"However, I admit one thing. War can indeed bring about qualitative changes and rapid development. But, living in war every day, won't you feel tired?"

"Could it be that all people on your planet are born to face wars? They are born to become born killing machines. What do you think is the meaning of such a life?"

"Is this the life you want? Is this the face of your planet? I don't think it is. This is not the result everyone wants. This is not the home that everyone wants."

"Because your planet is a place to live, not a place to fight every day, this will make everyone on your planet feel that the world is disgusting, dark, and there is not a trace in everyone's heart sunshine."

"There is no desire to live, because from the day they were born, their planet was a place for war, not a place to live, and that's what none of you want."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter [-]: Various galaxies

Chapter [-]:::::Various galaxies "Do you think what I said makes sense? If you think what I say makes sense, it means that your heart still longs for a peaceful planet , you don't want to live in a world of war every day, and I'm sure you must too."

"You are already tired of this kind of world that is at war every day, you are used to the kind of thinking of your planet, that kind of ... environment, you will feel in your heart that the entire universe, all the universes are directed towards your planet. that kind of."

"I can understand you like this, that's why I told you so much, just... If you want to change your current mentality, a person's mentality can definitely subconsciously lead this person to do what kind of things."

"So don't think that what your planet is like is the same in other universes. It's not the same at all. There are so many wonders in the world. Your imagination can't imagine what other universes are like."

"It's like everyone, everyone has his unique temper, character and cultivation, everyone is different, every planet is different, every universe is different."

"Every region contains various people, and each country contains various regions.

Each planet contains various countries, and each galaxy contains various planets."

"Every universe contains all kinds of galaxies, and the universe is like many stars in the sky, so your vision can directly determine your destiny, your temper, your various characters, and the way you handle things."

"The reason why you become: so violent is because your mentality is very dark, but you can't blame you for thinking that your planet is like this, and what kind of environment causes you to become what kind of person."

Keisha listened very carefully. Maybe in the eyes of others, these are just nonsense, but in Keisha's eyes, these are the essence, and they can directly change his entire life. 's embellished.

"After hearing you say it for so long, I can really feel some things in your paintings, these things are things that ordinary people can't feel, you just asked me what I experienced to become what I am now. look."

"I'll tell you about my experience. It can't be said that no one else has experienced these things. It can only be said that very few people have experienced it. In fact, I was a person with strong feelings a long time ago. , but then something happened."

"These things directly collapsed my concept of life and buried my original thoughts."

"At one time, I also fell in love with a person, but he was either a person on our planet, or... a planet not far from our planet. At that time, I used to go to our planet. For us, we went to a planet. Just like you."

"Just like you, it's as convenient to go to the next village, and things will arrive in minutes, so for us, it's very convenient and very close, maybe to ordinary people like you, the planet is a piece of cake. very far away."

"But for... people on our planet, the next planet is like visiting someone else's house. It's very convenient, and the family at that time also agreed that the two of us were together."

"The two of us spoke the language of the world, the sweetest language in the world, we wished that every hour, every minute, every second of every day was a piece, at that time I was like a cruel every day. "

"Stay with him fiercely, don't separate every second, every minute. At that time, I felt that we, the two of us together, was the happiest thing in the world, and nothing else could compare to it. The two of us are together the most important thing."

"At that time, I was thinking, I can give up everything in the world, and don't stop being with him. At that time, the two of us have already reached the point of... I think this is the happiest and happiest in the world. things."

"But the good times didn't last long. Suddenly, one day, he said to me, let's separate. There was no premonition in what he said, and no one showed any abnormality. At that time, I didn't believe what he said, that is. .. thinks he's joking with me."

"I didn't expect that when he finished saying this, he completely disappeared in front of me and never appeared again, until today."

"That day, I was in great pain and staggered back to the house, but the moment I stepped into the house, I couldn't believe what was happening in front of me. All corpses."

"The house was in a mess. At that time, I desperately searched for the traces of my parents. They were right in front of my eyes, lying motionless on the ground. Our whole family was killed, and I was the only one left. ."

"I don't know why, I don't know who is so ruthless, and then I heard that it was him, yes, it was... him.

I really never thought that it would be him, I don't understand why this is, and I don't understand what is going on."

......"I also lied to myself that these are all fakes, and none of this can be true, because I would not believe it at all, how could this matter? He would have done it, which is simply impossible."

"However, until one day, I didn't know that it turns out that as long as there is a love affair on our planet, the man will become: obsessed with evil, and will become: extremely cruel, this is related to a curse."

"At that time, even my parents didn't tell me about such a thing. They lied to me because they didn't want to destroy the relationship between us. Unexpectedly, I affected everyone. The whole family has been harmed."

"They just... didn't want to destroy our relationship, so they didn't tell me about this curse. Later, I just thought it wasn't fair at all, and I wanted to find out what was going on. ."

"But it is true that there are deaths one after another. Wei Wei is the only one who is not me. As long as I investigate this matter, no matter who it is, as long as it is related to this matter, this person will die, so from where? Since then, I'm not looking into this matter."

"Because I have no way to investigate any further, this will only make more people die. Since then, my heart has become: extremely cruel, I secretly swear, I will eradicate, eradicate this curse Ten thousand."

Chapter [-] New Hope

Chapter [-]::: The new hope that Li Yang also listened to him very seriously, because he knew that the other party was completely complaining to himself when he said such words. He felt very lonely after so many years. of.

At the same time, those inner pains can't find a place to excrete at all, and they can vent out, then they have now become a trash can for the other party to vent their pain and talk about.

In fact, he really wanted to go up and give each other a hug, because he felt that after suffering such pain, anyone else would definitely not be better than Keisha.

So at this moment, he felt that he had forgiven the woman in front of him who seemed to be doing all kinds of evil, but was actually very pitiful.

"It's okay, it's all over, if you will, then "two two seven seven"

Then we'll be... comrades."

"Although I can't help you change some of your previous fates, the trajectory of your fate cannot be changed."

"Even in the entire universe, you want to find a space wormhole to return to before, but the consequences of that are very serious."

Li Yang felt that it was necessary to make this matter clear, lest the other party have such thoughts, and the consequences would definitely be unimaginable.

In order to prevent future tragedies from happening, he would rather waste more time at this time and tell him some very secret stories from the universe, rather than take risks because of the hatred and pain that he can't solve in the future.

Although they fought against each other before, but this time he felt that the other party was already a very pitiful person, and there was no need to...pretend to be the previous...unhappy things, If they don't let go, maybe they can become real good friends. "I...I...I actually know what you are talking about. Someone persuaded me a long time ago, but at that time I was very The indifference and ruthlessness, he directly killed that person with a dead hand."

When Keisha was talking about this matter, his eyes became: very painful, it can be seen that he really felt for all the wrong things he had done before... repented.

But it didn't work, because he knew that what happened in the past could never be undone.

He kills those...innocent people and can never return to real life, the sins he committed are unforgivable....

Even the man in front of him said to himself that he could forgive himself for the things he did, and he could also change himself, make himself more sunny, so that he would not be affected by what happened before... Dark things affect your future life.

But how is it possible? Living in such a universe, there are so many dark things happening every day that others can't see, and not so many people are willing to change a person who has no effect on them.

Perhaps in front of Li Yang, he was originally a subordinate.

If it wasn't for the other party's covetousness for himself, then he didn't need to... spend so much time saving himself, because why did he think that he would be kind enough to have Keisha at this time, like a very ethereal and illusory one Like stars, in the vast universe become: very lonely.

And at this time, if someone is willing to reach out and pass on a little power, then he will not be so dull as before, but will become: shining.

But does such a life exist? Keisha's eyes shed a string of crystal tears.

He hasn't cried for a long time because he has forgotten what tears taste like, since his family died, he has stopped crying.

Because he needs to kill more people to cover up the hatred and pain in his heart.

At this time, the knife in his hand can no longer be lifted, because his heart is no longer as cold as before, so it will not be as hard as before.

"Thank you, if it wasn't for you, I might still be living in the agony of the past, but now I still can't find a really happy me before."

"It's probably going to take a long, long time before I can get to know my truest self again.

But now I have a very new path ahead of me, and I've decided to take it."

Keisha cried and cried and reached out her hand to wipe her tears. He knew that the man opposite him at this time must be very eager to become stronger. Even the painful things have already passed. For many years, but as long as he wants to, then these things are nothing.

"Of course, I know it's not going to come out so easily, but we can be very good friends if you want, and I'll be willing to help you."

"Look at how splendid this galaxy is, why can't you see the beauty of it, only to see that it is fused with many lives that died in your hands?"

"You must know that every life will have reincarnation, there is no need... always hold on to the previous things, because those... dead lives have already begun to reincarnate , you see this galaxy, there is no soul of anyone in it anymore."

Li Yang tried to use his softest voice to convince the other party, because at this time he was unwilling to bring any harm to Kaisha, even a little bit he would not allow.

Because since he has decided to save the other party, he will tell the other party with his most sincere heart that as long as he is there, he will have a new support, and they can become real friends, not enemies.

"I...can I really...can do it"

There was a little hope in Keisha's eyes. He hadn't felt this way for a long time. It was as if a power of life had re-emerged in his heart.

Before 36, he felt that he was... a breath of death, like a black hole.

As long as you get close to yourself, everything will be turned into a dead thing by yourself.

But it's different now, because the words that the person in front of him said to him were the words that no one had said to him for hundreds of years, which made his heart start beating again.

He may be able to forget those unpleasant ones before and start a new life. "Of course, you have to believe me, since I can defeat you just now, it means that I can save you, you must know that these two are mutual ."

Li Yang but Kaisha showed a very smile, and he himself believed that after his sincere words, the other party must have been a little moved.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter [-] The Change of Killing Angels i

Chapter [-]::::The Change of the Killing Angel Kaisha showed a long-lost smile under Li Yang's persuasion, because he used to be a killing angel.

He took his angels to kill everywhere, as long as he saw that he was not pleasing to the eye, or as long as he was in a bad mood, then he could kill anyone casually.

As long as the strength can be stronger than the opponent, then the fate of the opponent is in his own hands to dominate all this. For him, it is not a small game. After a person dies, the game is over.

He will not pity others at all, a living life just disappeared, he only cares whether he can become happier, as long as he can be happy, then no matter if he kills a planet or a large number of people, he won't care.

Kaisha has been very clear about what she wants in this conversation with Li Yang, and he has been deceiving himself and killing time.

"Li Yang, thank you very much for letting me see the true meaning of life, if it wasn't for you, even if I lived another 1 million light years, then I would just waste my life in vain, but since now 21, I have Decided to dedicate the rest of my life to you."

After Keisha took a deep breath, he smiled and faced his eyes with a ruddy face. This hero-like figure said solemnly, he was definitely not joking.

Li Yang was surprised by such a big commitment. He didn't come back to his senses for a while and exclaimed: "Then what do you mean and why do you say that you will dedicate the rest of your life to me, do you mean to... "

I have to say that a person opposite Kaisha who is not good-looking, wrote it and said to himself that he would dedicate the rest of his life to himself, then he would think crooked.

Keisha didn't care at all, and even said that she felt very honored to speak her mind out loud.

"That's right, it's... as you think, from now on I will be your slave, if you want, then you can stamp me with the stamp of slavery, from now on I will be yours, and you will die. the ghost."

"The stars are long, and the oath that I Keisha swore in this flowing character will never change."

After Keisha said this, a lot of white butterflies sprang out from the top of his head. They were like a bunch of stars in the galaxy. They were very strong, and they illuminated this dim galaxy like a light. Guangming, "Before a hundred years and a hundred years ago, I have been looking for what the light is, but now I know that it is me, as long as I believe that I can see the light, then I will be able to see the light, and now I have When you see the light, that's you."

Kesha's words were very touching.

Li Yang felt that she was about to be moved by a woman, even if they were rivals before, but now she feels that she has completely accepted her... After probing the other party, he still has a little sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"Hey, you don't actually need to do this. If you want, then we can become very good friends. You don't need to be my slave, because I don't have such a need."

"I feel like following me like you are so pretty."

Li Yang actually wanted the other party to continue talking in his heart, he just said it deliberately because he was a little embarrassed on the surface.

Of course, the other party insisted on doing this, even if he wanted to shirk, he couldn't shirk, not to mention he didn't think he had to shirk.

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