The Flaming Sun Star has maintained its supremacy by relying on the Sun’s Light gene system.

Di Hongkun’s battle directly destroyed the Denuo system, which indeed shocked the major gods of the universe.

Even if Di Hongkun has been hidden behind the scenes for a long time, this deterrent still exists.

Don’t mess with anyone and don’t mess with the Flaming Sun Star, this is the default of the whole universe.

After all, the other party can blow you up with stars…

If you run away, can your home still run?

If you provoke the other person, you can die with you, and no one wants to take this risk.

Sun Light Xiuang was a forbidden force, and everyone avoided him tacitly, and Keisha didn’t want to have too much contact with the Flaming Sun Star.

Morgana also didn’t want to take the initiative to provoke Lieyang Xing.

Hexi has been studying the sun’s light behind the scenes.

Only a dead man like Karl who doesn’t care about anything dares to let his subordinates capture Tirena, and then finally compromises a little…

Even if Lieyang Xing is very low-key now, it does not mean that he is a bully.

However… Now it’s different.

This taboo has been broken, and the whole universe is not the only one of his blazing sun stars!

If this matter spreads, everyone’s awe of the Flaming Sun Star will plummet, although they are still afraid, but they are not afraid.

After all, he did not have a Lord God now.

The previous emperor Hongkun has not yet recovered, the new generation of sun light has not yet grown, and the blazing sun star is still in a period of weakness.

Although the background and strength should not be underestimated, it was only for a civilization without a Lord God.

Now Lieyang Xing’s situation is very embarrassing.

But these things are not something Yoruichi needs to consider…

His purpose is not to dominate the universe, let alone destroy the universe, he has always needed only one, that is, a ray of the origin of this universe.

The fight between the major civilizations in this universe has little to do with him.

He only needs to use his own way to cultivate the three main gods that should have appeared in this universe as soon as possible, and then receive his own share of the universe origin.

It’s that simple.

Xiongbing company, go with it, after all, this is called the Huaxia Kingdom, called the earth, if you can help a hand, then help, anyway, the growth of the three main gods will also take a lot of time.

Seeing Pan Zhen leave, Yoruichi closed the insect door, only then set his eyes on Angel Yan and Angel Chase.

“Okay, now we can talk”

With a subtle smile on his face, Yoruichi said softly: “Don’t look at me just now, I’m actually quite easy to get along with, not a big devil.” ”

“I’ve always been gentle with my friends.”

“..” Angel Yan looked at Yoruichi, and then spoke: Once I came to earth, I wanted to ask, Lord God you..”

“The Lord God doesn’t need anything, just call me Yoruichi!” Yoruichi chuckled, “No need to be informal. ”

“Well~” Angel Hiko: “I want to ask Yoruichi, what do you think of the righteous order?” ”

“Holy Kesha’s righteous order, I don’t think there’s anything bad!” Yoruichi nodded slightly: “This is already a very mature system, which is a good thing for the universe.” ”

The righteous order of Holy Kesha is not a dictatorship, perhaps this is just Yoruichi’s own understanding.

Why did Kesha curb those rapidly developing civilizations?

Maintain your position?

No kidding.

This is protection in disguise.

There are two results brought about by the rapid development of science and technology, one is that civilization has completely gone to glory and become the hegemon of the universe, and the other…

It is the entire civilization that directly turns into cosmic dust… Vanish!

And the probability of the latter is ten times or even a hundred times more than the former.

It is not a good thing to develop too fast, and if you take too big a step, it is easy to pull the egg, so that you will cut off your children and grandchildren.

How many of the high-speed civilizations Morgana supported were directly wiped out?

What is the reason?

It is because of the unlimited development, blindly moving forward, and then turning back, home is gone, civilization is gone, life is ruined, the mother star is broken… It’s all over.

Like the abandoned planet Morag of the Marvel world, like Titan, the home planet of Thanos, isn’t this the ending?

One blindly seeks development and progress, but ignores the most basic things, which leads to destruction!

The other is ambitious enough to touch something they have no control over, and then directly lead to destruction.

Did they take off? Did they become the overlord of the universe?

No, they died, they became extinct, turned into cosmic dust.

This is the most typical case.

There are also many such cases of supergod universes, and the Deno galaxy is the most typical.

In order to control powerful forces, the so-called ‘god-making movement’ was launched.

As a result, God was created, but their supreme commander could not even carry a god-killing bullet…

And then what? The war got out of control, pulling the Flaming Sun Star in, and the entire Deno Galaxy was destroyed…

Do you want to give them all?

No need anymore.

(Deno Galaxy: I provoked you, whipped my corpse every day..) )

What’s wrong with Kesha’s righteous order?

Even if you can still pick a prick…

At least their starting point is absolutely beautiful.

The strong who are willing to protect the weak are always in the minority.

This is an indisputable fact, cruel.

Listening to Yoruichi’s words, Angel Yan and Angel Chase looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces completely softened.

“Then, Yoruichi, Earth… Willing to accept the just order? Angel Yan tentatively asked, “I have the authorization of Divine Kesha to establish diplomatic relations with Earth on behalf of the Angel Nebula.” ”

“Just order…” raised his eyebrows slightly: “It can be, but there is a key premise, I hope you can understand!” ”

“Of course~” Angel Yantou: “Mutual respect for the integrity of civilization, mutual non-aggression, and mutual non-interference in the process of civilization, these we naturally need to abide by!” ”

“The dominance of the earth, we angels will not move, the earth is still the final say of the earthlings themselves, or rather, Yoruichi you have the final say.”

“We won’t interfere with that.”

A civilization with a Lord God does not need their angels to interfere in the process of civilization, after all, since this civilization has a Lord God, it is likely not to go to extinction.

And those civilizations that do not have a Lord God, or even a God, angels will temporarily guide them forward, once the god of their own planet is born…

Then the angels will not interfere in the progress of each other’s civilization, and God’s chosen angels will not interfere unless it is evil.

“That’s a good suggestion, it sounds good.” Yoruichi touched his chin: “So, now between the Earth and the Angel Nebula, is there an alliance?” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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