The battle lasted for two days and one night. When dusk fell again, the exhausted female warrior finally couldn't bear the pressure of the continuous battle and fell to her knees, announcing the end of the battle. On the opposite side of her, Clark was also wearing a rough face. The Superman uniform given by Jonathan had become tattered and all the marks of the long sword were cut, but in the end, he stood at the end. "Then... fulfill the promise." Clark walked forward with the shield on his back and reached out to help the female warrior up. The female warrior also smiled slightly and said her name to Clark and all the Amazons around her. "Shyvana... My name is Shyvana! An Amazon warrior!"

After saying that, Shyvana fainted completely due to exhaustion, and Clark, who was holding Shyvana's hand, faced the crowd and raised her hand high.

"Please remember, Shyvana, my respected teacher, a proud Amazon warrior!"




The Amazon warriors, who had long been attracted by the battle between the two, immediately echoed Clark's shouting, shouting Shyvana's name and cheering for the two warriors in the arena.

On the highest stand, Diana smiled and looked at Queen Hippolyta, who had come here at some point.

"Queen, this child, how do you feel?"

Hippolyta gave her daughter a blank look, but still made an evaluation.

"What a pity, such a good kid, why isn't he an Amazon?"

Clark is excellent in terms of fighting skills, strength, and willpower, so as the queen of Paradise Island, Hippolyta only regrets that Clark is still a Kryptonian.

"It seems that we have the same idea."

As she said that, Wonder Woman jumped and landed directly in front of Clark, which immediately scared Clark in the center of the scene.

"Ms. Diana, I didn't expect you to be here."

Although Diana had also taken him for a period of time, Clark spent most of that time basking in the sun to improve his physical fitness, and he didn't have much communication with her.

So when they met, Clark seemed a little restrained.

"You were so heroic when you raised Sivana's hand and spoke just now. "I almost thought there was a male in our Amazon tribe?"

Listening to the teasing in Diana's tone, Clark was even more embarrassed and lowered his head silently.

"Okay, no more joking. "

After a few jokes, it was over. Diana returned to Paradise Island, not to visit relatives or watch the fun.

"Leave Shyvana to others, she needs to rest. As for you, I have something to tell you."

Shyvana was taken back to rest by other Amazon warriors, and Diana and Clark also left the arena and came to the beach of Paradise Island, where they found the Queen of the Sea Mera who was ready at this time.

Because she is the main force to block pollution, Mera rarely appears in the Fortress of Solitude, so that even after Mera and the Atlanteans joined for so long, Clark has hardly spoken to Mera.

But at the same time, after seeing Mera appear, Clark roughly guessed what happened.

"Is the Ark already built? "

Diana showed a little surprise, but soon she was relieved.

"I forgot that you have been living in the laboratory of Luthor and Cyborg with that guy during this period, so you should be the most clear about the progress of the Ark. You are right. With Barry and Wally working day and night, the Ark is ready. Now as long as we prepare enough supplies, we can take most people to live in the outside world."

Unlike ordinary Amazons, Diana, as a pillar hero, will replace Superman and accompany the colonists to other planets.

"Now, all heroes have to go to the Fortress of Solitude for the last discussion. I think you are also a hero now, so I plan to take you with me."

"I think I don't need to go."

At this time, Mera suddenly spoke.

"Although Atlantis has been destroyed by Arthur, all Atlanteans, including me, will not leave the earth. We stay here and can also help the last survivors appropriately."

The Atlanteans also chose to

The same path as the Amazons.

Diana nodded and didn't comment on it. Mera had her own choice, but she also said.

"Your idea is naturally up to you, but it's better to go. After all, the more you discuss now, the better it will be for you who stay on Earth after most humans leave the Earth."

In this way, Mera naturally had no reason to refuse, and went to the Fortress of Solitude with Diana and Clark.

When the three of them arrived at the Fortress of Solitude, all the remaining heroes in the world had gathered here.

Some of them, such as Damian and Jonathan, will go to the alien planet to help the humans who immigrate there start a new life.

And a small number of superheroes headed by Superman will stay on Earth, continue to fight the virus, and protect their compatriots who are also willing to stay on Earth.

"It seems that we are all here."

Except for Superman, everyone has a look of relief and joy on their faces. After all, not everyone is called Superman. Most heroes are exhausted from the current pressure. Immigrating to another planet is the best choice for them.

"There is nothing to say, right? Superman."

Luthor stood up. As the proposer of the Ark plan, he is the one who leads the entire plan.

"The candidates have been fixed long ago. Those who leave will live on another safe planet without virus infection with the hopes of those who stay, and find a way to solve this virus crisis. As for those who stay, they will do their best to protect them from leaving safely."

In Luthor's words, all this seems so simple. He has arranged everything. As long as everyone follows the plan, they can successfully land on the second earth that has been located long ago.

But Clark still saw something wrong on Luthor's face.

After spending a few days together, Clark got to know Luther better. With the previous brain connection, he could guarantee that Luther must be planning something unknown.

And this plan must be very dangerous.

Thinking of this, Clark couldn't help but observe this person, and finally realized that something was wrong.

Compared with the scene when they were united in facing the virus, the heroes today are too relaxed, and can even be described as lax.

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