The first time he tried to break free, he was too late. A large number of green spikes suddenly pierced out from the handcuffs that wrapped his fists. Clark's hands were pierced all over. And this was just the beginning. Under Clark's feet, under the platform where the defendant stood, there were also a large number of spikes piercing out, piercing Clark's legs in the blink of an eye. "Ah!!!" The severe pain and the weakness in his body made Clark determine what this thing was at the first time. "Kryptonite... How can there be kryptonite..." Clark immediately recalled everything he had experienced, and finally determined a direction. His blood sample, which was kept in Uncle Richard's hands, was partially lost. Reverse research using the physical constitution of Kryptonians. Although humans cannot completely imitate kryptonite, they can still research substances that can release similar radiation.

Clark really trusts humans so much that, without his knowledge, humans have already built an execution platform for him.

Clark raised his head and looked at the judge who was standing high above him, enduring the pain.

The other party took out a pistol from his arms and pulled the trigger at Clark's heart.

A green bullet flew out.

Clark was completely unable to dodge because his body was fixed by kryptonite spikes.

Once the kryptonite bullet hits the heart, he will definitely die.


At the critical moment, the ceiling shattered with a shout, and Kara rushed here immediately. On the way here, he had already seen everything that happened inside the court with super vision.

Kara came to Clark in an instant and blocked Clark with her body.

"Explode your power, Clark, you are so gentle that you even forget how strong you are!"

Kara hugged Clark tightly, but exposed her body to the kryptonite bullet.

"But... Kryptonite..."

Clark wanted to say that kryptonite had a restraining effect on Kryptonians, but the next moment, the bullet shot into Kara's body.


When Clark saw Kara spitting blood, his mind went blank.

Although they had only been together for half a year, family was family after all. Both he and Kara had the blood of the Kryptonian El family flowing in their bodies.

This blood connection was impossible to cut off.

Even though Kara and Clark had very different ideas, they had already regarded each other as the most important family members.

At this moment, Clark saw his family get hurt to protect him.

At this moment, he finally remembered what his original ideal was.

When did he start to be blinded by the responsibility of Superman and forget that he was just getting stronger to protect his family at the beginning.

He was unwilling to give up humanity, but put his family in danger. When did he start to put the cart before the horse?

But fortunately, it's not too late to react now.

Although Kara was hit by a bullet, the part hit was not fatal.

However, the anger in his heart could not be relieved just like that.

The kryptonite spikes that pierced his body were gradually dyed with golden light.

The powerful force had not been released yet, but the surrounding ground shook violently.

"What! How is it possible? Wasn't he weakened by the kryptonite?"

At this time, those who had been plotting to kill Superman finally felt panic. They did not expect that Superman would be so powerful in anger.

The next moment, the artificial kryptonite was directly burned to ashes by the surging solar energy in Clark's body, and the next moment, the flare broke out.

The terrifying solar energy enveloped everything around in an instant.

The judge, the bailiff, the witnesses, and the reporters who were only broadcasting around.

At this moment, they were all burned to ashes by the blazing flames.

The entire court was razed to the ground in an instant, and no one was spared.

When the light disappeared, only Clark was left holding Kara and floating slowly in the air. As for the ground, it was also melted by this terrifying force.

As for innocent people? Sorry, in Clark's eyes now, there are no innocent people.

"It didn't hit the vital organs, but the kryptonite bullet got stuck in the lungs. Surgery must be performed immediately."

Clark immediately judged Kara's injury and didn't

Without hesitation, Clark flew back to the Fortress of Solitude. Using the Kryptonian technology, Clark quickly removed the Kryptonite bullet in Kara's body, and Kara was out of danger.


Clark took a deep breath. Nothing happened. His family didn't get into trouble because of his choice.

However, when he relaxed now, Clark's heart was filled with anger.

He couldn't let go of those who hurt his family.

If it was these inferior technologies of humans that gave them the courage to do something to their family, then he wanted to see if they could still laugh if they lost these technologies that they were proud of.

At this time, Clark just wanted to fulfill what he had said before, and it was not just as simple as demilitarization. He wanted to make the United States a country that directly deindustrialized.

He wanted to beat the United States back to an agricultural society, otherwise he couldn't vent his anger.


Benjamin noticed Clark's abnormality and shouted, as if he wanted to say something.

But just as Benjamin understood Clark, Clark also understood Benjamin. He had already thought of a way to persuade his old father.

"Dad, if the US government asked you to hand me over for experimental research when I was a child, what would you do?"

Benjamin shut up after just a simple question.

If the US government needs Benjamin's help, then whether it is to join the army or enter the laboratory, or even to produce some important research results, Benjamin will be willing, but if the government asks Benjamin to donate his family as research materials, then Benjamin will definitely give the other party a big fight.

The same is true for Clark.

If humans need Superman's help, as long as they take the initiative to ask for help, Clark, as a superman, will agree, even if he has to use Kryptonian technology to help humans progress.

But if humans want to hurt her family, then Clark will let these people experience the anger of the Kryptonians.

This time, it is not Clark, not Superman, but Kal El, a Kryptonian from the El family, who left for revenge.

"Take good care of Peter. He should be very flustered when he comes to a strange place."

Leaving this sentence, Clark left the Fortress of Solitude.

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