Niu is about over, 2500 meters above the sky.

A passenger plane full of 467 people is circling the city.

On the plane, seven terrorists were armed with specially made plastic firearms, two terrorists monitored the cockpit, and the remaining five controlled the passengers and flight attendants on the plane.

The plane was flown by Tom, a veteran pilot with 32 years of flying experience.

Today was supposed to be his last flight before retirement, and even his wife and children were ready to celebrate the day for him.

But he could never have imagined that the day before he retired, he would encounter such a thing as terrorist hijacking.

He has never encountered such an incident in the past 32 years.

I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never felt it myself.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the two terrorists with guns behind him, and Tom’s face was calm, but his heart was secretly anxious.

In the passenger seat, the young co-pilot was not as calm as Tom.

He was already sweating profusely with fear, and both hands were shaking.

“Black Hawk, do you say those guys will release the boss?”

One of the terrorists asked the other.

“Do they dare to release it? We have more than 400 hostages, and now we are only 2500 meters above Niu, if they dare to play any tricks, we will fight to save this life and let this plane crash directly into the city! ”

“Yes! If they dare not agree to our conditions, they will crash! ”

Listening to the conversation between the two terrorists, the co-captain was so frightened that they were about to pee.

Even Tom couldn’t help but tremble slightly when he heard it.

These horror points are also too ruthless, right?

I actually want to crash the plane in New York (NIU)!

They’re going to do 911 again!

‘No, they must not be allowed to do this!’ ’

Tom’s family is in Niu, he was born in this city, lives and works in this city, he can’t watch these terrorists act recklessly!


How can he stop it?

“If only there really was a protector in this world.” Tom thought of the movie he watched the other day, and suddenly such an idea popped up in his mind.

In the cabin.

Five terrorists each managed an area and monitored the passengers on the plane.

The leader of this group of terrorists is a man wearing a white suit and a mustache, looking like a gentleman.

He had a gun in his hand, and the muzzle swept over the passengers in the cabin, with a kind smile on his face.

“Your lives are all your own, not the country’s, let alone those politicians, so you should know best what to do, don’t gamble with your own life!”

He said with a smile on his lips.

The passengers present in front of them were as well-behaved as sheep.

No one dares to make the slightest move, for fear of attracting the attention of terrorists and then being killed by one shot!

Among the passengers, a woman with her child, shivering, silently prayed for God’s blessing.

Her child held a toy of the Protector Superman in his hand, and looked at the terrorist with a gun in front of him with innocent eyes, and did not look afraid at all.

“Mom, the Protector of the Motherland came back to save us, right?”

The child innocently turned to look at his mother and said.

The mother, who was praying for God’s blessing, looked at the child and hugged him with tears in her eyes.

“Yes, the Protector Superman will come to our rescue!”

Young children don’t know that their mother is just comforting herself.

He held his mother in his arms, holding the toy of Superman in his hand, and a ray of sunlight came in from the window and shone on the toy, making it look a little more sacred.


The child saw a figure flying quickly outside the window of the plane.

He shouted in surprise:

“Mom! Mom! Look at it! It was the Protector Superman who came to save us! ”

The movement here caught the attention of the terrorists.

Hearing the child’s words, the terrorist laughed.

“Protector Superman? That’s just fictional characters, just imagined by you poor guys, that’s the behavior of cowards, like us, never look at such things! ”

A young passenger not far away listened and couldn’t help but mumble in his mouth;

“You don’t look, then how do you know about the Protector Superman.”

Of course, he did not dare to say it out loud.

“Good kid! Sit down! ”

When the woman saw the terrorist looking at this side, she was so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly hugged her son to prevent him from moving.

“It’s true, Mom!” The child pointed outside and said, “I really see Superman Protector!” ”

“What’s going on?”

The leader of the terrorist came over and asked his subordinates.

“Nothing, just a child, said that he saw the Protector Superman.” The terrorist said with a smile, completely unconcerned.

When the leader heard this, he also laughed.

“They are a herd of lost lambs, and when it’s over, send them to Satan.”

The terrorist sneered and nodded.

Yes, they never thought to let these people go back alive.

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