Watching the mercy wind leave, Yoruichi’s figure slowly dissipated.

Beyond the earth, above Pluto, before the big worm bridge left by Karl the God of Death, Yoruichi’s figure slowly solidified.

If nothing else, Morgana will come out of here to the Chiwu star system.

As for the time, Yoruichi is not sure for the time being, after all, with his indiscriminate entry, the formation of the Xiongbing Company was exactly half a year ahead of schedule, and the gluttonous invasion was also a whole year faster than the original.

When Morgana will come, or whether she will come, is a small question in the city.

However, Morgana’s chances of coming are much higher than not coming.

After all, almost all of her most loyal subordinates are on Earth, and she must come even to retrieve these capitals that can allow him to compete with the Angel Nebula.

Why Morgana had to come to Earth in the original book, Yoruichi now understands it.

The genes of high-level demons are all on Earth, and Morgana can’t think about it, unless she wants to become that loner again.

Is it simple to raise a high-level demon?

It’s not simple, it’s not simple, usually it’s good to destroy a civilization and come out with a high-level demon.

And the combat power of high-level demons is almost equal to that of high-level guardian angels, and Morgana is reluctant to leave so many high-level demons behind.

Morgana, who went with the flow, no longer knew how many times she was calculated by Karl, the god of death:

Gee, pathetic, pathetic, but…

Yoruichi didn’t come here to do anything to the Great Worm Bridge, and Karl, the god of death, did not dare to go out of the Styx galaxy now, after all, the angels were still staring at him.

This big worm bridge is unique, if it is destroyed… Then it’s gone.

And without the big worm bridge, gluttony wants to fly from the Styx galaxy by space battleship… How many tens of thousands of years is that?

After all, gluttony does not have super genes, nor does it have the ability to drive dark energy, although the level of science and technology has been exposed to dark matter…

But space jump technology of this level, they have not even touched the hair.

I have to say that this cosmic technology tree is a bit crooked, although it has reached the extreme in a certain role, but it is not good to rely too much.

Look at the MCU, knowing that a Shandar that has developed at the level of thousands of years has been able to make space node jumps:

This way… Have to say a little slow.

Although gluttony has not put much pressure on the male soldier company, the Huaxia Kingdom and those large and small countries on the earth still need to use gluttony to grind a little.

Advanced warfare is incomprehensible to ordinary people, and the confrontation between gods and gods does not allow them to see much.

And gluttony is different, a solid space battleship, with the most intuitive visual impact.

Not only can this big worm bridge not be destroyed, Yoruichi also has to strengthen it a little.

As for what to do with gluttony… Isn’t that easy?

For the purpose of Marvel MCU for various reasons, the world has to do it no matter how it is said.

The big family of the earth, as long as there is a head of the family.

After leaving a secret message at the Pluto Worm Bridge Station for surveillance, Yoruichi left directly.

Karl’s desire to study the void with peace of mind must be the biggest stumbling block in front of him.

And to bring down Kesha, his power alone… Or that the power of the entire Styx galaxy adds up to far behind.

Morgana would be his only ally.

How dangerous the earth is now, Yoruichi doesn’t believe that Carl will not feel the slightest.

Even if it is to make the plan a little safer, Carl will definitely remind Morgana, who is already lagging behind.

Will Morgana still make a big splash when she comes to Earth? Afraid that others won’t know I’m coming?

I’m afraid Carl will also use the big clock to help Morgana hide herself.

After all, there are many angels in the galaxy.

The means of surveillance left at the Pluto Worm Bridge Station…

Naturally, it is used to detect if Morgana has arrived.

Isn’t he idle and panicking, idly monitoring the world every day, waiting for Morgana to come to Earth?

Nothing like that.

When returning to Earth from Pluto, Yoruichi took the time to look at the sun in the Chiwu star system.

Full of vitality, it is middle-aged, and if there is no accident, it is estimated that it can burn for billions of years.

But I think this so-called ‘accident’ will come soon.

In order to avoid the absence of the sun in the Chiwu star system in the future, Yoruichi also left a back hand in the Chiwu star.

But when the energy of the Chiwu star runs out and dies, this backhand will be activated, allowing the Chiwu star to be directly ‘resurrected’.

It’s not troublesome anyway, hands-on things.

Not to mention that Yoruichi also has the Sun’s Light gene engine at this time, even if it doesn’t have it, the power of the multiple peaks is enough for Yoruichi to pinch an identical star out empty-handed.

Isn’t it easy to give a dying star back a new life?

Before Yoruichi could slowly fly to the designated route to wait for the angel to chase, a sudden communication made Yoruichi temporarily stop his actions.


Listening to the voice that sounded in his head, the corner of Yoruichi’s mouth hooked slightly: “Hey, beautiful master, we haven’t had regular communication for three days.” ”

“You know, I’m busy… There is a question I have to ask, I have been looking for the Angel Nebula for three days, and I don’t even have a door, are you sure the coordinates you gave me are correct? ”

Stopping in an area of just nine stars, Carol looked slightly depressed.

“Where have you been?”

“There are nine stars around, and it’s nearly three light-years away from the coordinates you gave me, but I can’t fly at a distance of three light-years.”

“That’s the Sanjiu Nebula, the outermost periphery of the Angel Nebula Nine Dao Defense~~” Yoruichi chuckled.

“How to go?” Carol wrinkled her brows.

“I’ll let you in, after all… Beautiful master, at your level, people dare not rashly put you into the Angel Nebula. ”

“Maybe someone is already paying attention to you at this time.”

When Carol heard this, he gently looked around: “There is indeed a wistful line of sight, but I can’t sense where the other party is.” ”

“The other person is looking at you three light-years away.”

“Well, I admit, the technology of this universe is really an evil sect, which I have never experienced before.”

Carol had to admit that what Yoruichi said before was indeed very reasonable, observing her every move from a distant area thirty thousand light years away…

It is indeed unlikely that she will not be aware of the existence of the other party.

“Wait a minute, I’ll make a call!”

“Hurry up~”_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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