The next plot is that the female warrior is moved by Clark's will and admits Clark's willingness to protect others.

Sorry, this is not a heroic legend. No one will simply agree with others because of a sentence or a standing up after falling down, not to mention the Amazons who are inherently warlike and competitive.

Clark not only did not get her recognition after receiving the words, but also angered the warrior.

Clark, who is not as strong as himself, actually gave up using the long sword during training and only used the shield. The reason is that he didn't want to hurt himself?

What's the difference between such a scene and an ant running in front of you and saying that he was worried about stepping on you to death so he just waited for you to leave first?

Compared with the firm will shown in Clark's words, the female warrior saw more of the other party's contempt for herself. Although Clark herself had no idea of ​​despising the other party, such behavior itself was a harm to the female warrior's self-esteem.

So Clark not only did not get the other party's recognition, but suffered the ruthless and stormy attack from the female warrior.

The female warrior was stronger in strength and faster in speed. At this time, Clark was not the opponent of the other party in any aspect. He could only hold the shield in his hand with all his strength, because he felt that as long as he was a little lax, this only shield that could protect himself would slip out of his hand under the attack of the other party.

Wonder Woman, who was observing all this in the dark, shook her head. Compared with the Amazon warriors who had been staying here, he understood Clark's thoughts better, because she herself had fought side by side with Superman, who had the same kindness, countless times, and had quarreled with Superman because of this kindness that seemed incompatible with ordinary people.

Clark was right. There was nothing wrong with a person sticking to his own ideas. Wonder Woman could only say that Clark was still too young.

He didn't see clearly what kind of character the Amazon warriors living on Paradise Island are.

They are proud warriors who have absolute confidence in their honed martial arts. This confidence and self-esteem are everything to these female warriors. Even Superman himself would not say in front of them that I will protect you.

Because Superman knows that it's okay for him to do this, but if he says it to their face, these female warriors will really fight with Superman for the pride in their hearts. Even if their strength is far inferior to Superman, they will not have any fear.

Both of them are still Superman, Superman who is called the God of the World. They dare to go up and fight for their lives, not to mention Clark is just a child who didn't know he was a Kryptonian a week ago?

Wonder Woman has left secretly. She has to go to the Fortress of Solitude and meet Superman and others as soon as possible.

But Clark is still enduring the ruthless attack of the female warriors.

In addition to avoiding the fatal vital points, the sharp sword had no force on the rest of the attacks. Several times, Clark thought he was about to say goodbye to his arms and even thighs.

Even if he finally managed to avoid these attacks that might cripple him, the sword would leave deep scars on his body.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to hurt me? But look at yourself now! You can't even protect yourself, so why do you say that to me!!"

The female warrior roared, but looking at Clark who had no resistance, she gradually felt bored.

So, in the next attack, the female warrior used the shield in her hand to collide with Clark's shield. Unlike the slashing of the long sword, the collision between the shields was a pure test of strength, and the female warrior, who was stronger, successfully knocked Clark's body back, and he was about to fall to the ground in the next moment.

But faster than gravity was the attack of the female warrior. With a pick of the long sword in her hand, Clark's shield flew out of her hand, and at the same time, a deep scar appeared on the back of his hand.


Finally, the shield hit again. This time, without the shield's protection, Clark's chest was hit so hard that the sound of broken bones resounded through his mind. Then, there was severe pain. Clark flew backwards dozens of meters, hit the inner wall of the arena, and collapsed to the ground.

The shield that was lifted up just happened to fall beside his hand.

"Boring... In the end, I still can't stand up?"

The female warrior thought that she had just been attacked.

She had already figured out Clark's limit. Under such an attack, the opponent was almost doomed to faint and there was no way he would wake up.

Just when she was about to leave and come back to see the situation later, the sound of the metal shield hitting the ground attracted her attention again. When she looked back, she found that Clark had once again leaned on the shield and barely stood up.

"Oh? It seems that your nonsense is not just talk."

The weapon that had just been put away was unsheathed again, and the female warrior came to the center of the battlefield again.

At this time, she had almost calmed down after beating Ivan Clark violently, and at the same time, she also noticed Clark's eyes, that kind of extremely pure eyes, pure kindness.

"Excuse me, your name is..."

The female warrior did not expect that Clark, who stood up again with his will, did not choose to attack at the first time, but asked such a question that had nothing to do with training.

"What? Do you want to know my name, and then come to me for revenge after you become a real superman in a few years?"

The sarcastic words almost blurted out, but when the female warrior noticed Clark's clear eyes again, and the kindness without any resentment in them, she regretted it, and a sense of guilt for some unknown reason filled her heart.

Now there is only one thought in my mind, I really deserve to die.

"No, I won't seek revenge on you, I just want to thank you, thank you for training me, and thank you for letting me understand my shortcomings, my mistakes, and not considering your ideas."

The female warrior was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"So, you little devil, you are still thinking about me in the bed attack, in such a painful situation?"

The female warrior raised her head. It must be said that Clark succeeded. He proved his will with his actions. In the eyes of these Amazon warriors, standing up again after being knocked down by the enemy is nothing. Every qualified warrior can do this. As long as they are not dead, they will not give up fighting the enemy.

But like Clark, even if he suffered pain, even if the gods were threatened, even if his attack could really bring him lifelong disability and ruin his future, he still considered his enemy's kindness. She thought she couldn't do it.

She admitted it, admitted Clark's unrealistic kindness, and was willing to work hard for his unrealistic idea.

She knew that the other party was a Kryptonian and would surpass her in a short time when he grew up, but as long as she could do it, she would teach everything she knew to the child in front of her.

She would definitely become a powerful warrior and a great hero, she firmly believed in this.

Thinking of this, she raised her sword again and walked towards Clark, and a new round of training was about to begin.

"Want to know my name? Then wait until you can really conquer me with your shield in your hand and ask again! !"

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