The old man was so angry that he was forced to leave.

"I actually...appeared on Earth...No, I have to stop Superman..."

The body still felt weak, and Clark had almost lost all his superpowers at this time.

He burst out all the solar energy in his body in the one minute of fighting with Superman. Although he gained the power to match the seriously injured Superman in a short period of time, it was also an overdraft.

At this time, Clark had consumed all the solar energy that he had absorbed unconsciously in the past eight years, and even the energy that had risen wildly in the DC universe in that month.

At this moment, Clark no longer had Superman's superpowers and had completely become an ordinary person. If he wanted to regain his strength, he could only wait for his body to absorb enough solar energy again.

Clark struggled to stand up, but the next moment, he saw a speeding truck passing in front of him.

"Is this... a living person?..."

Clark was very sure that this was definitely not Paradise Island. The gas station in front of him and the driver driving the truck away all proved one thing to Clark, that he had left the world ravaged by the virus.

At the moment of knowing the truth, Clark felt weak all over, and the strength that had just surged out finally dissipated, and he knelt on the ground powerlessly.

"Everyone... are you okay... Damian and the others... should have successfully evacuated."

Clark was very worried about his companions in another world, but he had no way, because the matter of crossing could not be explained at all, and in the DC world, those smart heroes had no time to study such things.

At this time, even if Clark was worried, it would be useless, and he could only pray for them silently in his heart.

"Hey! Boy... are you okay..."

Just when Clark knelt on the ground and gasped weakly, a man with a shaggy beard and inexplicably curled hair on both sides came over, threw away the cigarette he had been holding in his mouth and said to Clark.

"If you still have the strength, go home and find your mother. Don't kneel by the road."

Clark looked up at the man with an impatient tone.

He was the driver who just drove the truck past you. Although his tone was very impatient, Clark could still hear the other party's concern for him.

Otherwise, he could have stepped on the accelerator and left directly, instead of choosing to stop and ask after noticing him through the rearview mirror.

"I'm sorry, I'll get up now."

After realizing that he was likely to return to his original world, Clark naturally wanted to go home, but before that, he had to be sure where he was.

"Sir, what country and place is this?"

"Ah? Your head is not frozen!"

The man looked at the boy in front of him and was very surprised. It is understandable to get lost, but it is a bit outrageous to get lost to the point of not knowing what country you are in.

But although he felt surprised, the man still answered Clark's question.

"Kansas, on the highway near Smallwell Farm."

After getting the answer, Clark honed in on the place name and finally remembered that this was the destination his father told him before the tornado.

At this time, the man looked at the strange kid in front of him and finally asked uncertainly.

"You kid, your home is not in Kansas, right? Alaska? Missouri? Olahoma? Colorado?"

The man named several states adjacent to Kansas in a row, but looking at Clark who was a little embarrassed, he finally accepted his fate.

"Tell me, where is your home? Tell me in advance, if it's not in the United States, I can't do anything."

Although he wanted to just leave the kid alone, the man couldn't convince himself after all. Who made him get off the car to ask a question?

"That... New York City... Queens..."

The moment Clark gave the answer, the man could only slap his face helplessly.

"I just came from that direction."

Seemingly seeing the man's irritability, Clark continued.

"If it's troublesome, don't worry about me. I should be able to find a way to go back by myself..."

When Clark said this, he didn't even believe it. He now had no superpowers, no money, and even no identity information.

Chunchun was just an ordinary person.

Can an eight-year-old kid drive across half of the United States from Kansas to New York? You dare not drive like this.

"Come on, kid, you probably know how far Kansas is from the United States. Since I choose to meddle in this business, you have to admit it. Follow me."

The man walked towards his truck, and although Clark still felt embarrassed, there was no other way but to follow him.

'When we get to New York, let Dad arrange a job for this uncle. '

Thinking so, Clark sat in the co-pilot, and as the old truck roared and smelled the pungent fuel, the man turned the car and headed towards New York.


At night, a specially modified bulletproof car came here again.

After experiencing the tornado before, Benjamin realized the importance of safety, even if the probability is small, it cannot be ignored.

Look, it's almost the same model as the President of the United States, and even the Stark Group helped to make a reinforced car. Even if you encounter such a tornado again, as long as you stay in the car honestly, you may still survive.

At this time, Benjamin has been walking around for a long time, the disguise has been completed, and the other party's attention has been attracted by Richard.

Now, he is going to bring his child to his side.

But just when he got out of the car and was about to go to the bush, the phone suddenly rang at this time.

Looking at this strange number, Benjamin realized that it was Richard who called.

"Richard? What happened? Are you safe now?"

At this time, Richard had left Kansas and came to Denver, Colorado, with the purpose of leading the agents who were following him to the opposite place of New York.

But at this time, he looked anxious, because Clark's location was no longer on the newly bought computer in front of him.

"Benjamin, Clark's location has disappeared, go and see what happened!"

Benjamin was also startled when he heard this, and hurriedly ran towards the bushes, but at this time, he found that the bushes where Clark was hiding had disappeared, leaving only traces of cracks all over the ground.

"Fragments of the locator."

Benjamin squatted down to search, and finally saw some tiny fragments on the cracked ground.

"Clark woke up?"

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