After upgrading the Divine Body Special Edition to Ah Chao, life seems to be boring again.

Carol is still soaking in the hot spring of Angel Nebula, and is carried around by Hexi every day, seeing all kinds of new things, which is simply enjoyable.

Hiko and Carol have met once, and there is no saber rattling scene.

If you don’t see it right, one glance is enough.

It turns out that Carol approves of the angelic heart that Angel Yan possesses.

Carol also met Keisha under the leadership of Hexi, and the two did not say a word, but nodded to each other.

Some words are saved for later and spoken slowly.

Angel Yan is still following Kesha, but this time it is not on a mission, but in learning.

Keisha is teaching Angel Yan with all her heart, the divine body has been upgraded, and the rest is to control.

King-level fighting methods, treasure house of sacred knowledge, arsenal of weapons:

All kinds of things to learn are still waiting for Angel Yan.

The Angel King Sword has been handed down, and since Keisha is still reigning, the name of the Heavenly Blade King cannot be given to Yan for the time being.

In addition, what can be taught, Keisha is extremely serious to pass on to Hiko.

It is clear that he wants to train Yan into the next generation of Heavenly Blade Kings and take charge of the Celestial City instead of Divine Kesha.

As for Ani Cid…

Forget for a while.

She is just an excellent being calculated by the treasure trove of knowledge who can reasonably inherit the throne, but she is not the only one.

Moreover, how do you know that Hiko will not be one of the reasonable candidates on the list?

The throne is in Kesha’s hands, who she wants to put on the throne, in a word, no one in the entire Celestial City will disobey.

Of course, there will definitely be people who are not convinced, but there will definitely be no one who will stand up against it.

In this peculiar atmosphere, Amagi is quiet.

Not only is the Celestial City quiet, but the entire universe seems to have fallen into some kind of strange calm, just like the moment before the wave is coming.

On Earth, the training of the male soldier company continues.

Every day is a tedious training to change the soup without changing the dressing, but the atmosphere seems to be a little different.

No one is impatient, no one is tired, no one is complaining, everything is going in an orderly manner.

Obviously, the sword that Ah Chao gave them made them recognize a fact.

At present, they are also crossing the earth, and in the universe, they are still a small cannon fodder type.

The kind of cannon fodder type that was stabbed to death by the top divine sword.

The dreams of the day all woke up in an instant.

Possessing super genes does not make them leap into gods, should they be a warrior, or a warrior.

What a warrior needs is to constantly temper his foundation with his feet.

Some might say that God… It’s not about gene introduction

If you really think so, then you are a devourer and Hua Ye.

Once the gene engine is restrained, suppressed, or tied to a par, what do you have left at this time?

Naturally, the real knife and the real gun went up and did it.

The foundation is not solid, people will knock you down with two moves, the engine side can’t kill you, and the physics side can still pinch you to death.

In that battle that day, even if Ge Xiaolun opened the core and used Qiankun, at most, it would only make Ah Chao a little troublesome, and it still only took a few swords to kill you.

Unless you can reach the level of Yoruichi, who breaks all laws with one force, what is not needed to talk about?

Everything is simple from complexity to simplicity.

Of course, some perverts do not fall into this category, after all, the ‘setting’ is like this, you don’t make sense.

The current male soldier company obviously does not belong to this category.

“Mercy the wind, inform all the members of the Xiongbing Company, tomorrow’s training stops, and come to the top-floor laboratory at twelve o’clock at noon.”

Mercy Feng, who was lecturing to the Xiongbing Company, was slightly stunned, and the textbook in his hand fell directly to the ground, with a slightly strange expression.

“.. What’s the matter?

“In a daze?”

“More like stunned by some news, right?”


Looking at the mercy wind in a daze, the group of students below muttered to each other.

“Hey~ mercy wind… It’s time to wake up~” Rena, who was sitting in the first row, couldn’t help but raise her right hand glowing red and waved it gently.


Mercy Feng turned around slightly, ignoring the books that fell to the ground, and waved his hand to disperse the projection behind him, his face was still serious.

“This concludes today’s lesson, and now there is good news and bad news for you, which are you going to listen to first?”

“Good news and bad news?” Du Qiangwei wrinkled her eyebrows: “The good news is probably no better, I still want to say bad news.” ”

“Anyway, at least there will be a mental preparation.”

“Rose Wei is right~” Lin looked up slightly: “I don’t think there can be any good news.” ”

“Yes, the bad news first.”


“I think it’s better to hear the good news first, right?” Rena touched her chin: “Lest you guys can’t stand the blow for a while.” ”

“I’ve died once… What are you afraid of? Liu Chuang shook his head, unimpressed.

“It’s just ~” Zhao Yinghe said: “No matter how bad the bad news is, can it be possible to die again?” The good news is left to the background. ”

“That’s good~” Mercy Feng nodded lightly: “The bad news is that your new round of tests is coming soon, and this time the opponent is no longer his own people, nor angels, nor gluttony…”

“Rather… Demon!

“Demon?” Rena’s face froze: “Morgana came to Earth?” ”

“This… Sure enough, it’s bad news that can’t be worse~” Zhao Xin instantly covered his face.

Liu Chuang sighed helplessly: “Not long after Nima’s gluttony was finished, why did the demon come again?” ”

“It will be another vicious battle~” He Weilan clenched his fists: “And nine deaths.” ”

Qilin said in a deep voice: “It’s just a fight, there is no choice.” ”


Everyone has learned a lot about the history of the universe in the past few days, and naturally knows what kind of existence demons are.

Where the devil passes, civilization collapses, wars fall, morality deteriorates, and the whole world is filled with depravity… And so on, these are light.

There are not a few cases where the entire civilization is directly destroyed.

The devil has his sights on Earth…

If that’s not bad news, what bad news is there?

“Then Chief Mercy, what is the good news?” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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