The two of them were very close.

"Leave before I change my mind. After I am fully prepared, I will leave the earth. This planet will belong to humans completely. Isn't this what you want?"

'We don't need this planet to belong to humans. We need this planet to belong to the United States! '

Rose, who was far away, shouted in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out loud. He could only watch Clark and Kara go farther and farther.

At this time, a fighter plane slowly appeared in the air and landed on the ice.

This sudden change made Clark and Kara stop, because they had recognized the people on the plane, who were their friends, the mutants.

The door of the plane opened, and Jean and Logan came out. After taking a look at Banner and Ross, who looked pale and lost, they stopped caring.

When targeting mutants, I have never seen humans show such expressions.

Behind the two of them, Nick Fury still came out holding his metal suitcase.

Nick Fury did not react at all to Banner and Ross, as if he was not a human.

But it is normal to think about it carefully. Superman has never actively hurt ordinary people. Now he is targeting the US government, not Americans. Nick Fury can develop S.H.I.E.L.D. into the current state that his grandmother and uncle do not love. The relationship between him and the US government can be imagined.

"You shouldn't come to me at this time. You need to live on Earth after all."

Looking at Jean and Logan who came to him, Clark spoke lightly.

Just like the mutants knew that they could not help Clark, Clark himself did not want the mutants to be involved in his affairs.

"Boy, don't think you can look down on your Uncle Wolf just because you are so powerful. Whether I can help you is another matter, but I will definitely support you!"

Logan was not polite to Clark at all, and directly punched the latter on the shoulder.

Such interaction naturally made the relationship between the few people, which had gradually faded due to time, become familiar again.

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Wolf, but this time, you are not looking for me because of your own needs."

As he said, Clark looked at Nick Fury who was standing quietly on the side.

After realizing that it was his turn to speak, Nick Fury did not say anything, but raised the briefcase in his hand.

"Super... Mr. Clark, take a look at the things in the briefcase, you should know the purpose of my coming here."

Hearing this, Clark did not say anything, and directly looked at the things inside the briefcase with his eyes, and his expression instantly became solemn.

"This is..."

He did not say it directly, and called everyone to go to the Fortress of Solitude.

"Let's go, let's talk inside the Fortress of Solitude."


In the lobby of the Fortress of Solitude, Benjamin and May returned to their rooms because they knew they were just ordinary people. Katie also stayed after greeting Jean and Logan.

"Open it, Nick Fury. I know what this is, even better than you."

All along, Clark had never interrupted his communication with the Ancient One, and naturally he was curious about the other party's method of pausing time.

Because in Clark's view, the power of the Ancient One did not reach the level of transcending time at all, so he was naturally very curious about how the Ancient One did it.

After hearing Clark's question, the Ancient One seemed to have known that Clark would ask this question, and directly popularized the knowledge of the Infinity Stones to Clark.

It also let Clark know the secret deep in the universe.


Nick Fury, who had decided to bring this thing to Clark, naturally would not hesitate at this time. He opened the suitcase, and the items in it were also displayed in front of everyone.

"A...colorless fluorescent Rubik's Cube?"

Seeing the thing in front of him, Logan couldn't help but complain, until he realized that no one noticed his joke, he curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

"The Cosmic Cube, Master Ancient One once told me that the Cosmic Cube is now on Earth, but I didn't expect it to be in your hands."

"The Cosmic Cube? Is that what it's called?"

Nick Fury nodded, and felt relieved. Since Clark knew about this thing, it should be the right choice to give it to Superman.

"Explain it, Nick Fury, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., why do you...

Why would you take the initiative to hand this thing over to me? You shouldn't trust me that much."

After recognizing the Cosmic Cube, Kraken didn't accept it, because to him, the Cosmic Cube actually had no appeal.

On the contrary, if he kept the Cosmic Cube, it would bring him a lot of trouble in the future.

Nick Fury sighed.

What the other party said was right. From Nick Fury's standpoint, he shouldn't have too much trust in Kryptonians like Clark, but...

"What if I have no one to trust except you now? "

Under everyone's surprised gaze, Nick Fury told everyone about what happened to SHIELD during this period.

It was similar to Richard's experience, but SHIELD had been infiltrated more thoroughly.

Nick Fury couldn't tell exactly when it started. He only knew that when he realized that the situation around him was gradually changing, even Coulson, whom he trusted the most, had been replaced by the Skrulls and was out of his control.

Nick Fury was shocked. He knew best how many Skrulls there were on Earth. With the number of Skrulls on Earth, it was impossible to infiltrate the entire SHIELD.

But the fact is that Nick Fury was sidelined without knowing it, and everyone no longer obeyed his orders.

Nick Fury, who realized this, did not alert the enemy, but set a trap. After killing the Skrulls who wanted to replace him, he fled SHIELD and took the most important cosmic cube in SHIELD with him. He flew to Looking for Clark in the Arctic.

But he failed.

Because the relationship between Clark and the human government deteriorated sharply, the entire Arctic was surrounded by aircraft carriers of various countries. The fighter plane driven by Nick Fury not only failed to enter the Arctic, but was discovered by the US government, and a group of fighter planes were sent to chase it.

Even though Nick Fury got rid of some fighter planes, his own aircraft was seriously damaged. In the end, he was forced to fly to the mutant country Krako, hoping to get help in Krako.

After explaining all the causes and consequences, Nick Fury bowed his head to Clark.

"I'm sorry that humans have done this, Clark, but this is definitely not as simple as the government's decision. There are other people hiding deeper and planning all this. Maybe, your leaving the earth is also part of the other party's plan. I don't expect you to forgive humans, I just hope you can help a group of ordinary people in the end. At least, don't let this group of dangerous elements hiding in the dark succeed."

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