“A tanuki is also telling the truth~”

Qilin turned her head to look at Rena: “Otherwise, Rena, what do you think?” ”

“Depend, you all one by one…” Rena suddenly said poorly: “Okay, all wait for the goddess.” ”

“It’s useless to say this now~” He Weilan said in a deep voice: “The gluttonous three-way invasion, but we just order people like this, how to distribute it?” ”

“North Star, Juxia City, Tianhe City…”

“Just a dozen of us, we don’t care about the tail.”

Zhao Xin touched his chin: “I estimate that Brother Monkey and Thorton should go to the North Star Battlefield to control the overall situation.” ”

“Our group should be divided into two groups, one group to go to Tianhe City, and one group to Juxia City.”

“Xinye, aren’t you talking nonsense?” Ge Xiaolun gave Zhao Xin a blank look: “Think of this arrangement with your toes.” ”

“Lying groove, Xiao Lun, can you not tear down the platform?” Zhao Xin rolled his eyes: “It’s embarrassing, okay?” ”

Li Feifei said in a deep voice: “Two teams, the configuration should be similar, but… How is it distributed? ”

Liu Chuang raised his right hand and broke his fingers one by one: “Mage, warrior, assassin, shooter, auxiliary, team of five?” ”

“Qilin and Wei Ying are both shooters and should be separated, Sister Na and A Tanuki are both mages and should also be separated, Xiao Lun and I are both warriors, and we must also be separated…”

“Rose and Zhao Xin are assassins, wait, Yaowen, Azure, Feifei, Mengmeng? … No, we have more people? It’s all heavy~”

“Twelve people, a group of six, a group of three warriors? No assistance? ”

“Okay, less nonsense, you should be playing a game?” Zhao Xin looked at the fool’s expression, raised his hand and slapped Liu Chuang’s outstretched hand away:

“And… Have you counted the head of mercy and the head of Yuqin? Chief instructor, you forgot? ”

“Also, Chief Mercy Wind and Chief Yuqin are auxiliaries…” Liu Chuang suddenly realized: “This is good.” ”

“.. Too deep into the play ~ Another big old man who was poisoned by the game. Ge Xiaolun shook his head: “There is no salvation for the trespass.” ”

“Although the way of giving examples is a bit poor.” Qilin nodded gently: “But I think… That’s roughly how this grouping is. ”

“Sister Qilin, which group should I go with?” Rui Mengmeng looked bitter and bitter.

He Weilan shook his head gently: “Chief Mercy Wind and Chief Yuqin should already have a plan to deal with it, and we don’t need to ask about it at that time.” ”

Rose Wei said softly: “There is still more than a day left, and I estimate that this day’s training will be carried out in groups, after all, the squads also need to run in a little.” ”

“Hehe, now it’s time for me, the captain of the squad.” Rena clenched her fists and glanced around with a dismalt gaze.

“The chief of mercy wind said, you small captain, you are a false position.” Li Feifei silently dealt a fatal blow to Rena.

“I…” Rena gritted her teeth angrily.

Qilin glanced at Rena and shook her head slightly: “Hurry up and eat, the afternoon training plan may have to be changed, be mentally prepared.” ”

“It is estimated that it is a team of six, fighting against Brother Monkey and Thorton respectively.” Zhao Xin said with a confident face: “Team fighting, killing gods and beheading battles.” ”

“Stop showing, sit down and eat.” Ge Xiaolun complained: “Xinye, your IQ is like this. ”

“Beat Brother Monkey and Thorton, kill the gods and behead? Just us? Huh…”

“If you don’t get killed by Thorton and Brother Monkey, you will already burn high incense, and kill the gods?”

“Xinye, you are so funny…

“What big truth are you telling the truth?” Zhao Xin glared at Ge Xiaolun and sat down quietly to eat.

Lunch time, quietly passed…

Central building, conference room.

“Yoruichi, is there anything else that needs to be revised for this battle plan?”

Since knowing the specific time of the gluttonous invasion, Mercy Wind came up with three sets of combat plans all night, and it was only now that it was completely determined.

However, she still needed to ask Yoruichi’s opinion, after all, the three battlefields were changing all the time, and she and Yuqin alone would definitely not be able to take care of it.

In this battle, the celestial computer was disabled, and Mercy Wind and Yuqin only assisted and controlled the overall situation, and did not help the Xiongbing Company much.

After all, this is sharpening the male soldier company, if the two of them, Sun Monkey and Thorton go all out, I am afraid that the gluttony will have to be wiped out before entering the earth…

A god-based civilization is far from something that a godless civilization can resist.

A dozen battleships of gluttony are strong for the earth, but for God, that is a toy, and you can disassemble it as you want.

At least pay a little attention to the killing of the gods, there is no threat to gluttony.

Of course, this is for them, for the current earth and the male soldier company, gluttony is still a little challenging.

“The battle plan will be merciful to you, how to control it, don’t care about property damage, after the war I will make up for everything lost.”

“Just let the male soldier company use its full strength.”

“Of course, there is a premise, ban nuclear weapons.”

“I understand this, the state side absolutely prohibits nuclear weapons.” When Mercy Feng heard this, he was also relieved:

“The Gluttonous Legion is equipped with dark matter weapons, and its power is still above the core, and it would be great if Yoruichi banned this.”

Yoruichi turned his head slightly: “What is the reaction of the North Star?” ”

“The purpose has been conveyed, and we fully cooperate.” Mercy Feng said softly: “All the legions fully cooperate with the Xiongbing Company to fight a beautiful battle. ”

“In addition, the high-level intends to make all the alien matters public today, and the information of our Xiongbing Company… Do you want to let it out? ”

“Let it go~” Ye waved his hand: “There must be a special way to deal with difficult times, and concealment is not a good choice.” ”

“This era needs heroes to give direction to faith.”

“Got it.” Mercy Feng nodded to show understanding, and then hesitated a little before speaking: “The angel side… Will it shoot? ”

“Not for the time being~ unless born evil.”

“Okay then.” Mercy Feng: “I want to use celestial bodies to give them a simulated real battle, this plan…”

“Don’t pass~” Yoruichi shook his head directly without thinking: “Except for two or three people, they are all going to the battlefield for the first time, if there is too much preparation, you can’t see the most true heart.” ”

“Their conviction is not strong enough.”

Hearing this, Mercy Feng nodded slightly: “Okay, I’ll go down and arrange it.” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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