My father couldn't avoid it because of his old age.

So the father was also swallowed, but the power of the father did not disappear.

When his father entered the wolf's belly, he used Gungnir to pierce its heart and kill him.

But my father never came out.

At this point Thanos approached me, and I was just about to fight back when I was punched and flew into space.

And smashed the patrol's spaceship... I said, with tears in my eyes.

Star-Lord looked at me and said to me, "So old man, where do you most want to go now?"

I looked him in the eyes and said to him, "I don't know if my brother Loki is still alive, but I think we should go back to Earth first to protect the Time Gem!"

Star-Lord listened to my words and smiled.

Say to the bear in the cockpit: "Full speed ahead! Target - Earth."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 195 The Rout of the Guardians of the Galaxy

Chapter 195 The Defeat of the Guardians of the Galaxy In a place tens of thousands of light-years away from the earth, there is a team, the name of this team is "Guardians of the Galaxy"

Their only vehicle for navigating the vast universe is...their ship.

"Yo, little raccoon, how far are we from Titan"

A handsome, brown-black-haired guy said.

"About 1 light-year or so:."

A cute little raccoon said.

A beautiful-looking, green-skinned woman said to the... boy, "Peter, tell us about our mission this time."

The guy turned his head to the green-skinned beauty and said, "Gamora, I know I'm very worried about our safety, but this time we have to deal with the strange mutation of Titan."


The green-skinned beauty asked another woman who agreed that she had pale green skin, but was not as strong as her, and had two more tentacles than her head.

"Call me Mantis."

said the woman.

Seeing that Mantis didn't want to talk to her, Gamora asked a man who looked very strong and had many patterns on his body.


The man turned his head slowly, as if he was not very smart, and said to Gamora, "I think Peter is right."

At this time, a small tree that has been playing the game again said: "Groot"

There was a hint of affirmation in his voice.

Seeing that everyone agreed with Peter's decision, Gamora said to Peter, "Okay, but I said beforehand that I will kill him personally when I meet that... Purple Potato Monster!"

Peter nodded, he knew who...the Purple Potato Monster was...the... Thanos who killed half of Gamora's planet.

Gamora called him that because of his resemblance to a purple potato.

Peter looked at the star map and found that Titan's energy fluctuations became larger: he hurriedly said to the raccoon sitting in the cockpit: "Full speed! Go to Titan in the shortest time!"

Rocket raccoon pulled the valve, and the spacecraft's ejectors all opened, and all began to run at full power.


With a bang, the spacecraft flew into the atmosphere of Titan.

As can be seen from the atmosphere, there are two shadows glowing purple and yellow on the ground, and each time these two shadows hit, the spacecraft retreats a few meters.

Peter said to Rocket, "Looks like it's here, little raccoon! Let's drop the ship on the surface and let's see what the hell it is."

Rocket Raccoon said impatiently to Peter: "I see, I know! Don't call me little raccoon, call my full name Rocket Raccoon?"

Peter smiled at him, not just him, but the whole ship.

Except...Groot, because it doesn't laugh.

When the spaceship landed, Peter said to everyone, "Can you call me Star-Lord in the future?"

The crowd nodded.

Star-Lord took out two small laser guns in the arsenal, put on a mask with two red tactical goggles, took a sword and set off.

Sampson grabbed a dagger, Gamora grabbed two knives, and Rocket grabbed his jetpack and rifle and set off.

As for Groot and Mantis, one doesn't and one doesn't have to fight.

They followed the captain, Star-Lord, who looked at his detector, and stopped in an open area.

Gamora said to Star-Lord, "What's going on here.


Star-Lord replied: "I don't know either!"

Then he lowered his head and asked the much shorter rocket raccoon, "is there something wrong with your stuff?"

Rocket Raccoon immediately.

Retorted: "How could there be something wrong with my stuff?"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge stone flew towards them.

"Be careful!"

Sampson shouted, pushed his teammates away, stood in front of them, and punched the big rock.

A blond-haired, handsome man appeared beside them, and Star-Lord noticed him "Is Adam really you?"

The man nodded, "Yes, I am Adam the Magician"

As he spoke, he showed them a yellow stone, which was called the Soul Gem.

"But this is not the time to chat!"

Adam pulled them up and flew into the air, Star-Lord looked down and saw a larger stone flying over.

After evading the attack, the stone fell on the ground, the sand was scattered in the air, and the true face of the enemy was gradually revealed.

The muscles as hard as diamonds, the 4-meter-tall body, and the purple skin.

Gamora recognized it at a glance, this person is her adoptive father, that is, the purple potato monster in her mouth - Thanos.

After Thanos came out of the smoke, everyone looked at the...golden glove with a purple gem on it. That... gem is the power gem that represents infinite power.

Thanos looked at Gamora and said to her, "My daughter, if you are willing to join me now, then I can continue to be your father."

When Gamora heard this, she quickly put on a fighting stance and said to Thanos: "You damn demon, you killed my clan, you must die here today."

After listening to Gamora's words, Thanos shook his head and said, "Daughter, why are you so obsessed?"

As soon as Thanos finished saying this, he was hit by a laser on the shoulder. Fortunately, Thanos hid quickly, otherwise his head might suffer.

And it was Adam the Magician who released the laser.

Thanos looked at Adam angrily and said to him: "A good conversation between father and daughter, why did you suddenly interrupt me!"

After he finished speaking, the power gem in his hand flashed a dazzling light.

Adam pushed the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy away and blocked the powerful energy shock for them with a barrier.

Thanos said to Adam: "Adam the magician! The mind gem in your hand, I'm going to fix it!"

Saying that, while suppressing Adam with the Power Stone, he walked towards him.

If the Guardians of the Galaxy hadn't come here, Adam could have used his physical body to confront this power, but not now.

Star-Lord looked anxious at this scene, and shot at Thanos' head... a burst of fire, Rocket Raccoon saw that Star-Lord did this, and he did the same.

Sampson's body can easily carry 100 tons of pressure, so he rushed straight in.

As for Groot, he used some vines to entangle Thanos so that he could not move forward, while Mantis and Adam worked hard to release the energy wall and used energy blasting to attack Thanos.

Although Thanos has the blessing of the Power Stone, he cannot deal with the common attack of so many people.

But the place was very open, so he retracted the barrier and fired a beam of light into the air.

Seeing this, Adam hurriedly asked the guards to leave, and Star-Lord asked him, "Why did we kill him before with you?"

Adam said to him: "This signal is the signal to call the fleet, if we don't go, we will all die!"

As soon as the voice fell, one after another laser shot towards this area. Adam quickly opened the barrier and yelled at the mantis: "You take them away, be sure to remember to open the barrier!"

After finishing speaking, Adam used the Mind Stone to use the energy riot to delay the time.

The mantis also covered Star-Lord and others back to the spacecraft in time.

After returning to the spaceship, everyone was silent because Adam was gone.

The energy of the mind gem connects this Adam's life, the energy riots, and the life refuses to exist.

Mantis said to Star-Lord: "We are not in silence now, we have to determine where Thanos is going next!"

Star-Lord said silently: "Earth, because the earth has the time gem."

After speaking, he immediately.

Put Rocket Raccoon in the cockpit of the spaceship and start rushing to Earth to defend the Time Stone.

On the way, they came across a wreckage and saw a strong, dying man inside, and they pulled him in.

When the strong man woke up, they told him their identities, and he also explained his identity.

His name is Thor, the son of Odin, and the space gem of their planet was taken by a man who calls himself Thanos.

Then, he began to tell his story...

Chapter 196 Gathering and being attacked

Chapter 196 Assembly and Attack That's it, Thor came to Earth with the help of Star-Lord and others.

However, the spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy was shot down by the Earth Alliance as an enemy because of its large size.

Rocket raccoon pulled the steering wheel and said to Thor: "What kind of organization do you call the Avengers so scary?"

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