Li Yang pointed to himself, "I am responsible for finding Bucky and taking him away. If I have completed the task and Logan is by my side, I will go with him to deal with the head of Hydra, if Logan is not by my side, Then I will wait for you to join me."

Li Yang loaded his gun and asked, "Are you clear about the mission?"

All team members "Yes! Understood!"

Li Yang finally told their code name: Natasha, Black Widow, Logan, Wolverine, Wolverine, Kaisha, Goddess of Slaughter.

"Why doesn't that old guy come with us? He hates Hydra the most."

Logan looked at the plane that had already flown away on the ground, and asked the one next to him who just shouted "Go!"

of Li Yang.

Li Yang asked: "Which old guy"

Logan smiled and said, "There's still that old guy, of course your teacher, Steve."

Li Yang asked, "How did you know he came with us?"

Logan pointed to the miniature communicator hanging on his ear and said, "Your communicator has been turned off!"

The two began to laugh.

Wait for the laughter to disappear.

"Maybe Nick has it."

Li Yang replied, clenching what Steve gave him in his hand.

Suddenly, there were many gunmen from nearby buildings, and the sound of gunfire lingered in my ears.

Countless soldiers just got up.

He was instantly penetrated by the bullets of Natasha and Li Yang.

A group of soldiers hiding behind a car.

The two towers swept over.

The car was pierced by thousands of bullets in the blink of an eye.

The soldiers were swept away.

Several soldiers rolled around trying to escape.

The bullet with the thickness of the thumb swept the soldiers into limbs in an instant, and Logan immediately followed and stabbed his wolf claws into the chests of the remaining people.

The attacking team cleared the place, killed all the nearby Li Yangs, walked to a corpse of an enemy that looked relatively well-equipped, squatted down, and checked the corpse.

"Well, it really is the person of Hydra..."

Li Yang said, and found a map in the pocket of the corpse.

"This map may be...their operations map, and this person may be a squad leader.

We follow this map in reverse, and naturally we can easily find the location of Hydra."

Li Yang took the map and said to the players.

Li Yang imported the map into the detector, reloaded his weapon with bullets, and said, "It's not too late, we'll do it right away.

Keep going!"

They searched carefully in this building, looking for one after another, and finally found a basement door in a small thatched hut.

They opened the basement door and jumped in one by one.

There are no fingers out there, even if there are four people in the team, some people can feel an inexplicable emptiness.

Li Yang turned on the night vision mode of the detector and found an extremely hidden door.

The door is square and upright, with a small space the size of a thumb next to it, which is obviously a fingerprint lock.

Li Yang put the finger of the leader of the group of people who had just killed on it, "Zi La"

A sound of electric current sounded, turning the finger into ashes.

Fortunately, Li Yang's bulletproof tights had good insulation, otherwise he would have suffered this terrible electric shock.

Natasha went to him, took out her plate, and said, "It's my acting time."

The start in her hand turned into a small camera, and she took a photo of the fingerprint lock.

The internal procedures of the fingerprint lock are all displayed on this camera.

Then she switched the camera to projection and placed it on the ground.

The projector on the ground started running, projecting all the programs of the fingerprint lock onto the wall, and projected a keyboard on the ground.

Natasha lay on the ground and her fingers began to move rapidly.

Very proficient in cracking and modifying this program.

A meal: After the operation, Natasha stood up and said to Li Yang: "It's over, Captain, I have entered your fingerprint into the whitelist.

Just put your index finger on it."

Li Yang nodded, walked to the fingerprint lock, and put his index finger on.

"Zi La"

Li Yang was electrocuted, but the door still didn't open.

He asked Natasha: "What's the situation, didn't you say it's over?"

......When he finished speaking, the projected program began to distort into a hideous face, making everyone present jumped.

The face began to speak: "Hello, you are Li Yang, right, that... the guy who looks quite grumpy is Logan, right?"

Li Yang asked: "Who are you?"

Logan peeled him off and said to the face: "Animzola! You are not dead!"

The face began to laugh wildly, "That's right, Logan.

I am Animzola! I am not dead!"

Li Yang asked Logan: "Who is this person"

Rogan held his chin and said: "This man is a Swiss geneticist, a bad guy, according to reliable information this man is a Dr. Hydra."

Anim said: "Oh, what the hell are I doing, forget it. can't go back!"

After speaking, the entire basement suddenly became bright, and a laser net started to slowly move towards them from the place where the attacking team came out.

Anim laughed and said: "Hahaha, you have triggered the laser alarm system, if you don't solve it within this time, then you wait to be broken into pieces!"

When Natasha heard it, she immediately.

Bend down and start cracking.

Anim looked at Natasha and said: "No, I have implanted my consciousness into it, you can't break through!"

"Oh, really"

Natasha said with a half-smile.

Then Anim's expression became even more distorted.

Chapter 184 "Bucky" - Animzola

#184 "Bucky"

Anim Zola 212 words Anim asked: "You! What did you just do"

Natasha replied: "I didn't do anything, I just used a little bit of cracking."

Anim's eyes widened and he said, "Okay, let's try it out and see who is more powerful!"

Natasha ignored him and continued to start her own cracking work.

She was getting faster and faster, and Anim's expression was now twisted and normal.

This hacking showdown seems to be very, very intense.

Rogan looked at Keisha's pouted ass and whispered in Li Yang's ear: "This girl is in good shape."

When Li Yang heard this, his face turned a little red.

Said to Logan: "What time is it, you still have the heart to joke!"

Logan listened to him and began to laugh.

Animus saw Logan laughing and said "two two seven seven"

He shouted: "You immortal thing, what are you laughing at?"

When Logan heard this, he gave him a stern look and started to scold Anim.

Finally, when Anime scolded that Logan had nothing to say and saw that the laser net was approaching them, he said to them: "You have lost!"

Logan said with a smile: "No no no, you lost!"

After that, the laser net disappeared.

And Anim's expression suddenly changed: abnormally distorted.

Natasha said to him: "Thanks to Logan getting your attention by arguing with you, I was able to implant the 'worm' into the program."

Although Anim's expression became: very distorted, he did not immediately.

Disappeared "I, I won't let you go!!!"

After speaking, the projection turned into a black.

There was silence all around, as if nothing had happened.

The door opened, and Li Yang passed through the door and saw Bucky, who was beaten and ripped apart. He hurriedly walked over.

But as soon as he crossed the threshold, countless machine gun turrets suddenly sprang up around him, and they were shooting at Li Yang...

Li Yang quickly took out his shield to block, and he seemed unable to move forward half a step.

At this time, Keisha stood up and kicked Li Yang to Bucky's side, because that place was the dead end of the turret shooting.

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