The matter between Clark and Wonder Woman ended quickly. In the next few days, Wonder Woman will train Clark in the way of Paradise Island warrior training. On the other side, on the roof of the Daily Planet, the butler Alfred also found his young master Damian. "Master Damian..." Alfred's face was full of sadness. He always regarded Bruce Wayne as his own child, including Dick and Tim. They were Bruce's adopted children, so they were also his children. But not long ago, he saw Bruce kill Dick and Tim to protect himself, and he also killed Bruce with his own shotgun after Bruce was completely controlled by the virus. He killed his own child. This will be Alfred's eternal sorrow in his life.

"Alfred... Grandpa..."

Looking at the sad old man, Damian hesitated a little, but still called out the name that the old man was most looking forward to.

Sure enough, after hearing Damian call him Grandpa, Alfred's sad face finally showed a bitter smile. The estrangement in this family finally disappeared completely. If Bruce and the others had not died, it would be a great thing...

Thinking of this, Alfred squatted down and put the suitcase in his hand on the ground.

"This is what Master Bruce asked me to hand over to you at the end. In fact... This thing has been kept in the warehouse. Bruce has been preparing for this for a long time."

After a series of tests, the suitcase was slowly opened under Damian's fingerprints. What caught everyone's eyes was a slightly smaller bat suit and many USB flash drives.

These USB flash drives record all the preparations Bruce has made for the future. Some of them are now useful, while others have already been used. For example, when Batman loses control, the Justice League's correct way of dealing with it will never be used again.

Although it is only the first small suitcase, it contains everything Bruce has. Now, he has handed it all over to his son, Damian.

"Damn it..."

Damian, who has been forcing himself to stay sane, can no longer hold back, and tears flow out uncontrollably. He feels sad, not for Batman, but for his stupid and stubborn father.

"Since it has been prepared for a long time, then you should take it out earlier!!!"

After roaring, Damian took the suitcase and walked into the only intact Daily Planet building. Soon, he changed into a perfectly fitting bat suit and appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, all the heroes felt that Damian had changed. Although it was just a set of well-fitting battle suits, the moment Damian put it on, he had become Batman, the new generation of Batman.

"It seems that Batman's will has been passed down..."

Green Arrow couldn't help but sigh, but his name of Green Arrow could no longer be passed down. He had tried to contact the heroes of his Green Arrow family, and they, without exception, had all lost contact.

Under the current disaster, there is only one possibility, that is, they are all infected, without exception.

"There is no time to waste, everyone..."

At this time, Superman and Wonder Woman also flew back with Clark alone, and Superman spoke to everyone.

"Now Metropolis, Baltimore, and Washington have been destroyed. The city is no longer suitable for us to live in. We need to find a new place for the survivors and start to implement the plan left by Batman."

Everyone nodded. They had no time to waste. They had to race against time to save as many people as possible.

And in response, Superman also began to arrange tasks.

"Green Arrow, Canary, Damian, use the power of Green Lantern to take the survivors of the Daily Planet to my Fortress of Solitude, and there to welcome the superheroes who will come next. As for us, from now on, satellites, optical cables, and everything related to the Internet must be destroyed!"



The heroes were immediately moved. Superman brought his son Jonathan Jr., and Barry brought his nephew Wally to start destroying servers around the world.

Cables and other things related to the Internet. They have to completely destroy the Internet that hosts the anti-life equation virus in a short period of time.

Wonder Woman also has such a task, but she is not in a hurry to implement it. Instead, she takes Clark directly to the universe.

From the moment he realized that Byte was a Kryptonian, Clark no longer needed to breathe. As long as he had the yellow sun, he could survive in space.

Coming here, on the one hand, Diana needs to destroy all artificial satellites to limit the spread of the Internet. On the other hand, there is no weakening of the atmosphere here, which can maximize Clark's exposure to sunlight and gain Superman's power at the fastest speed.

During this period, many heroes also gathered towards Superman's Fortress of Solitude, including some villains who love and kill heroes.

Naturally, it also includes Superman's nemesis, Lex Luthor, who is known as the second smartest person on earth and now the smartest person on earth, and has also come to the Fortress of Solitude and joined the heroes.

However, there is a member of the Justice League who has not come to the Fortress of Solitude, that is Aquaman, Arthur.


Time goes forward, almost when Superman realized the outbreak of the virus and rushed home to stop Jonathan and Damian from playing video games on the network TV.

In the waters near Atlantis, a cruise ship lost power and stopped on the sea.

Aquaman Arthur discovered this and suspected that the cruise ship had lost power and wanted to come to help, but when he boarded the cruise ship, he found that although the entire cruise ship could make subtle sounds from time to time, as a whole, it revealed a dead atmosphere.

In response, Aquaman raised his vigilance, his muscles tensed, and walked towards the door leading to the cabin.

But the moment he opened the door, countless infected people poured out and swarmed towards Aquaman.

Although he is often ridiculed as the shame of the Justice League, Aquaman is the king of Atlantis. The nails of these infected people can never break Aquaman's skin, so naturally they can't infect him.

But Aquaman chose the wrong way to deal with it.

After being frightened for a short time, he decided to investigate these infected people, but he did not choose to knock them down directly on the cruise ship, but chose to jump into the sea and lure these infected people into the sea, the main battlefield of Aquaman.

But he overestimated himself and underestimated the anti-life equation virus.

He was indeed not injured, but the blood of the infected people spread rapidly in the sea water with the virus, and entered his body with Aquaman's breathing.

He thought he had a strong physique and was immune to all poisons, but he paid the price for it. He was not injured, but he drank sea water because he needed to breathe, and was infected and became an infected person. A hero of the Justice League fell.

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