“Sister Leng, how is the situation here?”

Ruoning was solved in a hurry, a little worried that Angel Leng couldn’t stop the triangular body’s chase rushing to come, but the picture in front of her was completely different from what she had expected.

“Why, I think that your sister Leng and I are weaker than you, and I need you to worry?”

Angel Leng rolled his eyes angrily: “The triangle is not in love with war at all, Hua Ye and Ruoning were ambushed by you and Yan, we just annihilated the gluttony, and the other party ran away directly…”

“Run faster than anything, I still want to fight them…”

“The battle here just ended fifty seconds ago, and now the battle situation is being cleaned up, hasn’t Yan done it yet?”

“Soon.” Angel Chase chuckled: “Hua Ye, after all, it is to be captured alive, and it is a little more difficult.” ”

“I haven’t seen you for a while, you little guy has surpassed me~” The angel sighed coldly: “Gee… Is this Lord God Yoruichi really that powerful? ”

“Well…” Ah Chao thought for a while, and then nodded: “Of course. ”

“Got it, and you forgot about the queen when you had a sweetheart?” The angel waved his hand coldly: “Hurry up and go to Yan’s side to see if there is anything you need help with, don’t make her too ugly.” ”

“I understand, then this side will be handed over to Sister Leng to command.” Ah Chao nodded, and actually turned into a stream of light and flew towards the direction where Hiko was.

The passing stars looked at the angel Leng who was a little in a daze, and chuckled: “What’s the matter, Sister Leng, envy that Sister Chase has a male god?” ”

“I envy your size ~ go to work.” The angel coldly turned his head and glared at the stars, and hummed softly: “I plan to follow Queen Kesha’s side all my life, what is the male god… Not required. ”

“Sister Leng, just continue to be tough.”

“Eh~ I said the stars, huh?” The angel raised his eyebrows coldly.

“Actually… Sister Leng, sometimes it’s better to be a little softer. Ridiculing the angel coldly, the stars quickly turned around and ran.

“I heard Ah Chao say, cute girls are always preferred types.”

“Fuck off.”

“Male god? Cut~” The angel muttered coldly and disdainfully: “Male god or something, I am not rare, I have Queen Kesha is enough.” ”


“Sister Yan, have you done it too?” Looking at the space ball in Angel Yan’s hand, a smile appeared on Ah Chao’s face.

“Hmm~” Yan nodded slightly: “I originally wanted to see the power of the Void Engine, but this Hua Ye is really a fool.” ”

“Empty has a void engine and does not know the application, it is too weak.”

“Did you get it done over there?”

The angel chase said softly: “The destruction brought by Hua Ye, the heavenly scum has also been ambushed, but some mature triangles have been run.” ”

“That thing wants to run, Sister Leng can’t stop it, this result is also inevitable.”

“It’s also~” Yan nodded thoughtfully: “The mature triangle undoubtedly has a strong combat power below the king level for more than three generations, and if it is a leader, it is a king level…”

“If Queen Kesha and Tianji King Hexi don’t make a move, no one can really stop it except you and me, and we are dealing with Hua Ye and Ruoning…”

“Forget it, let’s take these two back to the Celestial City first, judge Hua Ye and Ruoning and then go to the triangular body to settle the account, the invasion of the Celestial City is not over.”

“Sister Yan…” Ah Chao’s brows frowned slightly: “Over there in the Styx… Do you want to pay attention? Since Karl gave Hua Ye and Ruoning the support of the Void Engine, then…”

Yan shook his head slightly: “No need, Yoruichi has already gone over to negotiate, otherwise this time may not really go well.” ”

“Yoruichi shot?”

“Should I say he was lucky or bad?” Listening to Hiko’s words, Ah Chao shrugged his shoulders and cheered for a second what happened to Karl, the god of death.

“No wonder I didn’t notice the traces of the big clock at all when I attacked Ruoning, and the signs of Karl, the god of death…”

“This should have been cleaned up directly by Yoruichi, right?”

Yan shook his head gently: “Although it may be a little resentful, it is not like this.” Yoruichi’s senses for Karl, the god of death… How to say, not too bad. ”

“Forget it, don’t talk about it.”

When the words fell, Hiko turned on the angel communication network again and began to give orders to close the team:

“Team Leng, Team Kayla, Team Moy, Team Star, the battle outside the Merlot Heavenly Court has been declared over, now close the team and return to the Celestial City.”


Four guard-level angel squads, nearly 200,000 regiments were destroyed, 50,000 were scum, and thousands of triangular bodies.

Capture the evil gods Hua Ye and Ruoning alive…

This record is absolutely shocking.

Amagari, Merlot Star.

“I feel that you are disliked, man-in-law~” Looking at Yan and Ah Chai, who had solved Ruoning and Hua Ye in the picture, Hexi’s smiling eyes stared at Keisha a few times.

“Nothing strange~” Keisha smiled indifferently: “Everything is fresh, these two little nizi are bent on their male god, and I am not surprised that there is such an operation.” ”

“And everybody was happy, weren’t they?”

“Forget it, I can’t talk about you~” Hexi shrugged his shoulders and slowly got up from the grass:

“It’s better to hurry up and prepare, Yoruichi’s chess game should have been played to the end…”

“I think it won’t be long before we get there.”

“I believed your nonsense and became a Tianji king, but I was tired for tens of thousands of years.”

Keisha smiled lightly, and also stood up from the grass: “I feel that you can’t be idle, so I involuntarily found you something to do, blame me?” ”

“Start giving orders, Queen.” Hexi’s face straightened slightly: “It’s time for them to come back.” ”

“I don’t think it has to~” Keisha shook her head directly: “They all have their own way of life, they all have their own family…”

“Well, I don’t want to be called selfish and ruthless, so let me know a little.”

When the words fell, Keisha raised her hand and tapped, and a dark communication spread throughout the universe through the angel network.

The corner of Hexi’s mouth ticked slightly: “Guess how much you can come back?” ”

“Well, probably not.”

“The angels under the Angel Legion obey the order, and are about to judge the evil god Hua Ye and the fallen Ruoning, please gather at the central square of the royal city and witness this scene together.”

“The old era will completely dissipate, and we, no, you will usher in a new era.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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