The dazzling light slowly dissipated with time, and everyone in the Ark stared at the light ball in front of them. Even though their eyes could not bear such a strong light, they still stared at the front.

"Clark... did he succeed..."

As the light disappeared, everyone's heart fell to the bottom again.

Because after the violent solar energy disappeared, the bruised Superman was still suspended in the same place, while Clark had disappeared without a trace.

"How could this happen!!"

Many people knelt on the ground. No one knew that Clark had actually returned to his own world. In their eyes, Clark was dead, burning himself to death, and died in the process of protecting them and fighting Superman.

At this time, Jonathan, the son of Superman, has fallen into a coma, and his body floating in the universe is motionless, and the little Superman from another world has also died in the battle.

Then who can fight Superman next, who can protect them...

"One minute..."

Damian, who was also watching this scene, spoke lightly. He had been silently calculating the time in his heart. From Jonathan's coma to Clark's outbreak to now, he successfully resisted Superman's events for one minute. Even if he risked his life, he could only resist for one minute.

"Damian, what do you want to do..."

Green Arrow noticed Damian's abnormality and quickly blocked him, but was gently pushed away by Damian in the end.

"I can only hope that I can hold on for half a minute."

Yes, Jonathan was in a coma, and Clark disappeared without a trace, so these heroes who were born had to hold on for even one more second even if they risked their lives.

Before Damian left, a green light flew out from the earth and appeared in front of Superman.

"Are you one step too late..."

Canary saw the unconscious little Jonathan, but did not see Clark, so he had a rough guess about what happened. He did not expect that the battle was over in just one minute after he flew out of the earth.

"Then I will deal with you! Superman!!"

Holding the God-killing Sword given by Wonder Woman, Canary was not afraid and planned to attack Superman.

The same was true for Superman on the opposite side. In his judgment, even if he suffered another heavy blow in the battle with Clark, it was more than enough to deal with Canary, who had just become a Green Lantern for less than a month.

Just as the battle was about to start, more and more green lights lit up in the dark universe, and Green Lanterns from various galaxies in the universe appeared in the solar system under the leadership of a guardian.

They finally arrived and came to Earth before humans fell into complete despair.

"The day is bright, the night is dark; demons and monsters have nowhere to hide; traitors and evil parties are afraid of my divine light; the green light is always bright, shining forever!"

Accompanied by the oath of the Green Lantern Corps, all Green Lanterns, together with Canary, used the green light energy to create a green giant whose size almost surpassed the earth, carrying endless power and attacking Superman.


Superman roared angrily, but his body instinctively began to dodge. He was seriously injured. Facing the super giant transformed by the will of many Green Lanterns, he felt powerless.

Fortunately, even if he was no match for the Green Lantern Corps in a head-on battle, he still had the ability to dodge attacks. The giants jointly constructed by the Green Lantern Corps were not so easy to control because they came from different people's different thinking.

Just when everyone thought that victory was only a matter of time and that Superman would definitely be defeated if they continued to fight, Superman's actions changed.

After realizing that he was no match for the Green Lantern Corps, under the control of the virus, Superman changed his method of exterminating humans.

After dodging a giant's punch, he did not continue to entangle with the giant, but flew directly towards the sun.

The Green Lantern Corps contacted the giant and chased Superman, but as they got closer to the sun, even the Green Lanterns could only stop in the end.

They were not Kryptonians. If they got too close to the sun, even if the Green Lanterns could protect them, they would not be Superman's opponents at that time.

In front of them, Superman rushed into the sun, untied all restrictions on his body, and began to devour the energy of the sun.

"He wants to... extinguish the sun..."

Everyone saw Superman's idea, and the Guardian quickly calculated that at the speed at which Superman absorbs solar energy, the Earth would enter a small ice age in three years, and the Sun would be extinguished in decades.

But even if they knew, they were completely helpless.

It was impossible for them to chase into the sun and defeat Superman.

"Let's escort the Earthlings to their target planet first."

In the end, the Guardian also chose to give up. They had no way to deal with such a Superman. It would be better to seize the time and transfer the Earthlings to a planet without the virus to continue to reproduce and survive, and then slowly study ways to fight this virus later.

However, the Guardian didn't really take it too seriously, because as of now, the only planet with this virus is Earth, and the only person who has the ability to transfer the virus to other planets is Superman who has entered the sun.

The Ark left, and they drove to a new home with the last hope of mankind. One day they will return to Earth and defeat the terrible virus.


At the same time, on Earth, Cyborg, who took the initiative to stay here, was binding Wonder Woman with the Lasso of Truth.

He knew that there were other survivors on Earth struggling to survive, so he would spend all his time watching Wonder Woman in front of him before Damian and the others found a way to come back, to ensure that she would not pose a threat to the remaining humans on the planet.

However, looking at the Lasso of Truth in his hand, Cyborg suddenly had a question in his mind.

Does the Anti-Life Equation virus itself have consciousness?

This virus does not cause human bodies to mutate. The infected Martian Manhunter still has his own abilities that belong to Martians, the infected Black Adam can still add divine power, and Superman is still the extremely powerful Kryptonian who can absorb solar energy.

In other words, this virus actually spreads the consciousness of the Anti-Life Equation to the infected in the form of a virus, right?

Looking at Wonder Woman who was bound by his Lasso of Truth, Cyborg suddenly wanted to know whether the consciousness of Wonder Woman in front of him was affected by the Anti-Life Equation or was completely taken over by the Anti-Life Equation's consciousness?

Thinking of this, Cyborg asked the question tentatively.

"Is there an antidote for the Anti-Life Equation virus?"

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