God! She is also a woman.

Basically, I have rarely seen such a beautiful woman, very three-dimensional.

His aura was completely overwhelmed.

"Wang Yan, we've met once."

Li Yang didn't hide it and said truthfully.

At the same time, after Angel Yan saw the North Star that had been clinging tightly to Li Yang, his eyes narrowed, a kind of hostility from a woman inadvertently revealed.

"Li Yang actually has a girlfriend!"

Angel Yan's heart couldn't be calm.

It will be difficult to accept for a while.

It seems that there is a woman who is ahead of her.

"You are married, she is your wife"

Angel Yan's eyes fell on Polaris.

"It's not... it's a girlfriend..."

"I'm his wife! Why do you have an opinion?"

A woman's sixth sense is always very keen, after smelling something wrong in Angel Yan's words, Polaris stared at Angel Yan with big eyes and looked at Angel Yan fiercely.

This woman is real! What are you asking so much for! Since the last time I saw Li Yang and the White Queen having a private rendezvous.

Polaris has always been brooding in his heart.

Now another girl came out to provoke her.

It would be unhappy for anyone to change it.


Isn't it just a girlfriend, what's the look, Yang, do you want to come to my house for dinner tomorrow? I bought the Kobe steak from Dongying."

Ignoring Polaris' glaring gaze, Angel Yan pointed to a cardboard box on the co-pilot and invited Li Yang.

I don't care about the feelings of the North Star next to me at all.


Li Yang was slightly stunned and was about to return.

Swish! Polaris suddenly turned to the right and Zhao raised his hand.

The trash can on the side was smashed directly at Pagani.

When the trash can is about to be smashed on the car.

Angel Yan's eyes turned cold: "This is the power of magnetic field fluctuations. You are a strange woman. You actually have the ability to manipulate magnetic fields."

However, for Angel Yan, there was no difficulty at all.

Her internal system gave a direct order: "The anti-gravity system is on!"


The magnetic field of the trash can dissipated instantly and fell to the ground.


Polaris suddenly felt that his superpowers dissipated in an instant, but he didn't obey his commands, his eyes were extremely horrified: "This... what's going on! Today's second update! There is one more update today! Please subscribe! Fly Lu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter [-]: Being targeted by Thanos!Can't sit still! [The first update, please customize it]

Chapter [-]::::: Being targeted by Thanos! Can't sit still! [First update, please customize] Angel civilization has always been dominated by black technology.

And the super power displayed by Polaris is nothing but a small trick in front of Angel Yan, she only needs to activate the sky blade system to control the surrounding magnetic force.

This super power is useless.

after all.

The magnetic field controlled by Polaris is limited. Compared with Lao Wan, it is not... a star and a half.


What makes Angel Yan very strange is, do all people on this earth have this kind of super power? It is very suspicious.

Even if they are angels, they can only enhance their physical fitness through genetic improvement and load the dark matter system to obtain powerful energy.

And the superpowers of people on this planet cannot be explained by science.

Li Yang, who was standing beside him, gradually noticed something unusual about Angel Yan.

Even an idiot could see what was going on just now. Just when Polaris used his super powers, the surrounding magnetic field distance disappeared in an instant.

2 women are not easy.

"System, is there any way you can detect the identity of this woman?"

In his mind, Li Yang began to ask his system.

In this regard, the system's tone was very positive and authentic: "It's very simple, in this world, there has never been something that the system doesn't know about."

"Then help me investigate this woman named Wang Yan. What is the origin of this woman?"

Since the system is so packed.

Naturally, Li Yang would not be polite to him.

"Target locked: Wang Yan!"

"The system is analyzing..."

"Analysis is complete!"


A curtain of water bounced out.

It appeared in Li Yang's mind.

Wang Yan's specific information: Born: Yan's Hometown: Angel Nebula Gender: Female Race: Angel Nickname: Tianren Age: 17, Years Height: [-] Immediately, Li Yang's pupils shrank suddenly.

Yan! So this woman is Yan! How is this possible! That is a character in the Super God universe.

"System, are you mistaken that Angel Yan is not from the Marvel world?"

"In the huge super universe, there are various universes. You are only in the universe where Marvel is now, it does not mean that there are no other universes, such as universe, Dragon Ball, Pirate, Naruto, Super God, etc. all exist. in a super universe!"

"And you're nothing but the Marvel Universe in a super universe!"

"It is very normal to travel between universes. If you are strong enough, you can also travel to other universes!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Li Yang couldn't calm down for a long time.

turn out to be.

The universe is fused together.

It's just that they live in different universes.

in this case.

This is a woman named Wang Yan.

It's... Angel Yan, the left-wing guardian of the Holy Kaisha.

But what puzzled Li Yangqian was that.

Why does Angel Yan appear in such a place? Angel civilization appears anywhere, with a certain destination in mind.

Since Yan wants to hide his identity from him.

Then Li Yang naturally wants more places.

"Polaris, let's go."

Li Yang led Polaris and walked into the house without thinking too much.

"Still indifferent."

After seeing Li Yang's indifferent expression, Angel Yan's eyes were a little sad, and he couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Without lingering, it was just a kick of the accelerator, and Pagani suddenly turned into an arrow and left.


in the vast universe.

on Titan.

In front of a shimmering dark palace.

A throne floating in the air.

A purple-skinned giant with a giant vertical chin, like a purple sweet potato.

He was of great build, wearing a blue-and-gold suit with golden shoulders and gold booties, and a blue-and-gold helmet with a gem on his forehead.

This person is impressively the tyrant of the eternal family of Titans, one of the current overlords of the universe.

His eyes were like torches, as if he could penetrate everything.

under its floating throne.

There are five subordinates with 55 different shapes standing.

Among them, a slightly thin man with white hair walked out and said respectfully to the person on the throne: "The great king of the universe, I sensed that there appeared on the edge of the universe. The fluctuation of the three Infinity Stones."

"Ebony throat, are you sure it's true?"

Thanos on the floating throne slowly stood up and questioned.

"Yes, it is absolutely true."

Ebony Throat nodded.

"I'll give you ten days, and you have to get back at least one 1 gem."

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