The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

At this time, Superman and Canary had also arrived at Keystone City. In an underground shelter that Batman had prepared long ago, the two found Barry Allen, the Flash, and Wally, the Flash, who were sitting there with their eyes wide open.

"When did a lead-containing shelter come here? And you can actually sit here quietly and be lonely."

After entering, Superman looked around and found that almost all the electronic products originally prepared in the shelter were smashed to pieces by the two speedsters. Obviously, someone had told the two speedsters everything about the virus before they arrived.

"It's Batman."

The Flash told Superman the answer. It was Batman who asked them to hide here in advance.

Even before Damian took the initiative to contact Batman, after Batman realized that the virus could be transmitted through body fluids and the Internet, the first person he thought of was not Damian who was playing video games at Superman's house, but the two speedsters.

Batman knew that if the speedsters were infected with the virus and became infected, there would be two more demons in the world who spread death with beams, so even if the speedsters were abandoned, they could not be infected by the virus.

For this reason, when contacting Superman, Batman did not even tell Superman where Barry was, for fear that Superman wanted to gather the power of heroes and expose the speedsters to danger.

It's just a pity that even if Batman chose to conceal it, even if the lead used in this shelter could hinder Superman's super vision, Superman still found the two speedsters in various ways. He wanted to take them away from here and go to the Daily Planet to meet up with everyone.

Superman was completely unaware that his unintentional actions completely destroyed Batman's most important arrangements.

"I didn't expect that Batman had already anticipated the biological virus, and it was specially prepared for you speedsters."

After listening to Barry's story, Canary couldn't help but sigh that Batman is worthy of being the smartest person on earth. There was no sign at all, but Batman actually prepared for the zombie virus, which only exists in science fiction movies.

"After all, he is Batman..."

Barry's tone was a little low. When talking to Batman, he also knew that Batman had been infected. Presumably, now they have completely lost this smartest human.

"We don't have time to be sad for our partners here. There are more people who need our help."

Superman comforted him. Suddenly, his super hearing heard the sound of fighting from the Daily Planet, and also heard his son's roar.

"An enemy has attacked the Daily Planet! We must go back. Green Arrow and the kids may not be able to hold out for too long..."

He heard that the enemy was just a giant woman. This was not a threat to little Jonathan, but if little Jonathan could not do it, it was very likely that ordinary people in the Daily Planet would be infected, and the most important thing was another self.

Superman knew deeply that in this world where the virus was rampant, every Kryptonian was a huge threat, even if the other party was only 8 years old and could not even fly.

But even such a person, once infected, would most likely devour the sun in the future.

Don't be surprised, because Superman knew himself clearly, and he could definitely devour this sun within ten years. If Clark was infected and given the opportunity to learn to fly, he could do the same thing.

The four of them did not hesitate at this moment, and Superman did not fly and search at the same time as when he came, but flew towards the Daily Planet at the fastest speed.

The speedsters were naturally unwilling to fall behind, and in the blink of an eye they turned into lightning and caught up with Superman on the ground. For a moment, only Canary, who had just become a Green Lantern, was left. Although her flying speed was also first-class, it was still a little slower than these two perverts!

At this time, in the Daily Planet, Clark was about to go down to help Damian and Green Arrow fight against ordinary infected people, but suddenly found that little Jonathan was grabbed by the giant woman.


Clark could not regard Joe as his son, after all, he was only 8 years old, but the similarity of personality and blood connection made him regard Joe as his friend. Seeing little Jonathan in danger, his eyes suddenly turned red, and his eyes were hot and he did not spare him.

Clark shot at the hands of the giant woman holding Jonathan.

Clark's heat vision could not burn through the giant woman's skin at this time, but it was enough to make her feel pain. At the moment when his power was weakened, Jonathan also struggled to break free from the restraints and hurriedly said to Clark.

"Don't attack! He may still be saved!"

This is the kindness of Jonathan from Superman. Because he was not sure whether the other party was completely incurable, he would rather put himself in danger to save the other party's life.

And this kind spirit also slowly spread into Clark's heart at this moment.


"I believe in Dad, he will definitely find out the situation here and will definitely be able to come back!"

However, the next person to arrive here was not Superman, but Alfred, who came here with Batman's relics after killing the infected Batman and burying the three members of the Bat Family.

Alfred, who was driving the Batfighter, had just approached and saw the giant giant woman fighting with Jonathan and the young master.

Without hesitation, Alfred immediately controlled the Bat Fighter to shoot riot bullets, but how could the riot bullets used to subdue ordinary people hurt the giant woman who could resist Clark's thermal vision?

Such an attack not only failed to hurt the giant woman, but also brought danger to Alfred because the giant woman shifted her attention to Alfred.

Unable to dodge the giant woman's fist, the back half of the Bat Fighter was broken, and the remaining body was also caught by the giant woman. Alfred was about to be crushed into a pile of scrap metal together with the Bat Fighter.

Little Jonathan finally couldn't sit still. He didn't hold back anymore and rushed towards the giant woman with all his strength, trying to knock her down with one punch.

But faster than him was another red and blue phantom.

No one noticed what happened at all. The giant woman was hit hard in the face and fell heavily to the ground. At the same time, the Bat Fighter in her hand exploded, and Alfred was held by Superman and slowly landed from the air.

After Superman appeared, the Flash Barry Allen, the Flash Boy Wally, Wonder Woman Diana who responded to the call, and the Green Lantern Canary who arrived a few seconds later also slowly descended from the sky.

Superman finally caught up.

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