Fury gushed out from Thor's eyes, and the power of thunder and lightning instantly lingered around him.

"You guys, nothing more!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 199 Situation Analysis

Chapter 199 Situation Analysis "Say goodbye, maybe your master will come to you too."

After speaking, Thor, who was already suspended in the air, raised the Thor's Hammer and the Storm Axe, and rubbed the two weapons against each other. In an instant, the thunder and lightning condensed in the air and turned into a beam of electricity and light, which fell straight down. They were facing the two ebony throats covered by it.


The thunder and lightning struck, and the heavy people all looked in the direction they were in. The dust in the sky could not block their sight. Upon closer inspection, the three people with ebony throats seemed to have fallen, but they still widened their eyes, not wanting to miss it. A little possible change.


The praying mantis of the bank escort was the first to sense the position of the three ebony throats, and pointed to a place covered by dust.

The Riken team looked at them in unison, surprised by their abilities.

Wolverine said, "This girl with tentacles on her head is quite capable, but she is really unbelievable.

Just when Star-Lord wanted to boast, Logan added, "At least it's more useful than this fat captain." I'm strong, not fat."

Star-Lord said to Logan in dissatisfaction, but subconsciously touched his slightly protruding belly.

"Enough, you have nothing to do with being strong, and you are only one meal away from being fat."

The Rockets mercilessly demolished his stage.

"Okay, enough of you, they don't seem to be hurt very badly."

Gamora, who was watching the battle from the side, said.

"What a tough leather."

Thor, who was at the forefront, looked at the black dwarf who blocked the blow for them, and couldn't help but say.

"It seems that you are unwilling to be loyal to your lord, but looking at your strength, it is impossible to resist our lord."

Ebony-throated came over, shook the dust on his body again, and after speaking, waved his fingers and dozens of extremely thin metal rods came straight at them. Although they were plain on the surface, they were full of the energy radiation of dark matter. , Keisha and Avril didn't dare to be careless in the face of such a powerful attack, they quickly squeezed out an ion ball and swung it over, and the rest of the crowd followed closely, rushing towards the black dwarf and supergiant.

"Then it's our turn now."

Ebony Throat waved his finger again, and hundreds of metal rods formed again immediately, and the supergiant and black dwarf stars around him immediately.

He followed, and the big black dwarf charged towards them first, with hundreds of energy metal bars behind him.

"Brother Octopus, look this way."

It was Stark's voice, and while he was talking, he stretched out his index finger and hooked his ebony throat...  

"The over-the-top clown."

Ebony Maw didn't plan to fight him at all, but decided to go directly to the command center to destroy the command center here.

Seeing that Ebony Maw was not fooled, he had no choice but to fly directly in front of Ebony Maw, blocking his way to the command center, "Hey, you know, octopus on the East Coast will be a lot of people like to grill them and eat, and You know I love eating them"

Stark said to Star-Lord next to him.

"I prefer to eat it fried, it feels very crunchy."

Star-Lord spoke up."

"Then what do you think will happen if he is fried and eaten."

Stark watched the ebony throat getting worse... The blue face also continued to tease Star-Lord like this.

"You are looking for death."

Ebony throat immediately.

With a wave of his finger, the hundreds of metal rods just now flew back and flew straight to the two people in front of him.

"Right now, Logan."

"Gamora, do it."

This opportunity shouted to teammates while firing lasers to try to block these metal rods.

Hearing this call, Logan and Gamora who were at the side immediately.

Running from behind Ebony Throat, Logan's wolf claws immediately stabbed into Ebony Throat's chest, while Gamora's dagger slashed his throat.

Ebony Maw didn't look at the two, but looked at Gamora and said, "His Royal Highness Gamora, I really didn't expect that one day, as a former student of mine, you would actually want to kill me."

"Then did you think about it when you slaughtered my entire planet?"

Gamora said with an expressionless face, in fact, as early as a few years ago, after learning of her own life experience, she had no feelings for Thanos and his gang, so it was impossible for her to show mercy to Ebony Throat.


Even so, the ebony throat with the power of the mind easily pushed them away, and after saying this, he and the black dwarf star and the supergiant star left from the wormhole [ ] that suddenly appeared beside him.

"Team Riken, when we come next time, I hope you will be ready to be slaughtered."

With the hour of this last sentence, the wormhole [ ] also slowly closed.

Half an hour later, in another hall, Steve said: "I am afraid that the attack of Ebony Throat this time is not only to spy on our reality and wait for an opportunity to snatch the soul gem, but it may also have other purposes."

"Don't hide your choking, you can say what the purpose is."

Logan, who has always been straight, has always been dissatisfied with the past S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... the rules of concealing information, especially because they show distrust of the team members, which is one of the reasons why he left here in the first place.

"They're still here to stall for other things."

Li Yang calmly analyzed.

"But we don't have any information about attacks anywhere else on the planet,"

Natasha looked at the information that just came from all over the earth.


Gamora seems to realize something "They're stalling trying to get the remaining gems."

"Then what are they going to look for?"

asked Natasha, who also realized this, asked.

"It is very likely that it is the Reality Stone and the Soul Stone. If we let him get these two stones, our chances of defeating him become very slim.

And he's most likely missing the Reality Gem right now."

"Why the Reality Gem"

Li Yang asked.

"Because some idiot put that thing in the collector."

He will definitely show off everywhere, Xing sneered unceremoniously.

"Do you think it's more dangerous to put it in his hands than to put it in you, who used to want to exchange it for money?"

Thor exposes his one-time underbelly.

"Okay, now there are three things we want to call:, the first is... to get back the Reality Gem, and second, we must contact Doctor Strange, otherwise it will be too difficult to fight Thanos with our current strength, if next time The Obsidian Five and Thanos and their allies come, and we are lost."

"But now we don't even know who Thanos' allies are."

Star-Lord asked.

"Tor, do you know anyone?"

Steve asked Thor, who first fought Thanos, "I have my sisters Hela and Loki, and I don't know the rest."

Thor took a sip of strong wine and said.

The bullshit is over, it's time to work.

Keisha and Natasha tried their best to persuade Doctor Strange to help us.

Mister Star-Lord, can you act with us?"

Steve asked Quill.

"I think it's best to ask someone to help."

Star Lord said.

"When did you become: so cultured"

Rocket and Destroyer said aside.

"Okay, then can you cooperate with us?" Yes, gentleman.

After Star-Lord finished speaking, he saw his teammates look at him with disdain.

"Then you and your teammates go to the void with Li Yang, Coulson, and Thor to retrieve the Reality Gem.

This task is very important.”

Steve spoke to them solemnly.


Steve looked at Wolverine.

"Understood, I'll go to the professor now."

Logan replied before Steve finished speaking.

Steve looked at Natasha again and asked, "How did Peter Parker respond?"

"much better."

"Well, we're going to completely wipe out the remnants of these Hydras."

Steve finished the sentence heavily.

"Okay, let's do it ourselves."

Finally, Steve said.

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