

He did not choose to stop Clark from venting his emotions, but chose to take on the pain that was vented.

Because as the same person, Superman also experienced the same pain when his father Jonathan told him the truth when he was young.

The only difference is that when his three views collapsed, his parents who loved him were always by his side, and the self in another world in front of him came to another world by mistake.

No one understands the pain brought by this subtle difference better than Superman himself.

Clark is too young. Even Clark has a certain time limit when he bursts out his heat vision at full strength, and Clark is naturally the same. He is exhausted and stops. At this time, Lois also returned here with a box made of special materials in her hand.

"Clark, be careful..."

Lois reminded softly, and Superman nodded. After gently opening the box, he directly took out a piece of stone emitting green light with his hand, and walked in front of Clark despite the discomfort brought by his body.

"I'm also confused about this, but..."

As the kryptonite approached, Clark's body also reacted. The discomfort from the cellular level swept through his body. Clark, who couldn't bear it, almost vomited out everything he ate yesterday at once.

The Green Arrow, who had been watching and alert, couldn't help but say.

"I never knew that kryptonite could have such a big impact on a Kryptonian."

The Canary on the side rolled her eyes at her husband.

"When you were 8 years old, you drank the blood of a demon, and you had the same reaction, even worse than this child."

The Green Arrow smiled embarrassedly, and didn't speak, but took the bow and arrow to the rooftop. Now there are many infected people, they must be careful of the hero infected to attack the Daily Planet Building.

Gradually, Clark adapted to the radiation of Krypton. After all, such a reaction was only caused by the sudden disappearance of the ability. The radiation of kryptonite itself will not have adverse effects on the body of Kryptonians, at least green kryptonite is like this.

At this time, Superman also said helplessly.

"It turns out that even if you are not me, you are a pure Kryptonian. This is absolutely true. But as far as I know, the El family... doesn't have a brother who looks exactly like me."

Superman stood up and knew that Clark needed some time to calm down. He looked at the survivors around him and said.

"Everyone, we need to tell all the survivors in the world now that the Daily Planet has Superman, the Daily Planet has the protection of heroes, and we need to gather all our strength.

Only with strength can we protect humanity. "

People believed Superman's call, and Damian and Jonathan put aside their curiosity about Clark and did what they could.

Superman slowly walked to Clark and squatted down, waiting for the young self to calm down completely.

Gradually, Clark finally calmed down. It might be because of his highly developed brain that he quickly figured out the current situation, or it might be simply because Superman beside him always exuded a reassuring atmosphere.

"Can you tell me your story? "

Clark turned his head and looked at Superman in front of him, but Superman just waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Look, you already know my story through comics, but it is obvious that your life is different from mine. Maybe, in this world, I am the one who can understand you most easily..."

Superman is still Superman. Looking at the smiling face of the man in front of him, Clark's heart is full of hope for some reason. The characteristics that can only be seen in a few words in the comics, when he really meets Superman face to face, he suddenly finds that Superman really has the power to bring hope to people. This is the strongest superpower of the greatest hero.

"My world... is actually very similar to this..."

Clark told his life so far, which is so ordinary. These stories, It was more about the life of the Parker family, but it was so warm.

Superman couldn't help but think of his childhood life on a farm in Kansas with his parents.

From Clark's words, Superman also roughly knew that it was a world very similar to his own, except that the one who picked up the Krypton child was not an old couple in Kansas, but a young couple traveling in New York City.

But the same thing is that they all gave this alien child a warm home.

On the side, the faces of Jonathan and Damian who passed by changed a little, because they heard a few familiar names from Clark's narration.

Finally, Jonathan couldn't help but walked over.

"Dad... Clark... No... Clark from another world? Excuse me, who is the richest man in the United States in your world?"

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