The enemy was in trouble.

Clark was unable to resist the power of Martian Hunter and was thrown out by him, smashing the fence outside the deck and falling into the sea.

The good news is that Martian Hunter lost his mind after being infected, and he could not remember that he still had powerful psychic abilities during the battle.

The bad news is that Clark is still no match for the opponent in terms of strength.

Clark was pressed into the sea alive. Even if he used thermal vision to fight back, it was just like what Jonathan did to Black Ya at the time, and it had no effect at all.

At the same time, under the control of the virus, Martian Hunter instinctively used his deformation ability to change his body structure, causing his body to swell instantly and transform into a huge green monster nearly four meters high, just like Doomsday who once killed Superman in the comics.

As the body grew bigger, there was also a stronger force.

At this time, Clark was pressed to the bottom of the sea by the opponent with one hand. The heavy pressure on his chest made him breathless. This was the first time Clark had such a feeling after realizing that he was a Kryptonian.

At the same time, this also meant that the pressure on the body had reached its limit. If it continued, he would be a pile of minced meat.

Clark wanted to ask for help, just like little Jonathan called Superman. He believed that Superman would be able to hear his voice.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Clark's head was pressed into the seabed by the Martian Hunter with his other hand, buried under a pile of rubble, and could not make any sound at all.

As for the sound of the battle, in today's environment full of calls for help and shouts, even Superman could not immediately judge the abnormality of the Martian Hunter in such a noisy environment.

Even if Superman found that the Martian Hunter was fighting, he probably thought that the Martian Hunter was fighting against the infected.

I'm going to die...

Clark's heart was filled with this feeling. When he was struck by Black Adam's magic lightning, he could only feel pain, but now he felt that death was approaching.

However, maybe death is also a good thing.

There are no Atlanteans to help evolve in the sea here, and a large number of infected people fell into the water before, and their blood has polluted this sea area. Clark can see that a pool of scarlet blood is approaching him.

Once the virus in the water enters the body through the ears, nose, and even certain parts of the lower body, he will also become an infected person.

Rather than becoming a very threatening Kryptonian infected person, it might be better to die now.

Just when Clark was about to give up, a green ray shot out from the side and knocked the Martian Hunter, who had turned into a monster, away.

"Superman won't give up so easily."

"Mr. Luthor!!"

The familiar voice made Clark turn his head immediately. It was not Superman or Wonder Woman who saved him, but Lex Luthor. The other party was still wearing the kryptonite armor specially used to deal with Superman, and stretched out his hand to him.

"Leave quickly, you don't want to be infected like that."

"Got it."

Clark and Luthor flew out of the sea together, but then the Martian Hunter immediately broke through the sea and chased up.

"Leave him to me!!"

Luthor didn't know what was wrong with him. He suddenly stood in front of Clark and rushed towards the Martian Hunter.

But in the end, he was slapped away by the other party and fell heavily on the shore of the port.

"Uh... Is this a joke..."

Clark didn't know Martian Hunter, but he had some understanding of Luthor, who often appeared in the same comics with Superman.

The reason why that suit could fight Superman was not because of the weakening effect of kryptonite radiation on Superman? Martians are not afraid of kryptonite...

But the complaints in his heart have not ended yet. The Martian Manhunter, who slapped Luthor away with one blow, continued to rush towards Clark. After transforming, the sharp claws pierced him at a speed that Clark could not dodge at all.


Clark quickly raised his hand to block, but in front of the overwhelming power of the Martian Manhunter, it was just a show. As long as the attack was implemented, even if Clark did not die, he would eventually be infected because of the injury.

But at the last moment before attacking Clark, the Martian Manhunter stopped, and his pupils, which were shining with scarlet light after being infected by the anti-life equation, instantly recovered clarity.


Although it was only a moment, Clark could see that the other party seemed to have regained his sanity in an instant.


The body of the Martian Hunter slowly shrank and returned to its original appearance, holding his head and shouting.

"Run quickly!!!"

The red light in his eyes was looming. Obviously, even the Martian Hunter could not resist the invasion of the anti-life equation virus. This instant recovery of consciousness was already the limit.

However, the Martian Hunter himself knew that if he ran away, where could Clark escape to? There were so many survivors here, and none of these heroes would run away, and in that case, the infected himself would definitely cause a large number of casualties.

This instant recovery of consciousness, while regaining the ability to think, also allowed the Martian Hunter to roughly understand the special features of this virus.

The infected will be controlled by the virus, and instinctively want to spread death and make life die.

However, there is no restriction on the specific method, and the infected can achieve this goal in any way.

This is also why the infected black witch Eve took the initiative to lead the infected to retreat. As long as the reason for retreating is to destroy life, the anti-life equation will not forcibly control the infected.

And this gives the Martian Hunter room to operate.

He hypnotized himself with his hypnotic power, and after planting a hint in his heart to wait for an opportunity, he was controlled by the anti-life equation again.

However, this time, he did not attack Clark in front of him directly with red eyes, but flew away.

He hypnotized himself to use his virtual ability to hide in the dark, wait for an opportunity to infect superheroes, and use this roundabout way to save the country to guide the infected self to temporarily withdraw from the battlefield.

"What is this...?"

Clark had no idea what the Martian Hunter realized and discovered. He might have indeed found a way to control his behavior in the hands of the virus to a certain extent, but he had no chance to tell anyone about this news.

At this time, Luther, who was beaten, also flew up and patted Clark on the shoulder.

"As much as I hate to admit it, the heroes of the Justice League all possess noble character. I'm sure he found a way to control himself during the brief moment when he regained his sanity."

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