After Will’s order was issued, the entire umbrella company mobilized, although the number was large, but everything was in order, and the discipline of the team was much better than that of ordinary troops.

Not only discipline, but also some of these people, under the training of Wesker and Sergei, have carried out many missions, and their military literacy is not weak in the slightest.

The huge team slowly moved.

First to set off were the armed fighters of the Umbrella Company, led by Wesker, twenty of them in a small formation, transported by small transport helicopters.

I saw that above the umbrella base, more than 200 helicopters were lifted off one after another, covering the sky!

It is quite rare to see more than a dozen helicopters in normal times, but this time, the umbrella company is out of the nest! The sky seems to be covered by dark clouds!

On the helicopter, nearly 5,000 T-virus-injected combatants will be the first to set off for the battlefield, and they will be the first personnel of the umbrella company to arrive on the battlefield and establish temporary command and defense positions.

Of course, more ground troops, starting from the first exit of the underground base of the umbrella company, several hundred taels of armed personnel carriers were dispatched, and a long line was formed on the ground!

Long line, no edge at a glance.

A few minutes later.

Five of the Umbrella Corporation’s largest transport helicopters were launched, transporting ten Tyrant II controlled by the biological weapons control department.

This is also the first time that the second generation of tyrants has gone out on a mission!

Subsequently, more than sixty medium-sized transport aircraft took off, transporting the backbone of the Umbrella Company’s biological weapons, and the first biological weapons to be developed, lickers.

Three thousand two hundred lickers, each of which will become a nightmare for the enemy!

Finally, at Sergei’s request, the special combat team of the umbrella company led by Sergei, a group of 6 people, went to the battlefield on foot!

Sergey felt that they also needed to familiarize themselves with their bodies again as they moved along the way.

After all, although the underground base is very large, it still can’t let them stretch their bodies.

6 powerful tyrants of the second generation, they have their own minds, they have the original combat consciousness of the combatants, and the striking red and white hideous patterns on their bodies!

These 6 people are the strongest combat power of the umbrella company!

At this time, Will, accompanied by Alice, watched his company pour out through the video picture given by the red queen, and his heart was surging!

This time, he still sat in the base camp as the commander-in-chief of the rear.

However, Will believes that one day, he will stand at the forefront of his soldiers and personally lead them in thrilling battles!

At the same time that the umbrella company poured out, Tony Stark and Thor were the first to arrive at the Stark Industrial Building.

At this time, Dr. Eric had completed the final adjustment of the Rubik’s Cube Energy Activation Device!

In the sky, a dazzling pillar of light rose up into the sky.

Above the Stark Industrial Building, a pitch-black portal opened.

Subsequently, Iron Man Tony and Thor both realized the seriousness of the matter, because, in the sky, in the portal, aliens began to appear one after another.

Those aliens are flying like small boats, extremely fast, and destroy everywhere, killing people when they see them!

Seeing this, Iron Man flew towards the portal, and the armored suit was full of firepower, and he fought with those Zitauri.

Thor angrily questioned his silly brother, saying, “Look, do you think this will end with your reign?” ”


After the two quarreled, they began to fight, but Loki, who had no psychic scepter, was no match for his brother at all, so he took advantage of the approach of a Chitari flying machine, sneaked up and fled into the distance.

“All out!” Through the communicator, Loki gave orders to the army of the Zetauri.

In his eyes, as long as he can rule the earth, it doesn’t matter at all, no matter how many people on the earth die, it doesn’t matter.

After all, he felt that the earthlings were just an inferior race!

As Loki’s order was given, more Zitauri began to appear in the portal, and even alien ships like huge skin shrimp began to appear!

This spaceship is a unique combat and transport vehicle of the Chitari people, and its name is Leviathan.

Each Leviathan was capable of transporting hundreds, if not thousands, of Zitauri and sending soldiers directly to distant locations via catapults on the Leviathan.

The whole of New York became more and more chaotic, countless ordinary people screamed and hid in the house, but they were still found and brutally killed by the large army of Zitauri.


A few minutes later, a S.H.I.E.L.D. plane landed on the streets of New York.

Dr. Banner, Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye walked down.

Seeing the hellish misery in front of him, Captain America immediately explained the seriousness of the situation to Director Fury, and then several people also participated in this chaotic killing feast.

In this battle, the most outstanding are Thor and the Hulk, both of whom are amazingly destructive, but they still seem insignificant in the face of the overwhelming Zitari.


On the space carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Director Fury also saw the battle through the video screen, and when he saw those ugly-looking Chitauri, he suddenly thought of the umbrella company.

It’s like….

The biological weapons owned by the umbrella company look uglier than these aliens, right?

Or rather, the biological weapons of the Umbrella company look more powerful!

Director Fury looked at the situation on the battlefield again, the battle between the Avengers and the Chitari was fierce, and even the Captain of the United States was full of scars!

Thor, the “god”, also looks very tired, and it seems that his divine power is about to run out!

“Agent Hill, help me contact Will, the owner of the umbrella company!” Fury seemed to have made up his mind and said to his cronies Ciel.

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