"Li Yang, where are you"

Keisha, who fell to one place, shouted. Whenever she was alone in the dark, the killing in her heart immediately seemed to overflow, as did the memories she didn't want to touch.

No one responded, so she took out a light stick to illuminate the road ahead, and the ground was full of dirt, as if it hadn't been dug up just now.

Suddenly she saw the man - Count Zemo, who also stared at her with a smile.

Keisha crouched, scales all over her body.

She was taking a deep breath, taking in a huge amount of oxygen, bloody bone spurs stretched out from her body, the muscles under the new body rose and fell like water, and then suddenly tightened and formed.

She stood up slowly, turning her legs upside down with her knees.

Facing Earl Zemo, she bowed slightly, holding an ion bomb ready to be thrown at any time.

Count Zemo looked at Keisha in shock, confident that he knew enough about this human being.

In her own attack just now, Keisha seems to have recovered [-]% of her strength, but now she realizes that Keisha is hiding her strength.

It seems that even she herself doesn't know that her killing heart can be released again. If the first release is the killing power, the second release is probably... the killing force.

Keisha looked at him, her pupils as cold as ice.

She didn't seem to know Mike or Earl Zemo at all, and all that was left in her eyes at the moment was a brutal murderous intent.

"Unconscious State"

Count Zemo had to say softly, "You are already a god of death."

She hissed the ancient language, and the power was continuously given to him from the space around him, and soon, he could already drive that kind of... God-like power.

At this moment, Keisha folded her hands together, and immediately.

It shattered the surrounding space and held a black hole.

The two sides stomped on the ground at the same time, and the reverse-bent knee joints exploded with extraordinary force, and the figures disappeared in the high-speed movement.

Mammals that have evolved to walk upright do not have this kind of leg structure. It belongs to the lower creatures like praying mantis, but it gives insects incredible bouncing power. Fleas can jump to a height of 400 times their own height. Jumping ability, you can jump to about 700 meters high.

At this moment, the imaginary became a reality, Chu Zihang and Yemengade flew in the huge space, and every time they collided, they made a deafening roar.

They chased each other and even ran against the rock wall defying gravity.

Some fragments fell on them, but no one was dodging around with their heads in their hands, and the eyes were full of those things screaming in horror, like doomsday.

All the rails are red hot, the cinders are burning everywhere, and even the top of the rock walls has huge bright spots, which are caused by the radiation of their powerful force.

I don't know how many... red-hot iron filings are suspended in the air, rising and falling, as if millions of elves are dancing.

Every time the two killing embryos collided, countless metal fragments flew, which was caused by the shattering of the rails.

Although Keisha has regained a certain strength, it is still not half of her heyday. The worst thing is that those metal fragments seem to fly, and they can even cut into the rock wall, and the number is like a machine gun fire.

Everyone can't tell if it's real or just a dream.

In this apocalyptic environment, there is still one person who can laugh.

Red Skull, yes, he stood at the end of the platform, with a smile of pity or sarcasm, looking up at the two meteor-like shadows.

The wind blew the roses away, and the white petals fluttered.

Finally, the fight between the two came to an end, and they both suffered a lot of injuries.

Suddenly, Keisha on one side vomited blood, which was the result of her power overload, and her current body still seemed unable to withstand the power she had when she was on Kerry planet.

Earl Zemo stared at her like a viper, and soon he understood the reason and sneered: "It seems that you are not what you used to be, Captain Marvel"

And said, "This feeling is very painful, then let me free you completely"

He immediately.

galloped away, though Keisha was at once.

She stepped back, but was still caught up by him. Seeing that Zemo was about to catch her, Zemo inadvertently stepped on something. Looking down, it was where she had just vomited blood, and there was a black thing next to it. , said "radiation mines."

"Did she throw it on the ground when she vomited blood."

Count Zemo couldn't believe this reversal, muttered to himself.

"Looks like you lost this time."

Keisha showed him the controller in her hand and pressed, immediately.

, a huge sound echoed in this underground space.

Chapter 190 Hydra (Natasha)

Chapter 190 Hydra Natasha My name is Natasha, everyone calls it that, and I have another nickname "Black Widow"

Ever since I joined the fortified team, I've been listening to that... Li Yang's babble every day.

Although a little dissatisfied, I think it's okay, at least what I said is right.

Today, our tough team found the real Hydra headquarters.

I entered the security procedure through black technology at the gate, and had a fight with Dr. Animzola of Hydra, I won, and won quite thoroughly.

After entering the gate, I saw giant robots one after another and groups of death squads.

Captain Li Yang ordered: "Destroy these robots first, and then take care of those... Expendables!"

Then he gave himself a shot in the buttocks and rushed to the front first.

But he and I didn't have superpowers like the other two in the team - Logan and Keisha, so naturally we couldn't be tough.

So the two of us can only attract firepower near the robot and wait for the moment.

And my task is: every time a robot falls, use an electromagnetic jammer on it to paralyze it.

After the robots are all silent, it is very easy to deal with the daredevils.

As a senior agent, karate and shooting are not top-notch, but he can be considered a master.

I'm not boasting, otherwise, how did I kill dozens of death squads unharmed when they rushed up together? After killing this group of death squads, we successfully entered the Hydra.

Everyone understands their mission and consciously separates.

Except for Logan, Li Yang said he was too versatile and made him a chorus.

My mission is very simple: hack the security system in the Hydra base, the so-called security system, as the name suggests, is... some cameras, turrets and other things.

Humph, what age is this still using these... . . .

I climbed into a ventilation duct, not because I can shrink my bones, but because the ventilation duct is really wide, no wonder the group of Hydra people are still there: they use stuff from the former Soviet Union.

I was crawling along inside, and every now and then a few mice ran past me in this pipe.

Hey, it's really dirty here...I'm starting to doubt the sanitary environment here, but it's not within the scope of the mission, and the Hydra is still there: with such a low-level thing, the poor environment seems to make sense.

I turned on the see-through mirror and saw the circuitry here through the wall.

Hmmm, still: With a normal home circuit, I took out a jammer to interfere with the circuit's magnetic force.

The one under the surveillance camera in that piece... the little red light that was on is off, what does this mean that the camera is turned off.

, plan to pass.

I continued to crawl forward, jamming every camera and turret in my path so they couldn't pose a threat to my teammates.

Crawling and crawling, I came to the outlet of the ventilation duct, one in front and one on the right.

Because the exit on the right was heavily guarded, I had no choice but to go out through the exit in front.

I climbed there and was about to open the passage door when I found a familiar figure.

This person seems to have seen somewhere, but can't remember.

So I took out my phone, scanned the man's face, and passed it on to Keisha.

Why didn't you pass it on to Li Yang, Li Yang? He didn't bring a cell phone.

After a while, Keisha sent me a message saying it was Coulson.

The familiar name Colson started to reverberate in me.

Colson... Colson.

Oh! Yes! It's... the one who... injured Logan! I used the locator to locate Cole and found that this man was not far from Li Yang and Logan.

Li Yang has a mission, and Logan has a grudge against him, so I called Logan.


Logan's voice came over the phone.

I lowered my voice and said to him, "Logan, come and help me, Coulson is here!"

Then I heard "Swish"

sound, the phone hangs up.

I'm sure I can't beat Coulson, he's strong enough to break Logan's bones, but I can't wait here either.

So I decided to take a risk and get out on the right.

I backed up, returned to the fork, and crawled to the right.

Coming to the exit of the vent on the right:, I found that this group of people seemed to be guarding something.

Although I don't know what it is, there are only 5 people here, and it should not be a big problem to put down 5 silently.

So I pulled open the access door, threw a 1 flashbang, and immediately.

Close your eyes.

I heard the explosion of the flashbang, but thinking that the group of Hydra was so cunning, there must be others who didn't get hit, so I threw another 1 shock bomb.


The electric bomb exploded.

I immediately.

Jump down, kick them to the ground one by one, and knock them down on the vertebrae of their necks, killing them in an instant.

Get these...., I clapped the ashes on my hands.

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