I took a sip of wine and started yelling at him, then "Wong"

With a bang, he rushed up and started attacking him frantically with his claws.

Chapter 192 Is it really the last battle?

Chapter 192 Is it really the last battle? Well, now Li Yang, Coulson, Keisha, Avril, Logan, Bucky, Natasha and others, the former team members have arrived, and the current team members have also arrived, It's time to kill the head of Hydra! Avril activated her ability and ripped apart the door of Hydra's main control room.

Seeing that there are all those robots and those... death squads, they fired at Avril together, but Avril just looked at them, and the bullet stopped in front of her.

Then Coulson jumped out suddenly and hit everyone on the head with his powerful fist.

As for the robots, they still used their original methods to deal with them: Li Yang held the shield to attract firepower, Logan was in charge of cutting his legs, Natasha was in charge of waiting for the robot to fall and used the electromagnetic jammer, and Keisha was in charge of the audience.

After killing these... Expendables and robots, Coulson kicked open the door of the room where the head of Hydra was.

As soon as they entered the room, Avril, who was floating in mid-air, fell to the ground, and Keisha felt that she suddenly became weak: Rogan felt a piercing pain.

Only Li Yang, Natasha, Bucky, and Colson, four 44 people without superpowers, did not have any adverse reactions.

At this time, a man with a face like a red skull came out.

Li Yang recognized him at a glance - Red Skull.

Red Skull laughed and said to Li Yang and the others: "I believe you have seen it, I can suppress superpowers in this room, do you know why?"

Li Yang shook his head, and Bucky leaned against his ear and said, "He has the space gem and can control space..."

Only then did Li Yang realize the seriousness of the problem. He picked up his shield and charged like a red skull, but he rushed into the air.

"Li Yang! Be careful!"

Natasha shouted from behind.

Li Yang turned his head quickly, and what he saw was Red Skull's hideous face, he was holding a gun firmly against his head.

"Bang bang bang!"

This sound is not from the gun in Red Skull's hand, but from Natasha behind him.

But Red Skull used the space gem to send the bullet behind Natasha, and Coulson quickly blocked the bullet for him.

Li Yang can't beat the Red Skull and can't use ranged weapons.

So Bucky, who was on the side, rushed over.

"Come and see this."

Bucky rushed over and swung his Hydra-modified arm towards the Red Skull who was close at hand, like an iron-armed avenger.

However, the Red Skull, who possessed the space gem and mastered the power of space, didn't even take him in his eyes. With a backhand push, the space around Bucky distorted, squeezing him in the middle, unable to breathe.

At this time, not only Bucky, but also Li Yang and Natasha Geisha Wolverine felt very difficult to breathe. They couldn't breathe, let alone speak. They could only breathe heavily, but it was useless. The air around them has been squeezed to other places, and the huge air movement makes this place: like a storm area, and the Red Skull is like the eye of a typhoon.

However, there are still some people who have not received much influence. I saw that the quasar Avril, who has awakened his strength, rushed over first. With the blessing of ion energy, it was difficult for her speed man to see her full face, and she could only see A golden lightning bolt rushed over with the sound of howling wind.

But Red Skull was still unafraid. Just looking at his hands, Avril slowed down surprisingly, but it was just a feint. In an instant, Coleson came and injected the bloodline-enhancing medicine, Cole Sen has become: very strong, but even so, this does not affect his speed in the slightest, I saw him rushing over from the side, holding sub-type pistols in both hands, and firing a bullet at the Red Skull in front of him, these bullets It's not a bullet that moves along a certain trajectory, but it's like each one is loaded with missiles. No matter how you distort the space around them and try to influence their trajectory, it doesn't help. They are like spitting out letters. The poisonous snake came after the Red Skull.

"bang, bang, bang"

Three bullets exploded in Red Skull's body in the shape of a pin, but he seemed to have no effect in front of him. He smiled: "Is there any other way?"

"He deflected the explosion."

Natasha, who had been rescued from suffocation, saw this scene and told the team members, which made them frown. Although they knew that the ability of space gems should not be underestimated, they still did not expect it to be so strong.

"It seems that you have no tricks..."

Red Skull looked at the Li Jian team who had been slow to make a move, and couldn't help sneering, but before he could finish speaking, he seemed to be struck by lightning behind him, he turned his head, his eyes like snakes shrunk: "Dan ....Danfoss"

"Wrong, it's Keisha."

At this time, Keisha has become a double star state, white and yellow light enveloped and entangled her, the light emitted is so dazzling.

Just now, she had been observing that the Red Skull would use the power of space for a long time, which is why it was not until the end that the Red Skull removed Coulson's bullet, so she took advantage of the Red Skull's unpreparedness, Using the double star state gave him the fatal blow in the back.

"It seems that I underestimated you."

Red Skull paused and smiled: "Unfortunately, my mission has been completed, and you will all die."

After saying this, the Red Skull suddenly pulled away and twisted a space wormhole [ ], and immediately walked in and left.

But Natasha suddenly found that there was a computer at the end of the room with the dense numbers and symbols entered, she immediately.

Went forward and decoded it.

Rogan saw that and said, "What's the matter?"

Natasha didn't answer, until soon after she unlocked these...strange codes, Li Yang stepped forward, his eyes gradually freezing.

Everyone who felt bad came forward one after another, only to see the last deciphered text: the cosmic coordinate of the earth is 578.


Hope you keep your promise, Thanos.

In the vast universe, a galactic fleet crossed countless places and finally stopped on a small dwarf planet. I saw a purple-skinned giant, sitting on his floating throne and looking into the distance, as if he saw it. That... small but very beautiful planet - Earth.

But he seemed to understand my attack style and easily dodged all my attacks, but I learned a new trick.

I put my hand on Helong's head, jumped forward, and rushed towards him like a drill, his chest was directly pierced by me.

Just when I thought it was over, his pierced hole started to heal so quickly that I was dumbfounded.

Sure enough, the reason for Coulson's strength is definitely not just his superb combat experience.

There are other reasons, because I noticed a detail: There are several pipes where Coulson is penetrated.

It turns out that Coulson has become a transformed man! No wonder he can have such a powerful power.

As I was getting ready to fight him for the next round, Coulson suddenly appeared in front of my face with a... kick to my head.

I was kicked in the air, and the shock knocked me out temporarily.

When I woke up, I saw Natasha with another woman, and Coulson held out his hand to pull me up.

I yelled at Coulson, "You traitor! I won't believe you!"

But Natasha said to me, "Logan, forget it, forget it! Coulson was brainwashed too, and I just woke him up with Avril.

Now he's normal."

I buried my head and said, "Okay then."

I took Coulson's hand and let him pull me up.

I said to both of them, "Li Yang is waiting for us!"

Then I asked them to join me with Li Yang.

At the rendezvous, Keisha had already arrived, and everyone had arrived.

Now is... time to kill the Hydra! Feilu reminds you: [-] things to read and collect,

Chapter 193 The Return of Spider-Man

Chapter 193 The Return of Spider-Man Queens, New York, where the quiet life has been going on for decades, although every community is rumored about the return of Hydra and the record of the Lijian team, but their lives have not been affected The slightest influence, of course, is not that the place is completely unaffected by superpowers, such as that... the little bug that Jin and some people in the town hate-Spider-Man.

"What's the matter? The sales of newspapers and magazines have dropped so much this month. If there is no improvement next month, I can consider making the newspapers less useless."

While pointing at the performance line that didn't drop much, Maggieson yelled: "This must be the... bug."

"You're right, it seems that even Spider-Man has read our newspaper and has given us a lot of bad reviews."

Peter Parker is accustomed to people's malicious comments about Spider-Man, but he has never been clear why Maggieson can involve all the unsatisfactory things in his life on Spider-Man.

And what is even more unclear is why whenever they are in danger, they always shout to let Spider-Man help you.

"It's because he hasn't come to destroy the city these days, so I have nothing to report, he arrogantly said to Peter Parker, who always talked back to him, "You stinky boy, what are you doing here, why are you lazy?" not going to work"

"Understood, I'm going to Washington for an interview today, that... This is an air ticket, can you reimburse me?"

Parker was not in a hurry, and saw that he showed the ticket to Maggieson, but the editor-in-chief of Maggieson didn't look at it, and after reading it, his face was as green as a watermelon rind drawn by an artist.

"What, you will come to me for reimbursement before sending the report, what do you think, don't hurry up."

Of course, it was impossible for Maggieson to agree to his request, and Parker was thrown out immediately.

Parker, who had already understood the result, also gently picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the newspaper office comfortably.

A golden sun is embedded in the blue sky, and a white cloud floats in the clear sky like a lone sail on the blue sea.

Peter Parker walked leisurely on the street with his head in his arms. He had not been Spider-Man for a long time and finally felt a long-lost comfort.

It's June, the wind is blowing, everyone on the street has an economic paper rolled up, everyone is worried about today's stock prices, but no one is worried about the impending crisis.

In the morning, there were more and more people in the vegetable market, one after another.

All kinds of hawking and bargaining sounds intertwined, adding a lively atmosphere to the vegetable market.

There are many shops on both sides of the street, and the carefully arranged shop windows are like beautiful paintings displayed in front of people.

The city is prosperous, the ideal walks on the stage that the world looks up to, and Peter Parker shuttles in the air of the prosperous city.

The thing in the world is... so wonderful, it's been so long since he first became Spider-Man.

In the early morning, the wide street and the bustling city are full of traffic.

The roads are paved with golden fallen leaves, and the leaves adorn the streets with their fleeting years gone by.

The air conditioner is on in the shopping mall next to it, music is playing, and shopping here makes you forget that it is a hot summer outside.

Parker, who had just bought a pancake, received it.

Message from Jane: I must buy some roses when I get home today. Remember, dear Jane.

He knew that he was going to miss his wedding anniversary again, but his teacher had not married Aunt Pozzi until now, and he was much stronger at that.

But before he could finish sending the message, a Maserati suddenly galloped up and stopped in front of him, only to see a woman in tight clothes walking out of the car: Betty.

Brandt, Peter Parker's first love.

"Need a ride, Parker."

Brandt asked casually.

"I don't think I need it anymore."

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