“You seem to be a little hesitant, Hiko~”

“Yes, I hesitated!”

Kesha’s words fell, and Angel Yan nodded directly and acknowledged.

Then he spoke again: “The other message that you asked me to look for came from him, Lord God Yoruichi. Holds angel genes, and…”

“And what?” Divine Kesha’s tone was still indifferent.

“And…” the angel sorted out the language a little:

“Moreover, the angelic genes of the Lord God Yoruichi feel more advanced than those of me and Achai… People can’t help but want to get closer to him. ”

“Hiko, pass on to me a copy of how you felt at that time.” Keisha said without hesitation.

“Yes Queen!” Angel Yan nodded and passed on all the feelings at that time.

“Ah Chao, you come too!”

“Yes Queen!” Angel Chase nodded the same and packaged his feelings together and transmitted them.

On the other side, receiving the data from Angel Yan and Angel Chase, Kesha’s indifferent expression changed slightly, and then closed her eyes directly.

A few seconds later, Divine Keisha opened her eyes and silently opened a piece of data that had been sealed in dust for a long time.

This one is the data that she and Hexi studied together, and only exists in the ideal male angel genes.

They are different from the scum in that this data is gentle, kind, masculine and powerful: Definitely the dream lover of all female angels.

It could have been successful, but because of Morgana’s incident, the plan was completely sealed.

The angelic gene at the bottom of the galactic force is only the most rudimentary version of this data, and the gap is still very large.

Under Kesha’s gaze, under the contrast of the treasure house of divine knowledge, the two data perfectly coincided, and they were not bad at all.

“..” Seeing this fruit, Kesha’s expression appeared in disbelief for the first time.

Waving away the data in front of him, Divine Kesha fell silent.

This one piece of data should not appear…

But it’s real.

After being silent for a long time, Keisha directly connected to the secret communication of Tianji Wang Hexi: “Hexi, are you there?” ”

“Queen Kesha? It’s rare to have time to make small talk with me…” Hexi was slightly surprised.

“No, there is a serious matter this time, there is a data I think it is necessary to show you!”

Kesha’s voice was slightly solemn, and then packaged the two data just now and passed them directly to Hexi.

“What kind of data can make you have such big mood swings?”

Hexi clicked on the data from Keisha with a little curiosity, and then fell silent as well.

“Who finished it?”

“I don’t know, the earth suddenly gave birth to the Lord God, he has this angel gene in him, and he also has the light of the sun… Even galactic power. ”

This speculation is not fiction, it can even be a fact.

This male angel gene, from beginning to end, has only one copy, which exists at the bottom of the galactic power.

Although Keisha and Hexi have backups, they have never been circulated.

There is only one conclusion, and this is a perfect source of data for male angel genes: It’s galactic power.

“Evil?” Hexi’s face instantly became solemn: “If this is the case, our angels will be in great trouble.” ”

Keisha shook her head slightly: “No, Yan and Ah Chao have already contacted him, he is willing to accept the justice order, and now the other party is our ally.” ”

“This…” Looking at the data in his eyes, Hexi immediately said: “Is it the change brought about by this gene?” ”

Keisha shook her head: “I’m not sure for the time being, I can’t calculate it.” ”

“You can’t even figure it out?” Hexi said he was a little surprised.

“Is it weird?”

“Sort of.” Hexi nodded.

“Did you figure it out?”

“I didn’t count, I don’t know.”

“Then try it.”

“You can try~” Tsuru gently raised his hand: “I may need a little time, this piece of data, I haven’t touched it for a long time.” ”

Since Morgana defected from the Merlot Heavenly Court, Hexi has been focusing on upgrading the genes of female angels and focusing on building a strong foundation for the Merlot Heavenly Court.

The undefeated body is from the hands of Hexi, the three generations of angelic divine bodies are from the hands of Hexi, and Kesha’s divine body she also directly occupies most of the credit.

Hexi is the head of the research and development plan of the Dark Silver Weapon, and most of the weapons in Kesha’s arsenal are from Hexi’s hands…

Even she has mastered a lot of the flares algorithm of the Flaming Sun Star, and the power of the void Hexi also has not shallow achievements.

The most intuitive manifestation is the sub-biological engine on Angel Yan and Angel Burn’s heart, which is the result of the joint efforts of Keisha and Hexi.

Merlot Heavenly Court can have the current glory, almost directly linked to Hexi.

This is an absolute big guy hidden behind the scenes, not weaker than Kesha’s big guy.

And the genes of male angels… She hadn’t been in contact with each other in years.

Although not unfamiliar, it is necessary to start from scratch.

“Are you going to check it out? Earth, that new Lord God. ”

“Don’t use it for now~” Kai shook his head gently:

“It’s enough for Yuhiko and Ah Chase over there, after all… More than a thousand years have passed, and there are some signs of Morgana’s activity in the universe. ”

“What are your plans this time?” Hexi asked softly.

“I have a hunch~” Kai looked up slightly: “Times are about to change.” ”

Hexi sighed: “This is really not good news. ”

“You are busy first, Yan and Ah Chao are estimated to be in a hurry!” Collecting the excess emotions, Keisha directly broke off the call with Hexi.

“Hiko, Achai!”

“In the queen!” Angel Yan and Angel Chase responded at the same time.

Kakesha said softly: “You guys stay on Earth for the time being, you can observe this male god more!” ”

“This… Wouldn’t it be too polite? Angel Yan hesitated a little: “After all, me and Ah Chao…”

“I believe that this male god should not care about you paying attention to him!” Keisha said thoughtfully, “He should like it on the contrary.” ”

“This…” said Angel Yanshi with a slight blush on his cheeks.

“Poof~” Looking at his sister’s embarrassment, Angel Chase couldn’t help but chuckle.

“More than seven thousand years old, a little more mature.” Keisha chuckled, “Find a male god who won’t rot into soil.” ”

“But…” the angel hesitated, “I don’t know anything about him… I don’t know… Okay~”

“That… Ah Chao, want you to try? ”

“Ah???” _

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