The rescue continued until the night.

As Clark said, Congressman Kelly's body structure has almost completely turned into a jellyfish, and such a body structure can't even support the birth of wisdom, let alone maintain the life activities of humans.

There are many mutants who have the ability to change their own form, but without exception, these mutants' abilities are gradual and awakened slowly. Hank can transform into a beast because he has this ability in his human body.

Just like Little Naughty, she can absorb the vitality of others, but not her own vitality. Even if she cannot control whether this ability can take effect, she will not

But it is obvious that Congressman Kelly, the first ordinary person at this time, has the ability to turn into a jellyfish. It is not innate, but forced to change in some way.

This also caused his body and ability to be completely unable to adapt, and the ability threatened his life.

In the end, the beast and Qin had no choice but to directly supplement the cells with nutrients to forcibly hang on Congressman Kelly's life.

It's a pity that this is only a temporary solution. Even if the cells are supplemented with nutrients, Congressman Kelly's genes are still rapidly degenerating. In the end, he will still turn into a pool of water and die.

"Hello, Congressman Kelly."

Charles drove the wheelchair into the laboratory and looked at Congressman Kelly, who was lying on the operating table and had just woken up.

"I'm Professor Charles..."

Congressman Kelly was panting heavily. He was too weak. But after seeing Charles, he still said...

"I'm worried...if I go to the hospital...they will..."

"They will think you are a mutant, right?"

Jean and Beast had long discovered that what made Congressman Kelly like this was the x gene that appeared in each other's body for some reason.

It turns out that it is very difficult to think in other people's shoes. If you really do think in other people's shoes, no matter how fierce the conflict is, you will understand each other.

Congressman Kelly is like this at this time.

Once, when he moved his lips on Capitol Hill and labeled all mutants as potential criminals and dangerous elements, he never considered how difficult life would be for ordinary, kind mutants.

It was not until she also had mutant abilities that he suddenly realized that in the mutant public opinion he constructed, people with mutant abilities did not even have the qualifications to go to the hospital.

He escaped and came to the beach in New Jersey, implying that because of his special abilities, no one would lend a hand to him. He himself did not dare to go to the hospital and eventually fell into a coma. If Jean and Storm had not felt it, he would probably be dead now.

"We are not enemies, there are good and evil..."

Charles could see that even though he was in a school for mutants, Congressman Kelly still could not fully trust them, but this was all he could say.

The contradiction between humans and mutants was too deep. Even Congressman Kelly in front of him was, in fact, just a victim of many years of stereotypes.

Looking at Charles' eyes, Congressman Kelly finally nodded slightly.

"You should say this to the person who hurt me."

He still could not fully trust the mutants, but at this time, he had no choice.

Charles was silent, and he moved his wheelchair behind Congressman Kelly, and gently placed his hands on both sides of his temples.

"Now, please relax, I won't hurt you."

Using his psychic powers, Charles entered Congressman Kelly's memory and saw everything he had experienced.

On an isolated island in the Pacific Ocean, in the base of the Brotherhood of Mutants.

Secretary Henry, who had long been killed, and Mystique, who was disguised as lurking around him, were kidnapped to the island, the machine at the location, the magical light.

The machine driven by Magneto's power released special fluctuations, and Congressman Kelly's body was changed as a result.

"The future belongs to mutants, my brother..."

This was the last sentence Magneto said to Congressman Kelly before leaving the island and coming to the academy. This also means that the special radiation released by this special machine turned ordinary people like Congressman Kelly into a mutant with extremely unstable genes.



Conference Room

In the middle...Except for Qin who stayed in the laboratory to take care of Congressman Kelly, everyone gathered here again.

"The radiation released by that machine will cause human mutations, turning humans into mutants."

Charles told everything he knew, and based on the data obtained from Congressman Kelly, the beast added.

"And this change is not natural. Their bodies should not have our mutant genes. This will cause foreign genes to be rejected by the body, but the impact of mutant genes on the human body is comprehensive."

Just like the superpowers of Cyclops, it seems that only high-energy lasers are released from both eyes, but in fact, the mutations are not just as simple as the eyes. While the eyes gain special abilities, in fact, all parts of the body are working to support the ability of these eyes.

So once the mutant genes are rejected by the body, the result is that the body self-destructs and all cells die.

"Will this radiation affect mutants?"

This is the question Cyclops is concerned about. As the successor of Charles' will, he is actually different from Charles. He is not so concerned about the human group. He cares more about the safety of mutants than humans. This is a bit similar to Magneto, but his style of doing things is more like the gentle Charles rather than the radical Magneto.

"No, not really, but all ordinary humans will be affected."

"Then why do they want to capture Rogue?"

The last question was raised by Logan. He is more pure. He doesn't care about the mutant group, nor does he care what will happen to humans. He doesn't care whether a war between humans and mutants will break out. In his opinion, neither side is a good thing.

He only cares about the safety of Rogue.

"I don't know... Senator Kelly's memory ends here. Jesse Lai escaped from the island where the Brotherhood of Mutants is located. We still don't know Magneto's purpose."

Although they know that Magneto's plan must be centered around the machine, they have no idea how to act.

Now that the search room was destroyed, it meant that they had no way to stop Magneto's plan.

Logan was so angry that he almost wanted to grab his backpack and leave here. He had had enough of the endless meetings and discussions, but he couldn't get an answer in the end. In this case, he might as well go out for a walk. Maybe he would be lucky enough to meet them.

"Everyone, is it possible?"

Clark suddenly spoke. Having shared his brain with Luthor, he also learned Luthor's analysis method. Although his wisdom is not as good as Luthor, his brain is developed.

After constant speculation, he seems to have found the right answer.

"Professor, you just said that the machine hurt Magneto."

"In fact, the transformation of Senator Kelly into a mutant almost killed him."

Charles added, and after speaking, he seemed to realize something.

"No matter how things develop, Magneto's goal is the final battle between humans and mutants. In this case, as the strongest mutant, he will not allow himself to be seriously injured or even killed, so the ability of the little rascal will be useful."

"He wants to use the ability of the little rascal to temporarily gain his power and sacrifice himself to start the machine instead of him!"

Everyone said in unison, and Clark took out a newspaper, which was the news from a few days ago.

"And just today, the leaders of almost all countries gathered in New York, planning to hold a joint meeting on mutants tomorrow afternoon, and if such a radiation breaks out in New York today..."

Clark didn't finish, but everyone knew the answer.

"Then the leaders of all countries will become mutants with extremely unstable genes, and the world will fall into chaos."

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