The cold air was blown away, and the fire was blown away.

"What...what's going on..."

At this time, John discovered that his flames could not do anything to Bobby's icy body. The body close to absolute zero was no longer something that John's flames could shake.

Bobby suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed John's wrists.

Without deliberately releasing the cold air, he froze John's hands and the ignition device together with the low temperature of his body.

"You shouldn't have left school."


Bobby hit John's head with a heavy headbutt, knocking him unconscious, announcing the end of the battle here.

. On the other side, many X-Men also started fighting against Eric.

As for Jean, who came here with Eric, she was still watching coldly. She had no intention of helping either the X-Men or Eric.

"Piot, throw me out, just like Clark in training."


Hiding behind the bunker, Logan and Steeler Piot immediately discussed countermeasures, while in another direction, under the cover of fog, Hank ran to the side and took out the healing potion from the gun left by the soldier and grabbed it in his hand.

At this time, the attack was launched.

Piot threw Logan to Eric, like a cannonball, as if Logan was going to knock Eric down with this blow.

But Logan, with his adamantium skeleton, was too conspicuous under Eric's perception.

Eric just waved his hand and suppressed Logan on the ground and couldn't move.

"You seem to never learn what calmness is?"

Logan on the ground struggled to turn over, looking at Eric's mocking expression, and smiled.

"Actually, I have learned it."

At this time, Hank suddenly jumped out from the mist behind him, holding a healing potion in his hand, and he only needed one attack to kill.

Just when everyone thought that this battle would be won.

Eric smiled slightly, and the gravel at his feet started to move on its own, and began to rotate rapidly around Eric's body, directly knocking Hank who tried to approach away.

"How could it be!"

Logan didn't expect that Eric would be so vigilant.

After repelling Hank, one of the stones rotating around Eric suddenly shot out and attacked Ororo who had not yet reacted.

"Be careful!"

Scott, who reacted in time, immediately used a laser to smash the stone to protect Ororo, but he was hit in the chest by another stone and fell to the ground.

Ororo was hit by Logan who threw him randomly as a projectile.

Logan, who weighs almost twice as much as a normal person, hit Ororo and made him lose his fighting power.

The last remaining steel man Piotr wanted to fight back, but before he could get to Eric, he was restrained by the steel bars flying from all directions and fell to the ground unable to move.


For a moment, all the X-Men were defeated, and only Logan stood up again.

"Aren't you...only able to control metal?"

"That's how it was."

Eric admitted this. In fact, he had already entered the period of declining ability. Only being able to control metal was just a manifestation of his weakened ability after aging.

"Charles actually knew very well that when I was young, I could control all the materials and stones on the ground by controlling the iron element. As long as they contained iron elements, I could use them as weapons. But I'm old."

There was a trace of sadness in Eric's voice. He had fought all his life, but he still couldn't see the future of mutants.

"Now I am unable to control these trace metal elements, and it will put a great burden on my body. But since you want to help humans destroy the future of mutants, why not risk your life?"

Just when he said these few words, Eric's blood vessels were already bulging. As he said, his old body no longer allowed him to use his power in this way.

Just like a person can run freely when he is young, but when he is old, he will find it difficult to walk and stand.

Mutant ability is the instinct of mutants, not a power that will become stronger with age.


All his teammates were defeated, but Logan still did not intend to give up. He stretched out his steel claws, ready for the last fight at any time.

At this moment, a voice came from the air.

"Enough, stop it."


Time moved forward a few minutes.

In the X Academy, Charles, who had become a vegetable, was sleeping quietly on the bed, and beside the bed, stood a tall figure, with a black cape fluttering in the wind behind him and a black and gold S logo on his chest, indicating his identity.

Clark was back. He returned from the sun, but what he saw was his old friend sleeping forever.

Through X's vision, he could see the damage to Charles' brain. Fortunately, with Kryptonian technology, he could heal Charles' brain injury, but now was not the time.

"You are finally back."

Emma pushed the door and walked in. She, who stayed in the academy instead of the X-Men, naturally noticed Clark's return.

But Emma's movements stopped abruptly when she pushed the door open.

As the golden portal opened, Ancient One walked out of it, and time was frozen at this moment. Only Clark and Ancient One could move freely.

"You can move in the paused time, your speed..."

Clark nodded.

"Yes, my speed has reached the speed of light."

The speed of light is often used to refer to the speed of time passing, and the fact is that it is not much different. When Clark's speed reaches the speed of light, the regular pause of events will not work on him.

It is also possible that the Ancient One concentrates his power and lets the power of the Eye of Agamotto focus on Clark, so that his time can be paused, but such a wide range of time pause can no longer work on Clark.

"Then, ask your question, Superman."

The reason why the Ancient One came here is very simple, just to answer Superman's doubts.

Clark nodded, and asked directly without any extra words.

"Master, do you have any clue about the energy in Qin's body? Is it the power of Qin itself, or... something else..."

The Ancient One nodded, Clark's question was exactly the same as she expected.

And facing such a powerful Superman, she has no need to hide anything.

"The power of the Phoenix, or rather the fragments of the power of the Phoenix, that is the power within Qin's body."

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